
joined 1 year ago
[–] rockSlayer 8 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

Real question, are there any instances of someone's research being so niche that the only option is to cite themselves?

[–] rockSlayer 28 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

The appropriate response when a fascist makes a good point is to tell them to fuck off, because they're going to twist that to fit their bullshit.

[–] rockSlayer 6 points 1 day ago

Nothing. He's banking his win on core supporters only, hoping Harris fumbles in the days leading up, and planning another coup. He's just detailing the culture war stuff.

[–] rockSlayer 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

By the nature of ETFs, you're definitely going to make less income because your money gets put into an investment pool and returns are proportional. However it makes you less tied to the stock market, which is increasingly tied to a person's ability to retire

[–] rockSlayer 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

Well, both of us are socialists (I can't comment on the other person). We think about money in such a different way that any money joke about investment is going to lose it's humor. I don't understand it as a joke either, but I definitely understood the financial advice. He selected some large, relatively uncontroversial companies that will pay you part of the quarterly profits based on the number of stocks you own. Tbh I'd avoid the day trading and choose high dividend ETFs instead. $100k is still very out of reach for most people, but it's a reasonable investing portfolio.

[–] rockSlayer 56 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And the dude said it to a native American whose tribe has been in the region for millennia. He's not even a native to the state.

[–] rockSlayer 22 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Right, I'm not denying that. People have always been smart. The problem that calculus solved was the intensely difficult algebra that it replaced

[–] rockSlayer 65 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The joke is that calculus as a field of mathematics didn't exist until millennia after the fall of the empire

[–] rockSlayer 58 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Because the faces have no consistency lmao, pain rated at 5 shouldn't look happier than rank 1

[–] rockSlayer 1 points 3 days ago

Probably, but it's a hardware store. I don't know about the habits of folks outside of my little corner of the Midwest, but very few people return things to them anyways

[–] rockSlayer 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

Watch out for that 11% rebate

Edit: sometimes I forget that Menards is a Midwest thing. Their big advertising thing is that you can mail your receipt to receive 11% of the bill back

[–] rockSlayer 7 points 3 days ago

British people were forced to abandon their rock piles and most of history since has been about them making it everyone's problem

Guess the area (

10 points for guessing the street




By Walker C. Smith

This pamphlet may enable the readers to see their reflection on a printed page without the aid of glass or quicksilver. Right off the reel we wish to state that these cartoons that please you are portraits of the other fellow, while the ones that arouse your ire are exactly as though you had looked in a mirror. Knowing that Capitalism is builded on Blocks, the Cartoonist thought to weaken the foundation by joking some knowledge into those Blocks which have been split open a trifle in the College of Hard Knocks. Mr. Block appeared- and his success was instantaneous.

Mr. Block is legion. He is the representative of that host of slaves who think in terms of their masters. Mr. Block owns nothing, yet he speaks from the standpoint of a millionaire; he is patriotic without patrimony; he is a law-abiding outlaw; he boasts of our "tremendous wheat exports," yet has no bread on his table; he licks the hand that smites him and kisses the boot that kicks him; he is a personification of all that a worker should not be.

But Mr. Block is part of the labor problem. In fact, were it not for innumerable Mr. Blocks there would be no labor problem. Mr. Block blocks the pathway of progress. Yet it is from the Blocks that we must recruit our forces to overthrow wage slavery, and this can be done only by reaching Mr. Block with the message of industrial unionism.

As this is an age in which pictures play a leading part, an age where the moving picture show has stolen the audiences of the church and where the magazine without illustrations has fallen by the wayside, this little book of cartoons, showing the every-day experiences of Mr. Block- the average worker is sent out to catch the eye and mould the mind of any Block into whose hands it might fall.

The most of the cartoons in this book were originally published in the Industrial Worker of Spokane, Washington, from week to week. The series is still running and tens of thousands of workers eagerly watch the adventures of Mr. Block each week. This book is sent out to put the series in more permanent form.

The Cartoonist has pictured the grim humor that underlies the tragedy of the great class war and if these sketches serve to cause only a few desertions from the ranks of Block army that guards for the masters the very wealth that has been stolen from it, then the publication of the book will not have been in vain.

To those rebellious spirits who are marching steadfastly toward Industrial Freedom, making war on Blockism and fighting battles of the working class, this book is respectfully dedicated.



Panel 1:

Mr Block is reading an advertisement in the daily paper

Ad: Men wanted. Good wages. Apply in office of this paper.

Mr Block: At last! Here's a job for me, I'll go after it!

Panel 2:

Mr Block sprinting to the office: It's no use kicking about in hard times. A man can get a job if he goes after it.

Panel 3:

Mr Block imagining scenes of violent thoughts as the office worker talks

Office worker: Position just filled.

Panel 4:

Wobbly offering Mr Block a copy of the Industrial Worker: Stung again, heh? Didn't you know that capitalist papers are printing blind ads in order to get the last penny from the unemployed? Here's a paper that'll put you wise to the game!

Panel 5:

Hundreds of blockheads reading the Industrial Worker as the Wobbly walks away

Wobbly: You see, the number of blocks run into the thousands and it pays to advertise.

Panel 6:

Mr Block being beaten by a cop: Officer please! I am a peaceable citizen!

Cop just doing his duty: Shut up! you fellers have to move on, you're block(he)ading the street!


This is part 3 to Mr. Block goes to the Dakota Harvest; part 1, part 2


Panels 1-4:

Stranger: Mr Block, you are the best worker of all the harvest hands. I know you are a patriot and I like you. I am the owner of this farm and I will make you manager. Your salary will be $500 per month. The job is easy. Take your pocket flag and when you see a harvest hand on the point of exhaustion, wave the flag before his eyes and appeal to his patriotism so he keeps on working. You can also use the flag at mealtime and make the men swallow the rotten grub without grumbling.

Panel 5:

Mr Block: I have been a Patriot all my life and I knew I would get my reward some day!

Farm Owner: You deserve it. Good bye Mr Block.

Panel 6:

Insane asylum employee: Did you see crazy Chris? He imagines he owns all the farms between the Atlantic and the Pacific.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by rockSlayer to c/mrblock


Panel 1:

Mr. Block: Some knocker told me that a poor man hasn't a chance in the courts against the rich man. It's a lie! There is justice before the law under the American flag and-

Panel 2:

Mr. Block severely injured in a hit-and-run: Outch! I will sue you for damages!

Panel 3:

Lawyer: All kinds of bones broken and internal injuries besides. Fine! That makes a nice case.

Mr. Block: I will get justice alright.

Panel 4:

Lawyer 2 years later: The case is decided in your favor Mr. Block.

Mr. Block: Hurray for justice

Panel 5:

Lawyer: 100 dollar damages. My fee is 95. Leaves you 5 Mr. Block

Panel 6-7:

Mr. Block stares in contempt at the settlement

Mr. Block angrily looks at the US flag on his shoulder, as patriotism vents from his blockhead

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by rockSlayer to c/mrblock

This is part 2 to Mr. Block goes to the Dakota Harvest; part 1, part 3


Panel 1:

Mr. Block: At last I am through! Sixteen hours a day harvesting is too much.

Panel 2:

Mr. Block: Boss, I am tired and would like to go to sleep right away. Where's my bed?

Boss: Beds for harvest blocks!? Are you crazy?! You'll have to find a flop on the prairie.

Panel 3:

Mr. Block: That ain't right! Nice stables for the stock and I have to sleep outside in the damp. I'll find me a place in the stables.

Panel 4:

stable hand chasing Mr. Block out, throwing pitchfork: Get out you bum! You can't sleep here

Mr. Block: Excuse me, mr stable boss

Panel 5:

Mr. Block: I am not an I.W.W. but I dare say- this ain't right.

Panel 6:

Mr. Block sleeping in a field, happily dreaming about being a pig asleep in a stable



Panel 1:

Mr. Block burning a copy of the International Worker: This anarchist paper from Spokane is the limit. It says a working man can't get rich by saving his money. T'aint so.

Panel 2:

Mr. Block reading a different paper: Here's a respectable paper. It says everyone can be successful if he only makes up his mind. That's the dope.

Panel 3:

Mr. Block: There's success staring me right in the face. I am going to invest my savings at once.

Panel 4:

Investor: Thank you, Mr. Block

Mr. Block: it took me ten years of hard labor to save it.

Panel 5:

Mr. Block: The ambition of my life will soon be realized. I will be rich and won't have to work anymore. I will build a nice house and enjoy life. Hurrah!

Panel 6:

The investment company explodes

Investor flying away in an airship: Meet me in Monte Carlo.

Mr. Block: Busted!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by rockSlayer to c/mrblock


Panel 1:

Workers: I can do more work than anyone in this gang. Hurry up! I can beat you!

Boss: It's a nice bunch of suckers. I think they will stand for a reduction in wages, alright.

Panel 2:

Boss: I am awful sorry boys, but business is slack. I have to cut your wages.

Workers: Alright boss. Too bad.

Panel 3:

the IWW bugs bite the workers

IWW Bugs: Don't submit! Bum pay, bum work! Organize. Use sabotage. Take it easy.

Panel 4:

IWW bugs flying away: If you fellows unite, you can abolish exploitation all together.

Workers performing work to rule: That's about enough for one load. Short pay, short shovel.

Panel 5:

Boss: Gee! What am I going to do. The whole country is going IWW bugs. Instead of cutting wages, I have to raise them.

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