
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago (3 children)

A friend of mine believes similar except it's that everything in Linux doesn't actually work and you have to fix it constantly. It's rather frustrating to deal with.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

[email protected]

Recently created by me as a sort of occult space with room to grow.


As the moderator of what I hope will become a very interesting discussion space, fingers crossed I would like to give a small introduction of Me and my beliefs.

My name is Rev. Ze, I'm going by this for the moment as I don't know the likelihood of being doxxed, and I've seen Reddit.

I am a polytheist, magick practitioner, and folk witch that hails from the hills of Tennessee. I grew up southern baptist, and then Evangelical, before finally getting my first taste of what non-Christian spirituality had to offer. Like many of you, this came about due to me discovering my sexuality and The Church were in hard disagreement, among many, many, many other things that would take far more lines to list than this.

My current timeline for this journey of self-discovery is as follows:

At 15, it became painfully obvious that I was on the outs at my Church. I'd prayed many a time, but it seemed my prayers fell on deaf ears. From then on it was a variable will they, won't they of cat and mouse, religion hopping, madness till I finally settled on my current bid, which is a sort-of Gnostic, Catholic, Eclectic Pagan free for all.

I think I'll end this here, for now. I'll add a link to the Revolt server once it's more polished.

Peace out!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thank you, how do I do that again?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

You understand incorrectly.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

It seems to be not working well as of late, I'm not sure why. A good amount of the shows I watch throw back an error.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for the site, I'd genuinely never heard of this and was looking for something new!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

I'm glad somebody finally said this, but I do have some critiques on the matter.

I am a polytheist magic practitioner who has been sort of attempting to rebuild a bridge with, while at the same time deconstructing and getting to really know, my Christian-ish faith. I have dedicated my practice to knowing everything about The Demiurge/OTG ("One True God") that I can do that I can better defend against it. In my personal studies, bibliomancy, tarot, scrying, spirit work, death work, I have found an odd thing.

Yes, the "Abrahamic God/Yahweh" is intrinsically connected to The Demiurge/Yaldabaoth, but not in the oh so malicious way we've all come to know.

Know, obviously do your own research here, but my research has led me to the following conclusion/s: Yahweh and Yaldabaoth are related in the sense that the OTG is a sort of pseudo-parasitic twin type thing that was originally a part of GOD before God split and became, well, everything. From my own personal soul searching, astral walking, shit show, I've come into contact with both the OTG and Yahweh. Distinct energetic and empathetic differences, one is self centered, egotistical, and downright evil, the other is, well, they feel like home, I guess is my best description.

I've also confirmed this with other ''witchy" friends of mine, as well as through direct lines to my other Gods. I look forward to further studying it in hopes that it can be fully extinguished one day.

I will add more later, I am currently writing this at 3:00 on a phone. I have a few books and such, as well as the TikTok of someone who's probably a lot more qualified to removed this out than I am.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Given my mystic/esoteric follies, and my general flare for the dramatic, I tend to blend my mind's eye form with what I try to appear as in astral: Usually some variant of myself, usually differently shaped, preferably with wings or horns, or both.

I don't care for my looks from the neck down, despite my husband's constant insistence that I'm beauty incarnate.

I consider myself the ruling entity of my Mind Palace, with the occasional spirit or other entity sometimes taking precedence. I've never thought of myself as important, most likely due to my being raised Evangelical, but I'm finding more and more people think of me that way, much to my utter discomfort and confusion.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Ooh, same! I always thought this was odd, so it's nice to find someone else who thinks like this!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

Well, that was certainly a rollercoaster. Points for authenticity and uniqueness. Also, what the actual ever loving fuck?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Hexbear was/is a shit show. Then again, I hate politics and idiots with a burning passion. (Grew up in the South with Far right idiots belching brain dead arguments) It's very hostile. I was semi-fine with hostility on Reddit, I'd happily bite and fight. But, I'm honestly trying to have a good experience, so Hexbear is a no-go for me.

And for the inevitable herd of Hexbearians that will no doubt squawk this post to hell: I am a nonbinary, demisexual, melungeon witch, I can't stand racists or bigots or *phobes, I don't care for politics or politicians, but will happily vote for whoever doesn't try to make my existence illegal!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I'm wondering what repo the Debian instance gets its packages from, more specifically the adb and fastboot binaries.

Thanks in advance to whoever finds this out, you will literally be saving me so much headache!

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