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Lavenderism is a reformed new religious movement and/or form of spirituality. It is based on philosophy, activism, self improvement and the worship (or veneration) of innumerable spirits and gods, though many are initially unimportant. It also includes magical practices that can benefit those who are able to wield them.

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When the tigers used to smoke, there was a small tribe deep in the forests of what is now the United Kingdom. They were extremely remote and had no neighbors except for some fairies. They lived peacefully alongside them for decades, until one day some malicious fairies realized they had become a lot stronger than the humans, and began kidnapping them as well as inflicting other cruelties on the human tribe. They called upon the god of the moon, and he sang a song that caused a flaming meteor of iron to fall from the sky and in the forest near the tribe. They found the meteor and turned it into iron.

They used the iron to make armor, and this protected them from evil fairies although it was not enough. The God of Fear And Hunger noticed what was going on, and told them the secret of iron. Iron was able to kill the fairies, and when told this they made metal rods they used to beat down the evil fairies that came to kidnap them or kill them. They bashed the heads of countless evil fairies. Most were out of defense, but some were in anger which caused the fairies to move to another dimension away from humanity.


El ritual empieza con una baile y llamadas por el espíritu en que la gente quiere peticionar. Se dice el enn de el demonio para llamarle la atención si tienen uno, y se llaman a venir desde Pandemonium, El Infierno, o de donde sea. Cuando los demonios vienen, ellos poseen el cuerpo de un exorcista, y usan el cuerpo de la persona para interactuar con los participantes. En este momento pueden dar ofrendas al espíritu o peticionar para ayuda o bendiciones. Cuando el ritual se termina, el espíritu se va del cuerpo del exorcista y regresa al infierno.

The ritual starts with a dance and calling for the spirit the people want to petition. The enn of the demon is said to call their attention if they have one, and they are called to come from Pandemonium, Hell, Or wherever else. They possess the body of the exorcist, and use their body to interact with the other participants in the ritual. This is when they can be given offerings or petitions for help or blessings. When the ritual is over, the spirit leaves the body of the exorcist and returns to hell.


Many loans, especially student loans, are annoying and will not resolve themselves until a certificate of death is acquired. Unless you have a near-death experience where you are dead for a few minutes before coming back to life, you would most likely be considered to be engaging in fraud if you claimed to be dead to escape debt. However, the god of death has a lot of lawyers and can provide us a solution to this. You would be considered “Spiritually Dead” by those of us who practice Lavenderism which means you are considered otherworldly and a ghost with a physical body, which is not technically alive in the official paperwork of the gods.

The difference between being legally dead and spiritually dead, is that being spiritually dead means paperwork in the spiritual world considers you to be dead as opposed to paperwork here by the governments of the land of the living. Being considered spiritually dead also allows you to practice necromancy and perform certain rituals easier, at the cost of feeling out of place in the land of the living, thinking about your own death more often, and maybe having higher dark triad traits or psychopathic symptoms.

For this ritual, call upon any deity that is associated with death. The Black Fox is the obvious choice, but you can call upon The White Fox, Baron Blackjack, Maman Meche, The Drowned God, or The God Of Fear And Hunger. You say the following;

“Oh gods of death I want to be considered spiritually dead by the governments of the underworld. I will be allowed through the gates of hell by the border guards easily, I will be able to speak to the dead, and I will be immune to any kind of debt from the land of the living! I am spiritually dead, but what is dead may never die!”

This ritual is associated with The Black Fox but is made possible due to influence from The Drowned God.


El Café es una sustancia que se puede usar para dar energía a los ancestros, espíritus, demonios, o cualquier guía espiritual que tienes. Debes tener una buena idea de que estas dando café, porque un impostor o espíritu malo puede usar la energía de café para hacer algo malo. Para dar fuerza a el ori, puedes virar café frío por la cabeza o usarlo en el pelo. Esto ayuda con protección y con poderes espirituales.

Coffee is a substance that can be used to empower ancestors, spirits, demons or whatever spirit guides you have.You should have a good idea of what you are giving coffee, because an imposter or evil spirit can use the energy of coffee to do something bad. To empower your ori, you can pour coffee on your head or use it on your hair. This helps with protection and spiritual abilities.


Someone tried to kill Trump again, so we are getting more choreographed tears and sympathizing of the man from American state media. I would never advocate violence and I know I would personally be super sad at the death of a class enemy and oppressor. If you’re a socialist you should also not perform an act of adventurism that will give the regime anything that can be used as propaganda against our ideology. Even though some people may be frustrated by the situation, they can at least enjoy seeing their local news anchors being visibly annoyed that they have to go and fake cry about this again. Additionally this assassination attempt provides us the opportunity to share our political ideas with other people who may be affected by the recent event and open to new political ideas.

Communists still have an uphill battle, but things that were once unthinkable to the majority of people are relatively mainstream now, such as wishing death upon political leadership or seeing their own ideas and feelings reflected in a person labeled a terrorist by the media. The people are realizing that their social order is based on exploitation and brainwashing, they just need it articulated to them so they can begin to develop a revolutionary consciousness based on Marxism-Leninism and can articulate these ideas without the tendencies of revisionism, liberalism and right deviationism.

To address the question of why people are trying to assassinate certain politicians? Because they are class enemies, and the people do not need Marxism to understand that they are being oppressed by the ruling class. However, that does not mean they deeply understand the complex mechanisms that make their subjugation possible and perpetuate it. Even liberals and rightists are looking through their scopes to try and get a high score on the former president. The news is wailing about anti-government extremism, but in a society where the government is a tool of the bourgeois class, being anti-government is the only way of being a true hero of the people.


Once upon a time there was a mailman who was always on drugs, and tripped while shoving mail into mailboxes and often put the wrong mail into any mailbox he went to. One day while shoving a bunch of papers into a random mailbox, he was seduced by the woman living in the house who was half-cat with fur, ears, and a tail. He began having an affair with her and talking about conspiracies and ideologies he is a part of, but she found it cute or just thought he was silly. However, he once talked the cat woman into going to the club with her at night and she went. She was drugged by the man with acid, and the man took her to a bunker and did not allow her to leave because he thought nuclear war was about to start and he would need the cat woman to repopulate the Earth. Despite seeming nervous, she agreed and said that if a nuclear would happen soon, she would need a lot of cat food, litter, treats, and milk. The mailman went on a long shopping spree to get her cat toys and supplies, while the cat woman started picking the locks on the chains and preparing to ambush the man. As soon as he came back into the bunker, she hit him over the head with a pipe and kicked him in the balls so she could grab the keys and run out. She made it and slammed the door, leaving the mailman to be stuck inside with no food and no way to escape.


Cuando el demiurgo malvado creó el mundo donde vivimos ahora, creó el primer humano por el nombre Adam, de arcilla. El creó la diosa Lilith para servir como una esposa de Adam, pero Lilith no podía aceptar a Adam como esposo porque no quería ser un subordinado a un esposo. El demiurgo se llenó de rabia y mató a los hijos de Lilith como venganza por no complir con sus deseos. Cuando Lilith creció alas y se fue volando de Edén, el demiurgo creó a la esposa de Adam de un hueso, que fue nombrada Eve. Ellos vivían en ignorancia debajo de el demiurgo hasta que Lucifer llegó al jardín en forma de serpiente, y enseñó a la pareja una fruta que los podían enseñar la verdad, pero que fue prohibido por el demiurgo. El demiurgo en coraje hizo a la gente usar ropa, e hizo a la gente mortal, introduciendo la muerte a la humanidad. Los hijos de Adam Y Eve tenian que reproducir incestuosamente, pero a el demiurgo no le importaba porque los hijos de incesto fueron deformados y loco como el.

When the evil demiurge created the world where we live now, he created the first human by the name of Adam from clay. He also created the goddess Lilith to serve as his wife, but she refused because she did not want to be subordinate to a husband. The demiurge became full of rage and took revenge by killing Lilith’s children for not complying with his desires. When Lilith grew wings and went flying from Eden, the demiurge created the wife of Adam from a bone, and she was named Eve. They lived in ignorance under the demiurge until Lucifer came to the garden in the form of a snake, and showed the couple a fruit that could show them the truth, but was forbidden by the demiurge. The demiurge in anger forced people to wear clothes, and made people mortal, introducing death to humanity. The children of Adam and Eve had to reproduce through incest, but the demiurge did not care because the children born of incest were deformed and insane just like him.


Trauma has an effect on the subconscious mind and it explains a lot of things we don’t understand on the surface. People are more likely to stay in groups that traumatize them in some way like friends that make mean jokes or organizations that abuse their members behind the scenes. They are also more likely to form closer bonds with people they experience traumatic experiences with. Even in the context of some magical practices, giving blood or self-injurious behaviors are sometimes used to bring manifestations.

The reason for this goes back to survival, and because it draws upon the abilities and The God Of Fear And Hunger. Even animal sacrifice or human sacrifice is traumatic to a person who performs it which would explain why they are such common tropes around the world. You obviously should not do anything to harm yourself or others, but performing tasks you would rather not, eating spicy food, or using trauma to manifest will bring results.


Once upon a time, there was an elderly man coming home from the grocery store who went to unlock his door. To his surprise, the lock would not accept his key and he was greeted by a strange woman that claimed the house was hers. The man had been living there and was not a landlord, so he was unsure how the woman was able to steal his house in such a short time. Before he could make any conclusions, an identical woman runs up to him from behind and steals his wallet and car keys from his pocket before starting his car impossibly fast and driving away before he could even move. He was furious, and before the woman could close the door, he put his foot inside and forced himself in. The furniture and rooms were completely different, as if someone had been living there for years. He quickly grabbed the shotgun hanging above the fireplace and shot the woman, but he just managed to remove her arm and chased at him seemingly unfazed by the injury. She would smile at him with sharp teeth and scream “This is my house now!” and attempt to bite his head. The man dodged and hit the woman in the mouth with the butt of his gun, managing to break some of the woman’s teeth, but they just grew back out in seconds like the teeth of a shark.

The man got away from the woman by running into the other parts of the house, but he quickly got lost because the layout of the home was impossibly large and entirely different from before. He had long hallways like a hotel and rooms like abandoned buildings, with windows that looked out into mysterious black stone. He ran as he reloaded his gun also trying to avoid being entranced by the otherworldly sounds coming from the walls. As the homeowner was chasing him he used the gun to shoot her and managed to knock her down. The homeowner’s face and body began melting like a candle’s wax under a flame, and began to smell like cat food. He blinked and found himself inside of his home with his groceries in his kitchen and his car in the driveway, but could not figure out why his key would not turn his lock anymore.


As ridiculous and provocative as it may sound to the average person whose perception of the events of Tiananmen square are based on extremist right-wing propaganda from the white house, Tiananmen square rioting was a product of Operation Yellowbird with many student leaders collaborating with the CIA out of Hong Kong. The US also used their spy networks and criminal triads to smuggle the criminals behind the riots out of China and take them to the US when the communist party restored order afterwards. Additionally, many facts and events of Tiananmen square are completely fabricated or heavily distorted by the US regime. The famous “Tank man” was never harmed by the military and even mounted the tank, opened the hatch, and harassed the driver. Many members of the PLA were killed or injured by rioters, with some even hanging.

Of course, the US has no sense of irony for their ham-fisted and propagandistic depictions of Tiananmen riots. After one of their officers executed an unarmed civilian by the name of George Floyd, they used rubber bullets and lethal force to suppress protests against police violence, and their police force is still despised by the citizenry to this day not only for their crimes during that time, but the long history that the police force has of harassing and lynching their own citizens, especially those of ethnic minorities that are persecuted by the police.

Knowing everything that we know now, I would say that the communist party of China not only handled the situation as carefully and with the least amount of harm to the people as possible, but I would be willing to personally drive a tank into Tiananmen if the protests were happening today. I think any person who truly chooses the proletariat over class enemies should do the same. Western liberals perceive support for the Chinese police as comparable to the blue lives matter movements of the west or the unhinged worship of police in a liberal society. This comparison completely ignores class struggle and is therefore anti-marxist. It also rejects differences in political and authority systems around the world making it first-worldist and undialectical. A person who wants to build a socialist state rejecting the authority of the socialist state to police itself and defend itself is extremely bizarre, and seems to be based on past experience being persecuted by the bourgeois state in various ways. Of course a police force is not perfect and even in a socialist society there can be reactionaries infiltrating or operating within any organization, but the difference is accountability and the protection of the civil rights of the citizens which cannot exist in a dictatorship of the bourgeois.


Many hippies who protested the Vietnam war and supported many progressive ideas ended up becoming obsessed with money, and became a part of the same war machine they probably once hated even if they retain the style, attitudes, and beliefs associated with counterculture. Obviously some people are already lost like those operating on liberal values or who support any reformism of the US which makes their activism and ideology self-limiting. The fall of the soviet union was a great blow to the socialist movement and those that remained were ideologically hijacked by capital.Despite these people experiencing persecution and infiltration by the liberal establishment, they were integrated into society. They are referred to as bourgeois bohemian or corporate hippies now.

There are of course similar factors in the socialist movement now that led to the downfall of the hippie movement such as infighting, revisionism, and infiltration by the regime. Their movement was idealistic, non-dialectical and even pushed their members to leave it once they hit a certain age. While modern comrades are (hopefully) not as shallow and pseudo-revolutionary as the people that would sabotage their own movement, outside propaganda does pose a threat to the viability of the current socialist movement. As a comrade, you must understand that regardless of your personal situation, the theories of Marx and Lenin still apply. A person who is a socialist while they are struggling and a liberal when they are doing well financially is operating from their class interests, but is not a true revolutionary and is likely motivated by short-term greed and personal gain more than long-term prosperity, as even the currency they sold out for will become worthless over time with poor governance from a liberal regime.

Because I understand the Marxist analysis of society, I know that even if I am offered a six figure job tomorrow, I can still understand that the society I am living in is a class society and therefore primitive and outdated, comparable to a feudal society. I may have more money and be more comfortable, but I can understand that from a socialist perspective, having a bunch of money does not obligate me to conform to US society and ideology. In some ways, being financially secure would allow a person to participate less in the labor market and therefore contribute less to capital. The same way that struggling liberals can support reactionary ideas, a comfortable comrade can support revolutionary ideas because they know a society of Marx is preferable to being wealthy under feudal corporate capitalism. Modern China shows us that socialism can achieve more and create an economy even better for the working class than what is possible otherwise, and because of this it is even more preferable for a person with wealth to live in such a society than a failed state such as the US.

Additionally, it must be stated that the process by which a person is stripped of revolutionary ideas and assimilated into society is subtle and often comes from multiple sources. The local community may be liberals promoting ideas that appear to be progressive but do nothing to change the systems we live under, such as voting. You may also be exposed to liberalism through social media or government propaganda such as mainstream news which is controlled by billionaires. Even some more extreme and overt propaganda displays such as American flags everywhere or the national anthem in places where it is unnecessary like sporting events causes psychological effects like developing an affinity for the regime or nationalism towards the regime. As a person trying not to lose your mind to liberalism, you must stay in contact with revolutionary media, revolutionary theory, and revolutionary ideology.


Working with spirits is beneficial, and provides great results for those who know how to properly do it and how to ask. However, as a Lavenderist you may not always have direct spiritual connections to spirits you want to work with or may not have the appropriate offerings available for boosting rituals. There is a workaround though, and it can really help you to empower non-Lavenderist spiritual workings with the power of the gods you know and are familiar with. This is called sub-working and helps when trying to work with spirits or gods that are distant or that you are unsure of how to work with.

To do this, simply give your offerings or prayers to the god you wish to help. Keep in mind they will empower the ritual but also affect the results in ways that are sometimes difficult to predict. The sub-working empowers your original working but the energies affect each other and the results.

You can say

“ I call upon ___ to work alongside ____ to help manifest ____ “


“ I call upon ____ to empower my manifestation of _____ “

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