
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Just regulate it.

you wanna be a bank over a certain size? cover 99% of the pop with atms within 15 minutes or w/e

[–] [email protected] 10 points 22 hours ago

You mistake conflict for confusion.

If someone's terminal values are opposed to yours you cannot convince them. Sometimes people change core opinions slowly, but almost always by interaction with people close to them (i.e. where they have conflicting drives to uphold or reject an opinion). Internet debate me bro shit is pointless and just poisons spaces.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

It's worth keeping in mind though, if you want to feed people: we can just do that, we have the food and we have the infrastructure. Every person going hungry in a city with edible food in bins, produce discarded for not looking right and so on is going hungry because of policy decisions.

It is cheaper, healthier, and more successful to just distribute the food we already grow, make and transport than trying to turn everything into an orchid.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Let us return to the proud tradition of walled cities.

Aside from the obvious don't zone floodplains I don't really know what we're supposed to do about this. Australians significantly resist densification of cities and don't plan cities well at all which reenforces that resistance. We're absurdly highly urbanised but in a sprawling manner.

We can't really reduce bushfire danger much without massive deforestation so let's not do that. It's not really plausible to like build underground and stuff in the regions/rural areas.

There's stuff we can procedurally get better at but floods and fires aren't like earthquakes where you can build structures that are basically untouched.

Are we just fucked?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

I think people are thinking more that if you want to feed people just give them food you buy is more cost effective.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I don't understand sorry

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Lol lmao. The right to the fruit of something is literally one of the kinds of Roman property law that informs European ideas of property rights.

Fruit trees are mostly just expensive to grow vs other kinds and can be unappealing if fruit spoils or attracts other animals. E.g. you probably wouldn't want to play on the grass underneath an orange tree on all the little bits of orange after possums have at it.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I think his portraits are legit amazing. Seeing powerful people portrayed in a very folky and crude but accurate way is quite thought provoking, a far cry from the usual imperious and dignified portraits.

It's a bit ridiculous to throw such a tantrum over something that is basically just an unflattering image. Bog standard for photos used in articles in the news etc when the editor has a slant. It really highlights just how fragile her self concept is, how much she needs power over others. It's also been fascinating to see people siding with her outside of the owner class.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Before doing anything, it's important to establish the minimum amount of effort we're allowed to get away with.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

This whole thing is a bureaucratic farce but I'll take what I can get. It is absolutely disgusting that the body didn't investigate the referrals. People died over a scheme which was at least strongly suspected to be illegal by it's architects.

But I guess people down on their luck don't get human rights or something. Digusting episode in auspol.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I read a chunk of his work like 15 years ago because one of my stoner friends was into it. I recall seeing shit like "women are weaker than men" or "women are trying desperately to prove they're not weaker than men, makes ya think dun it?" typical reactionary man shit, I recall various shit about queer people being vaguely disgusting to him, including some episode of visiting a gender clinic but 'coming to his senses' or similar disgusting crap.

I'm gonna guess you're not a woman, and probably hetero white? people say things in certain ways and it indicates how they think about you. If you're in a majority the remark "Oh I didn't think someone like you would enjoy that" is almost certainly just innocent expression based on how someone has modelled you as an individual, if you're not it's very likely to be be someone excluding you as a class of person. you get sensitised to spotting shit like that in how people talk/how they behave and seeing the broader picture.

Keep in mind we're talking about someone who bombed broadly random individuals. He was a sadistic, broken, piece of shit.


cross-posted from:

I've sent them an email to ask for clarity and will update with their response.

Having a read of the food labeling standards ( 1.2.2, 2.4, and schedule 10-2 any edible oil is only required to be identified as follows:

(a) The statement of ingredients must declare:

(i) whether the source is animal or vegetable; and

if the food is a dairy product, including ice cream—the specific source of animal fats or oils.

(b) This generic name must not be used for >diacylglycerol oil.

As such it turns out anything labelled as vegetable oil could contain palm oil, which is relatively likely given it's ~36% of global oil trade and the number 1 producer.

So I recommend that unless you have specific knowledge, if anything has a thick texture at room temp and claims not to be hydrogenated you should assume it is palm oil. Especially if it's quite low in saturated and polyunsaturated fats which is a bit of a coconut oil tell.

RIP to a delicious one.

  • A former sinner

Further context on the Green's RBA demands.

~~Sub to Schwartz media if you've got the dosh btw. One of the few Aussie media orgs that still does real maintstream journalism.~~ pirate their articles on auspol. See comment, Israel is a colonial state engaged in genocide current run by a maniac wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Don't give money to orgs that do propaganda for them.


Plant vision?


This seems pretty wtf.

What sort of precedent do they want to set? Whether or not you embrace neoliberal ideology political interference with monetary policy has not typically gone well, no matter what or whom you want to blame for that.

Am I missing something, or are they just going off the rails here?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Pretty sympathetic to Denmark after 3 packets in one day. That scoville rating is nonsense, spicier than Carolina reapers.

My god damned piss is spicy and no, that's not unwashed hands. Actually spicy piss.

Gods above and below alike help me.


Looks like he's trying to sink this.

In stark contrast to victoria:

cantest results: which have detected new lethal substances and novel analogues of unknown safety

Continuing to carry out lethal policy in the face of evidence is not functionally different to pollies randomly selecting kids and strangling them to death. It is social murder.

Once again nsw is a late mover, earning out place as the least informed and most conservative state in Australia with flying colours.

Low effort post (

Where the fuck are we politically when asio is telling the right they're being too xenophobic and hardline?

Fucking asio man, the org that pushed for the "we can hold you and you can't even tell a lawyer it happened" laws.


ABC reports it as a "rampage". It is hijinks at best.

RIP to a real one.

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