
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] DarthJon 1 points 9 hours ago

Looks like an isolated incident and should be investigated.

[–] DarthJon -5 points 10 hours ago

No, the creation of Israel was an act of the UN. The UK had promised to help establish both Jewish and Arab homelands in the region. When the UK turned on the Jews and started restricting immigration, in the midst of the Holocaust, that's when the Zionist militias fought back against the UK. Israel was actually created in spite of the UK, not because of it.

And there was no foreign invader. The Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine for hundreds of years, was a foreign invader. They lost control of the land in WWI and Britain took temporary control. Jews didn't invade anything. They literally purchased land and moved in, like immigrants do. They had to establish a militia to protect themselves from Arab aggression.

Do you know how many countries in the world have been established through partition plans and political agreements? Why is that not good enough for the Palestinians?

Every citizen of Israel participates in government, Arabs included. To repeat: Palestinians aren't citizens of Israel. The people of Gaza elected Hamas as their government, remember? Why should they have their own territory with their own government but also benefit from Israeli citizenship?

"You clearly are a supporter of the geonicide, the settlements, the throwing Palestinians out of their homes, burning their fields, killing, raping, spitting on them as they walk the street below in jerseleum, and the myriad of crimes isrealis commit daily."

Pretty childish, which is typical of Palestinian activists. You know you don't have the facts on your side so you resort to rhetoric, strawman arguments, and ad hominem attacks.

[–] DarthJon -4 points 10 hours ago

And that shows just how little you understand about this conflict.

[–] DarthJon 1 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

He wrote a completely biased one-sided book attacking Israel as an illegitimate country, one that he knows will be lapped up by his disciples as gospel. It's propaganda and any reputable journalist would challenge him on it.

[–] DarthJon 1 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I know where you're headed with this so I'm just cutting it off now before we argue about your claims about what Israel is doing.

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