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[–] sorval_the_eeter 0 points 17 minutes ago* (last edited 9 minutes ago) (1 children)

And why did they attack that bus in 1947? What prceeded that? You dont know or dont care to know. Irguin did plenty of terrorist bombings before that ,could it have been that maybe? Or some other attricty? Or are we pretending this all started on Nov 30 1947?

"Jewish militants bombed the police headquarters in Haifa on September 29, 1947, resulting in the deaths of four British policemen, four Arab policemen, and two Arab civilians."

The king david hotel Jewish extremist terrorist bombing was July 1946, in case you didnt know.

And feast your eyes on this:

So you're just wrong.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 48 minutes ago

Be honest, you have anal probing on your bingo card for every year, right?

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 1 hour ago

Easiest glue: Collect chunks of conifer resin. heat over fire in a small pan. Once its liquified mix 1 part crushed common charcoal to 3 parts wet resin. You've got a stickey glue. You can let it harden in the pan. When you need to use it, heat the pan and it becomes wet glue again. This is how native Americans made their canoes waterproof. It does have a charming odor.

Second easiest: Collect peices of animal hide. Dried tails,ears, and tag ends are great. Legs are good. Sinew and tendon are best. You are rendering collagen so you need very low fat and no meat attached. Dont use pig, bear, racoon, squirrel or rat-- too oily. Dont use anything decayed or that has been frozen. Soak them in quicklime (kiln fire limestone peices gives you quicklime) and water for 2 weeks, skimming the top, to remove the hair and sanitize. wash with water, then lime wash again. Dry thoroughly. Cut the material into strips. Boil peices in a double boiler until they are rendered to mush. Let them dry. Control the temperature and dont let it get too hot or cold. Add water. Well prepared glue peices will absorb the water and you have a liquid glue. Failed glue wont absorb the water.

Apply the glue to the underside of the toilet.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 1 hour ago

Same story with every tech company attempting to do business inside China. Doesnt stop company after company from trying themselves because they think they are special and extra talented, not like those hacks at other companies.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 1 hour ago

Because data center costs are OPex and on prem server costs are CAPex, and companies very much prefer things to be in the OPex (operating expense) column.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

History is no longer concentrated just in history books. Documentation has proliferated and stiffling it will be a real challenge for the zionists and their creatures.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 2 points 1 hour ago

I imagine some people at CNN are going to be harshly retaliated against for airing these truths.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 2 hours ago

Lately the American dream has been reduced to someone passing you a jar of grey poupon out of the back seat of their car so I like where you are going with this.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 2 hours ago

But the Democratic strategists are not idiots. They must know this.

They always move to the middle in every election chasing "independent" votes that they never get. I see no evidence from history that they "arent idiots".

[–] sorval_the_eeter 1 points 2 hours ago

Except for embracing firearms, I dont think she has a few poicy positions for anyone to evaluate. She just adopts whatever Bidens policies were. She did the same thing when she was running for president before Biden tapped her for VP. Couldnt formulate a policy position to save her life.

[–] sorval_the_eeter 2 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (1 children)

Spacecowboy@ You said:

The pro-Palestinian movement (really the anti-Israeli movement, if we’re being honest) is an alt-right movement if we’re being objective about comparing it to other political movements. Really how is this movement any different from any of the other alt-right movements? Only because you don’t call yourself alt-right?

You do realize netenyahu aligns himself with far right leaders and Israel has a far right government. Dont you? And that Palestine protestors are almost uniformly progressives, on the far other end of the political extreme from the far right?

It seems that you dont understand what the term alt-right even means. Its a far right white nationalist movement.
And you make up a lot of "probablies" out of thin air, which sure looks like mental illness to me.

Blaming others for exactly what you are guilty of is a classic republican move. Again with this from you. It gets old.

Or do you really honestly think palestinians and their supporters are part of a white nationalist movement? How does that make any sense at all? The "white" people here are Israelis. Palestinians and Arabs dont consider themselves to be white. But part of the alt right you say, interesting. Are these nonwhite members of the alt-right.. hating themselves? And by your reckoning, the far right Israels are the victims of the alt right? ?? really? So its alt-right human rights supporters vs the far right Israelis? Is this some kind of rightwing civil war? You'd think they could get along being so closely ideologically aligned.

Your assertions are all just so remarkably crazy that I dont even know what to say. But I think its past time for me to block your username.

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