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[–] shinyLane 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Honest question - being that Musk has a lot of money I wonder how often he is sued and how often he settles?

My assumption is that he saves face behind closed doors but that’s truly an off-the-wall assumption.

[–] shinyLane 18 points 1 year ago

We were hearing Kaiser providers complain of workloads at least 10 years ago. Sad to see nothing has changed. Not surprising in the least.

I can only hope that this actually does something.

[–] shinyLane 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

F-117 did have radar, it also could carry AIM-9 Sidewinders internally. They trained pilots of 117s to take out AWAC planes... I flew with pilots who trained as such.

Just more bullshit from the internet "know it all."

I dOnT nEeD SoUrCeS bEcAusE tHiS iS aLl TrIvIaL.

You look like a hipster asshat.

[–] shinyLane 1 points 1 year ago

You made a profound statement, almost of fact. "This is almost certainly a myth". This is your argument statement, it's your conjecture and your major effort to show the audience your insight.

Stop back peddling.

You presented no sources of any kind, and then you started turning things into a research paper where I needed to submit my work in MLA format for the professor. I gave you people's experiences; you replied with a mouth full of shit (conjecture) with no basis of any kind other than your claimed philosophical knowledge.

No, sir, you seem to have a very, very high opinion of your intelligence. You are also very insecure with this opinion. Just one glance at your social history shows how hard you try to let everyone know how much higher your intellect is than theirs. It's problematic when you spout unfounded conjecture as fact; it's worse when you believe the bullshit coming out of your shit box.

I don't give two fucks how many papers on thieves you have written, or what your criteria are for the conversation because the first two sentences out of your mouth are pure elitist garbage. Go back to your hole of correcting the internet Jasory, I have no time for your bullshit.

[–] shinyLane 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yes, and you have presented a giant pile of conjecture, followed it up with a bunch of judgment, and then made a major effort to let us know how much insight you have, without actually providing any insight. Way to go, Jasory!

Even a bit of personal experience goes further than a pile of conjecture spewed from an internet "know it all."

[–] shinyLane 4 points 1 year ago

I agree hydrogen has a lot of challenges, but as you said, it does have niche uses, and I do see some places (Steel Arc Furnace) where it could make an impact IF driven by green energy. Not really disagreeing with you persay but you are downplaying Hydrogen a bit in my opinion.

We are still finding new ways to utilize it both in the electrolyzer and in chemical synthesis so there is more ground for us to cover in the near future I feel like (opinion).

I'm not sure a train is the right place though... yeah.

[–] shinyLane 3 points 1 year ago

You might be surprised (maybe not) to learn inmates like this (at least in the US) are beaten and raped by their inmates constantly and usually have to try and PC up to get away from it. Some nasty people are in prison, and they don't seem to like pedophiles and child rapists at all.

[–] shinyLane 3 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Not for nothing, but in the US, the pedophiles that end up in the prison system are very likely to experience hell on earth as the other inmates will certainly not be a fan of theirs. It's like some criminal pecking order. I have no idea if that's a thing outside the US, but maybe...

[–] shinyLane 2 points 1 year ago

Another benefit I enjoy from a community college is the smaller class sizes (relative to a university) when taking these core classes.

[–] shinyLane 1 points 1 year ago

As an individual returning to school after working for 15 years, a community college was on my list with online schools (they also have an online community college, of course) as the price of it is much lower than a university. If it were free for younger folks, that would be an incredible incentive to learn a trade.

Where I live (N. Colorado), a community college's cost can get rather steep. If you take eight credit hours, you could pay $1500+ just for the classes, and you may buy books. That's a typical out-of-pocket for a local school here, so you may get a grant, program, or scholarship to help you, but yeah, it's hard...

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