
joined 1 year ago
[–] shinnoodles 1 points 4 months ago

I cannot reply to everyone, but genuinely thank you all so much for the help. I'll be going with a simplistic zola setup suggested by one of the commentors. I barely expected a handful, let alone all these comments. It really means a lot, especially to a noob who felt like this was a really dumb question.

[–] shinnoodles 10 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Thank you for the advice. Honestly, I'm a young 20 something that just wants to output creative stuff for people to read and enjoy. None of this really popped in my head, so thanks.

I still want to host my own site for it though, but I will consider the self publishing angle as well. Thanks for the advice.


Hey hello, self-hosting noob here. I just want to know if anyone would know a good way to host my writing. Something akin to those webcomic sites, except for writing. Multiple stories with their own "sections" (?) and a chapter selection for each. Maybe a home page or profile page to just briefly detail myself or whatever, I don't know. It doesn't have to be fancy, and I apologize for not knowing how to describe this well. I've just been searching and searching and I don't know what to look up to find what I want, it's extremely frustrating. Any help is greatly appreciated.

[–] shinnoodles 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

He shouldn't have to, the point is read before commenting about a clickbait headline. If he has to spell it out that only furthers his point.

[–] shinnoodles 5 points 6 months ago

DRM free Ratchet and Spider-Man can't come fast enough

[–] shinnoodles 2 points 7 months ago


[–] shinnoodles 2 points 7 months ago

Yeah, but I prefer running it without a launcher. It's just cool to me I can easily run the games via clickng on the exe or searching it in a runner with very little hastle.

[–] shinnoodles 3 points 7 months ago

Why not dual boot? It's what most in that situation do.

[–] shinnoodles 25 points 7 months ago (11 children)

I don't even think much when running games anymore. Even DRM-free games I get from Gog I can just click on and run with Wine most of the time. It's so awesome.

[–] shinnoodles 66 points 7 months ago (15 children)

Didn't we also just break 3% last year, or am I mistaken? Either way, awesome news for the FOSS community.

[–] shinnoodles 16 points 7 months ago

I'm barely in my 20s and I don't even know what a slide deck is lol.

[–] shinnoodles 2 points 7 months ago

I decided to get the R200 then upgrade to the T1 later. It just seemed better, I just fear that it won't be big enough for the future gen GPUs.

submitted 7 months ago by shinnoodles to c/sffpc

For context, this is my first PC build EVER. Not just my first SFF. I'm kind of stuck right now on which to get. The T1 seems to be objectively better designed, but it also seems to be much more for the tinker/SFF enthusiast. Building seems a lot more difficult, plus the warranty doesn't seem to be nearly as good as what I could get on the Terra.

I really don't want to mess up parts, or the case, or anything really. The Terra seems super easy to build in, and is much nicer looking imo. I could snag a nice 4 year warranty, and just have it sit there for a while.

Anyone who was or is in a similar situation as me have advice? It'd be very appreciated.

[–] shinnoodles 17 points 7 months ago (1 children)

They definitely had a... certain audience in mind with this teaser lmao


Hello, very simple question. I am doing my first build and about to order my parts, but I was wondering if the 7800XT is worth the leap and possible long-term gains over the 6700XT? I wanted to know personal experience from normal people, rather than a bunch of tech youtubers. Also if you use Linux, that would be quite helpful.


Hi hi, Pocket owners, this has been a question on my mind for a while. I've done a ton of research, watched countless reviews, and read so many threads and posts for a while. Most of this took place last year, so it was mostly theoretical. I had no job, and was unsure of when I would even start investing in a retro collection.

Now, fast forward a year later. Life has changed, a lot. Now that I have a consistent stream of income, a lot of old things have come back to my mind. I feel like I am stuck, this question is not easy. I feel like both options are great for different reasons, but I am not in a position where I believe getting both at the moment is really a smart investment either.

First, the Analogue Pocket, it has many, MANY compelling upsides. OpenFPGA, the glorious screen, modern tech, conveniceces and accessory ecosystem, along with just being a really well built piece of kit overall. Though some things really scare me.

It isn't repairable, and the long term viability of it is questionable. Junky gameboys and mod parts will be available until I'm old and rotten most likely. Some of these consoles have been around for a much greater time than I have, yet mod parts and replacement bits are still being made and are easy to procure. What about the Pocket? In 5, 10, 15 years, what if Analogue just sinks and I'm left with nothing? The device itself seems similar to other modern devices in that it isn't very open or repairable. I just can't see it having the same parts ecosystem as actual Gameboys either. I want to buy sustainable, long-lasting devices and despite the initial upsides I am extremely skeptical on how long I'd be able to make it last. The reports on durability aren't the most confidence inspiring, either. I don't want to have to baby this thing, I want to be able to throw it in my bag in a pouch or something and keep it around for a really long time.

The layout. I'm going to be quite honest, most of my interest and use case would be to play GBA games. I haven't used a vertical format like this in quite some time. It doesn't seem the most comfortable to me, especially for action games that make use of the triggers in their main gameplay. I haven't held it though, so who knows.

OpenFPGA is nice, though I'm unsure how much I'll use it. Like many people I have a bad problem of downloading a bunch of ROMs (or games in general, to be honest), loading up my system, then never touching any of them for more than a few minutes each. Having everything at your fingertips often decreases the value of said thing, and will leas to you not really appreciating it as much. Back when I was a kid, I could only take so many games with me. And appreciate the hell out of those games I did. 100s of hours in each Pokemon game, constantly replaying Mega Man Zero, etc. It may sound like I have rose tinted glasses, but being forced to be intentional and only select a few games usually results in me playing more for longer periods of time. Not to say it's a bad feature, but I'm just saying I have no idea how much it'd be worth it to me when weighing it against the modded GBA.

I think the last bit is Analogue themselves aren't the most reliable company. Their communication is awful, don't deliver on their promises very well at all, and will randomly kill product lines. I know they're tiny, COVID probably hurt them a lot considering their size, but as a consumer it still affects me quite a bit so I can't ignore it. 200$ is a large investment for something like this, and their track record does not inspire much confidence if I am to be honest.

Now, the Modded GBA/GBC. This has quite a few upsides, as well as downsides. It's pretty simple.

Very repairable, parts have and will continue to exist. Not only that, but mods get better and better over time. I'm a technically inclined person who loves to tinker, so modding my own device is a plus in my book. I know that is not the case for most. Either way, this means I'm pretty much set for life when it comes to the device's sustainability. Even though it'd cost more in the short term, it could save me quite a bit in the long run.

It's dumb. Very simple with no real UI, only playing games when the cartridge is slotted in. Lack of reliance on software means less chance for breakage.

More form factor choices, due to various SKUs and mods.

Lastly, the nostalgia will hit harder. Very superficial, but lets be honest that is quite a big factor for everyone here.

Now, for the cons!

Being dumb and simple doesn't come without shortcomings. The Pocket has a lot of nice options. Also, openFPGA has a great use for ROM hacks and fan patches, which I have crazy interest in. One of my favorite games of all time can not be played officially in English, so even if my use of it would be limited there is still a limited use case.

It's more expensive, doubly so if I go for both. It might make it up in the long run, but that's only theoretical. I have no idea how durable the Pocket it is, how their warranty works and their honor system, anything.

Carrying around two systems is kinda dumb. The Pocket in many ways seems more practical in this regard, especially with the decent ecosystem of cases, pouches, and other things that both systems just do not have in the modern day.

I think that's about it. I know this post was long as FUCK, but I think the community here needed some activity. I don't know when I'll bite the bullet, maybe sometime next year or after. Perhaps when they do another random drop of cool shells. Either way, I just wanted to get this out of the way because it has been plaguing my mind since yesterday. I'd love to hear experience from people who own either, or both!

Dumbphone Journey (self.dumbphones)
submitted 11 months ago by shinnoodles to c/dumbphones

Hey, just wanted to get some activity rolling. I had my dumbphone journey for 3 months, and it was pretty great. Rocked a Light Phone and a Sony DAP running Linux. My mind was very free, and I thought a lot more. Unfortunately due to me being a young adult still at my parents they told me they wanted me to use a Smartphone again.

It's been a few months after that, and while measuring out the pros and cons I have decided I definitely want to get a dumbphone again, just one that's probably more on the "smarter" side. At the moment, I am hoping the upcoming Punkt MC01 will have a featureset comparable to the higher tier Sunbeam F1 and Pro devices., Perhaps with the ability to use self-hosted or at least generic option compared to their paid services. Caldav, Cardav, etc. Getting that, along with a Tangara for my other services like Navidrome, Audiobookshelf, etc. seems like it'd make for a great dumb, local network duo.

For a companion device, I'd like a tablet/laptop/netbook that's tiny and portable for other services I'd need. I've been looking at the MNT Reform Pocket and some Linux tablets such as these. (StarLabs Lite, Purism 11, Fydetab Duo)

How about you guys? What have your journeys been like? I'd love to hear. It's a pretty hard road to take in a world being controlled by mandatory apps and the like. I really wish so much wasn't dependent on the phone.

Netbird vs. Tailscale (self.selfhosted)
submitted 1 year ago by shinnoodles to c/selfhosted

As I'm prepping my self-hosted setup I wanted to know the community's thoughts on Netbird, the FOSS and completely self hosted alternative to Tailscale. I often hear Tailscale used as a super easy plug and play way to share your home server contents with other people, so how does Netbird fair in comparison? Is it as easy? Is it a more buggy experience, more complicated, or does it just work? Any pros and cons, or niche edge case situations I should know about? Thanks in advance!


Hey all! As I've been branching off more and more into the Fediverse I've been looking at Masto alternatives and all of them are great. I like most quite a bit more than Mastodon for the UI and featureset. I want to selfhost one, and Akkoma's lightweight nature and rich features attracted me.

Yet for some reason it seems to be impossible to find and follow most Mastodon accounts on these platforms. I've tried various instances, and most of the people I follow just cannot be found. Is there a reason for this I do not know?


I want to set up a collaborative writing/socializing platform for my friend group using something like Calckey/Misskey, and just want to know if this is possible.

The non Fediverse options all look very lacking, and are meant for corporate/business environments anyway. It really feels like there's not many good and modern options for this sort of thing, but maybe there's better alternatives. Who knows, I'm really new to this scene.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by shinnoodles to c/[email protected]

Hey all, I'm a complete self hosting noob. I'm gonna be getting my first homeserver soon and I'm stuck between these two options currently. They're the same price pretty as well which makes it harder.

The G4 has a GPU (Integrated RX 560), but the G5 has better specs (i7-9700T vs i5-8500T) plus a much higher RAM capacity (The G5's 64GB vs the G4's 32GB.)

I'm just curious to know if the GPU would even help in my use case? I'll mainly be using it for media (Jellyfin, Kavita, Navidrome) and a ton of tiny services that'll only take up a few MBs of RAM. With quicksync, I'm unsure if the GPU would even be useful for transcoding, especially since you can only use one at a time. The only time I can think of it being useful is maybe for Owncast, but I wouldn't stream a lot. It'd be super minimal, non demanding stuff for my friends. (Mainly movies and ocassional gameplay.) Even that's up for debate with Element call for Matrix coming up soon.

I appreciate any and all answers! I've spent a ton of time looking into this and it's been a pretty big headache tbh.


If anyone owns this device, what's the maximum amount of storage I can insert into the 2.5" SATA bay? I keep looking online, but I can't find it.

CLI/TUI Client? (self.asklemmy)

With all the new clients popping up, is there any interest in the development of a TUI or CLI client for the terminal? I hope so, cause I'd really like the option. Browsing rtv for questions and help was a godsend, it also helped me not get sucked into scrolling.

Hyprland on Nix (self.hyprland)
submitted 1 year ago by shinnoodles to c/hyprland

Hey, complete Nix newbie here. Anyone got any advice on setting up Hyprland for NixOS? It seems a bit more difficult than I initially expected.

For reference, I'm using a laptop with Nvidia Optimus. If there's any roundabout methods I have to do to circumvent that, or if Nvidia isn't supported on NixOS hyprland yet, please let me know!

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