
joined 11 months ago
[–] rob299 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

People could advertise this as feature about using lemmy, that the probalility of getting comments are pretty high. particularly on Mastodon, because it's certainly something people are looking for, after coming from platforms like Youtube that keep hiding your posts. I think it's mostly the ease of use with the communities. Because on Mastodon, while a instance hosted may have a dedicated topic, posts aren't typically organized. and it's harder to find posts that interests you if people either use different hash tags then what you search for, and the added fact that you have to constantly search, while once you join a Lemmy community you just scroll the post feed In said community.

[–] rob299 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I love sorting by new, I kinda wish it was a defualt thing, while on Mastodon posts seem to automatically sort by new, yet I seem to get less interaction in comments on various posts on Mastodon.

[–] rob299 2 points 11 months ago
[–] rob299 4 points 11 months ago

Knowing my current luck on Lemmy from the last 2 days, idk how well that would work.

[–] rob299 1 points 11 months ago

I mean.. you could try merch..? not much else

[–] rob299 5 points 11 months ago

I disagree, because with a forum, generally it was just one server right to begin with? It's just a little bit different then the fediverse in that forums didn't federate at all. Time will tell what will happen to the fediverse. I would pay close attention to Mastodon as it has the most users off all federated services. Whatever happens to to it are signs, look out for them

[–] rob299 3 points 11 months ago

plus it's federated, not just a single site. The cost for hosting services are divided by instance so say one instance goes down, that doesn't kill the entire program, although it would erase a portion of communities from Lemmy history in such a situation. Also it would be cheaper to host a Lemmy instance as the prices of hosting the instances that build up Lemmy are divided.

[–] rob299 16 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think it's more sustainable then Facebook ,Twitter and others. Why? Because it's federated! if one instance goes bankrupt or shuts down for whatever reason it doesn't close down the entire program. If anything, at worst a portion of Lemy communities would get erased from history. Lemmy in reality is really just an interface, with a bunch of different instances combined to provide the content. The cost is actually cheaper then other social platforms from the last 10 years+ like Facebook because in a way the cost for the "service" is divided by all the different instances hosted by volunteers,

I hope this makes sense, if any questions do ask.

[–] rob299 1 points 11 months ago

I agree that Super Mario 64 particularly hasn't aged, wouldn't it be great if Nintendo made a modern tripple a continuation of a game like Super Mario 64 with a better camera and better controls? They wouldn't even have to call it Super Mario 64 2, call it something else, but make the colors similar, but more next gen to that. Improve the polygon resolution, make the textures better quality. It's really not that hard, it's a game that Mario desperately needs but Nintendo hasn't done properly for the franchise.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the people running Nintendo going form the N64 to the Gamecube had changed but the Mario creator was there (I atleast think he was) to work on Mario Sunshine, I don't get how they went from Super Mario 64 to Sunshine regarding the game mechanics such as the water flood.

[–] rob299 0 points 11 months ago

Galaxy was actualy pretty good, but the main focus of that game was to sell the Wii remote pointer, rather then focusing on the platforming. At the time I wouldn't say it was bad for what a Mario game should look like but it wasn't really about Mario platforming but more about selling the Wii remote technology pointing it at the stars. I remember watching the trailers on the Nintnedo channel on the Wii and they really made sure to highlight the Wii remote pointer and collecting the stars.

[–] rob299 1 points 11 months ago

I agree with that.

[–] rob299 1 points 11 months ago

Your the only one that could meet half way and understand atleast where I am coming from. I don't buy the Mario games, instead I just bought Toree 3D, Toree 2 and kiwi 64, 3 great 3D platformers although short, from this indie dev Siactro on the switch. Toree 3d and Toree 2 were both $1.00 each and kiwi 64 was $3 and kiwi 64 was shockingly good for the 3 dolar price tag. It was just short.

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