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[–] peanutyam 26 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I’m glad I live in Australia where this doesn’t happen thanks to previous attempts by IP copyright holders (mainly US based ones) to have similar policies forced upon ISP’s here and being told by judges here that the penalties and expectations and demands made by these said IP copyright holding companies was over the top and excessive and thrown out of court…..

[–] peanutyam 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Huh? I’m an Aussie and the last time I checked we are a seperate country from New Zealand and OUR government basically saw to it that OUR citizen was returned home and unlike this bloke, Assange has hardly had it “easy” living in an embassy or recently jail…..Dotcom has been living large in NZ in comparison…..

There were no back door deals about this guy for Assange - completely different situations….🤦🏼‍♀️

[–] peanutyam 25 points 1 month ago

That’s funny and sadly accurate 🤣

[–] peanutyam 19 points 1 month ago

Well that’s nothing new - I worked for them “briefly” (as in weeks - ended up with a better job offer!!) and as an actual aircraft mechanic I was disgusted by what I saw - they had supervising roles filled with non-aircraft trades people, training was done by a former boat mechanic, there were butchers and carpenters - who, if you asked them thought they were far more capable than an aircraft mechanic as, actual aircraft trades are considered “problematic” by Boeing management (who are all ex Toyota staff for the most part…) because - aircraft mechanics are too slow for a production line environment as we tend to take our time too much for their liking (oh because we want to get it right first time?!) 🤦🏼‍♀️

I left and a week later the Max was grounded - the garbage that was spewing from senior management right before the grounding was eye roll inducing - about how they stand by the product bla bla bla and have no idea how shiny new aircraft could just fall out the sky…..of course we know how that turned out for them….

But yeah, Boeing, like Rolls Royce are not the brand a lot of people should think of as “high quality” until they sort their QA shit out and start employing actual aircraft tradespeople and engineeers who know what they are doing 🤷🏼‍♀️

[–] peanutyam 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yeah probably - I mean I just turned 50 and moved over to Lenny due to the likeness to the old internet forums and BB’s of the 90’s and early 00’s before the normies discovered the internet via social media…..

[–] peanutyam 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I grew up playing video games in the 80’s - of course I still play video games even though I turned 50 this year.

I swear the younger generations forget gaming has been around for a LONG time long before they were born, also that people don’t change what they enjoy doing just because they get older…..

[–] peanutyam 9 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Also used to muck around with Frog in a Blender and Gerbil in a Microwave Flash games all around the same time as badger badger badger….ahh memories ….when the internet was simply for nerds 😂

[–] peanutyam 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

We already have this in Australia - my local supermarkets are all using electronic pricing labels - you cannot tell if prices have changed and they can literally change them whilst you are in the store - you cannot even tell when something is on special anymore as the large paper tags you used to see have all gone in the name of “saving the environment” - which is absolute garbage considering we are subjected to a grocery store duopoly in Australia who are renowned for price gouging….

[–] peanutyam 5 points 3 months ago

But with the iPhone it’s free, and not carrier dependent and works outside of the United States for those of us in the rest of the world….

[–] peanutyam 2 points 10 months ago

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one scratching my head at why was this an issue….(30 + years in aircraft maintenance just not avionics trade, airframes and engines)

[–] peanutyam 17 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Of course self diagnosis is valid. But you can’t expect everyone to accept it - that’s just life, but people do not have the right to tell you that you are wrong either.

However without a formal diagnosis there are no legal workplace supports, access to certain services (I live in Australia so YMMV) no access to certain medical services and medication and other things that actually require a formal diagnosis.

I am dubious though when people self diagnose but refuse to tell anyone other than the internet about it because they feel they will be discriminated against at work or by their peers…..because for the rest of us who ended up with a formal diagnosis as a child we didn’t get that choice…so in that sense that view is a little bit privileged in that you get a choice many in the rest of the community did not….

[–] peanutyam 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

That’s only if you live in the US though….the rest of the world doesn’t care that much for your local politics….so it won’t be “shoehorned” into all posts as there are internet users outside the USA….gasp

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