
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Wow you actually have zero reading comprehension

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Oh yeah, we're getting all the classics now. "all criticism of Democrats is Russian propaganda, war is peace, and Democrats can't be blamed for actively funding genocide and letting the leader of a foreign nation very publicly walk all over them in an election year" and you still think you came up with all of that yourself. How quaint.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Well I already tried the first thing and he didn't believe me.

That's an interesting perspective though, I'll have to think on that. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'll be sure to let you know when I start taking advice from lemmy on my personal relationships.

He was using "everyone just wants to be right" as an excuse to shut down. His very weak rationalizations to not take a stance yet reject any advocacy for the humanity of palestinians were very transparent and I found it both disgusting and insulting. He would claim he didn't know enough, to not know "what does Hamas even want", but told me he'd have to see my sources on everything I tried to explain to him. Especially when I told him about Israel's lies of sexual violence that occurred October 7th (which was his main talking point, "you don't rape people". Well, there's not a shred of evidence that they did) and then threatened to mute our chat for sending these sources without reading or viewing them because they were "too long" or cited a tweet at some point, and I assume he did mute me but idk cause that's where things ended.

I understand that antisemitism is rising. That is happening everywhere. You also have the AFD on the rise (which he denied). That can hardly be blamed on Palestinian activists. If anything, Israel is to blame for manufacturing the situation. Fascists co-opting the movement because they want to see both sides destroy each other is hardly any reason to continue funding Israel as they wage a genocidal war, nor is it one to shut down any democratic process on the matter. They are poisoning the discourse and you are playing right into it.

And no, I refuse to accept your framing that anything Iran does is automatically bad, antisemitic, or out of proportion to the situation. Israel is no more righteous in this than they are and is actively provoking a regional conflict with weapons that we are providing.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

Lol there it is, off comes the mask. Dishonestly suggesting that criticizing Israel's actions is antisemitism just because the democrats made a big show about facilitating negotiations and writing strongly worded letters and sending care packages while Netanyahu openly defies and sabotages the negotiations and continues bombing innocent civilians without recourse.

You can lead a horse to fresh water but you can't make them drink. This conversation is over. You don't give a fuck about Palestine.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Read my full reply and I promise it will make sense.

Policy/actions and talking points are two different things. The democrat's walk does not match their talk. You're falling for talking points and feel-good finger wagging while the policy and action is effectively the same.

Netanyahu is already running the show, we're already helping him carry this out. It doesn't make a difference if the guy signing the checks has an (R) or (D) next to their name and feigns pride or concern in doing so, if either way there are zero consequences for escalating the situation to a full multi-front war.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (4 children)

Thanks for this. I have a German friend that can't talk about this without whining about how it's upsetting and oh the jewish people in Germany are reminded of the holocaust and they're afraid now and Hamas aren't perfect victims and nobody is allowed to protest because protests are antisemitic so we just have to let Israel flatten Palestine and continue their apartheid with our tax dollars. And oh man I don't really know anything about it but I still disagree with you and my perfect english is suddenly not good enough to explain my non position because everyone just wants to be right.

I stopped talking to that German friend, but I'd like to know how to get past that brick wall if we ever do talk again.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

If you stop reading me and those objecting to genocide like adversaries instead of potential allies, and move past the monkey brain telling you to fear fear fear the unknown, you might find very little to disagree with in what we're actually saying. You might find it in yourself at least to resist the urge to alienate voters that are paying attention and care enough to find such a legitimate objection, mobilize for protests, and organize a voting bloc large enough that it threatens the power of the democratic establishment (only if they do not make a good faith attempt to meet these voters' demands, of course, which shows how little faith you have in the power of organizing, which calls into question your plan for after the election, but that's besides my point)

I disagreed with third party and non-votes myself at first, but then I saw how people like you treated others simply for finding their voices and using them to stand up for justice. I saw that what you are saying does not line up with the realities of the democratic platform, that it didn't 4 years ago either, and that the democrats aren't really promising anything that I could use to argue with undecided voters. I asked myself how progress could ever happen if this is how I am compelled to treat those pushing for it, and I could not find an answer. I couldn't beat them, so I joined them.

I realized you actually might not have it all figured out if your only means of recruiting these people to vote for the Democrats; again, people that care and argue with very reasonable logic; is to shout them down and silence them with deeply and nakedly flawed talking points. All while expending energy that you could be directing at someone with any power to change things and to capture that vote.

We've been through the same shit with climate change and countless other examples. The "invisible hand of the free market" is bullshit, you cannot make systemic change with individual action and no amount of shouting at people and following them around to brigade their posts will change that. It has to come from the top, and the only way we can influence the top is as a collective.

It's not being "smug" or any of the things you've said I've done, you just aren't able to find any good argument to the contrary so you attack the way I come off to you. I'm disagreeing with you on something you have strong feelings about, so I come off as an adversary and you project adversarial traits onto me which, to be clear, are not there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Well with the way you argue, projecting your own actions onto the other person and not producing any argument of substance, this must happen quite a bit, and you must be a very proud and joyful person. Good for you.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

As for adding iron to the food, you might be thinking of acidic foods causing iron to leech out into the food.

No there are actual cast iron trinkets you can cook with to fortify your food with iron. I can't answer if that same effect would work through seasoning though.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (7 children)

Democrats are at least attempting to work towards peace and provide humanitarian aid.

That's what they say and what they'd like us to think but that's not what Biden's policy reflects, nor Kamala's language and conduct in her campaign.

A Palestinian-American voice, a rather reasonable and balanced one, wasn't even allowed to speak at the DNC. Plenty of time for the families of hostages and a pandering cop from Genesee County, Michigan, though.

We are long past "self defense" and deep into genocide territory, yet Kamala keeps droning on about Israel's "right to defend themselves" even as Israel sabotages peace talks and opens a new front in Lebanon. When does self defense end and genocide begin if not at any point before now? Why is it unprovoked terrorism when the brown people do it but defensive war when the west does it? When are they going to stop "urging" and start threatening aid?

This is a clear bias and they've given us absolutely no sign that their pit of generosity towards Israel has any bottom to it, yet because the republicans are more open about their hatred you've given a pass to policy that will end in the exact same outcome. Total destruction of Palestine and a continuing violent apartheid with zero consequences for Israel.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Yes. It is non-stick and not teflon but it's still a non-metal coating on top of a metal pan.


I've noticed that inline images will render to fill the available width of the comment they're on. This is much too large for some images, such as emotes that only have so many pixels to display and thus get blown out and fuzzy. I would much prefer inline images to render in their native resolution up until they reach the width of the comment. Is there already a way to change this behavior or is it not something that has been implemented?


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and of course that URL is hyperlinked with a big long tracking string on the end of it so I won't be sharing it

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