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submitted 12 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) by lightscription to c/activist_and_polemic_art

"Reflections on Peace and Justice" Evergreen State



submitted 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) by lightscription to c/activist_and_polemic_art

OLY - Evergreen State Library




Jacob Burck 1927

[–] lightscription 2 points 5 days ago

And the person who figured out how to stop being ripped off for ink just committed perjury actually in writing and landed himself in prison and will be tortured for the rest of his life and not be allowed to reproduce anywhere in the US sphere of influence because Homeland military-masonry says he violated IP.

[–] lightscription 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yes. They are all in on it and shameful at on all levels.

God protect those 34 victims. But at least they were adult women. That Boston FBI Hometownland enjoys little boys like the national local military "bike" Responders.

Homosexual fascism is still fascism. Maybe in Edgar's day that could fly, but not today. Government sex offenders that abuse their authority do not represent the People.

FBI sexual harassment of young students

Homeland tried to drunk rape a woman

[–] lightscription 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

But it is really all the Banister Complex nuclear weapons guy because Missouri Grand Lodge wife steals and then Tiberian genocides their victim globally.

Enslavingmasons are dumb as a rock, you ask, because they are low stone work? Well, if you are autistic and don't understand words in context or deliberately negatively misinterpret ("dicking") everything exactly like they do themselves, then yes. The Lodge and Station are cognitive disorders like autism and OCD. They are also Obsessive Compulsive. Notice how they endlessly repeat the same bullshit over and over like no living natural human would except someone diseased with OCD. The enslavingmasons are not rich and intelligent, they are autistic OCDs with slavesheep comms endlessly bitching their autojack self-f*ck, leading-off with slaves for their inane stone stack which retards all progress and the future of humanity just so they can have their status quo of chattel appendages.

[–] lightscription 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

plain clothes hate group calling people "pussies" (because not enough foreigners--many innocent women and children--were murdered like the "brave" military responders who have to be respected for being complete assholes everywhere in reality contrary to the s myth) and then calling pro-BLM people the N-word

[–] lightscription 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Thugs assaulted me, then a fire truck tried to run me over as I crossed the street to get away, and then these cops came out of nowhere and started interrogating me. Dispatch said they called the fire department but I requested to file a police report.

Another "cop" covering up their crimes, raping our kids with the FD (facts: cases, convictions, press releases) and they tell everyone we are stupid because we have the facts while they cry to their military-Homeland mommies and attack peaceful civilians (like that is courage! Coward assholes full of shit).

[–] lightscription 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

[note: WP and Hold resistors not required for In-System Programming]

[–] lightscription 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Plug rpi into power and it will connect automatically with the wpa-supplicant script made by the imager (/NetworkManager/systems connections/preconfigured -connection) and then run the following commands from your laptop connected to the same router.

ip addr

inet is ip of (you can even use a cell hotspot) if you want to use nmap

sudo bettercap (add wifi module to PCI if you are using Qubes)

net.probe on is ip of pi detected as

Login successful!

Most IoT doesn't need full disk encryption because it is protected physically and what is most important is the private-public key security of ssh for remote login. Rasbian has SELinux enabled and is as secure when connected to networking as most servers with not much additional hardening required (especially if you are flashing firmware and not running an infinite uptime you have to protect from attacks).

this cryptography is immune to timing attacks

With Raspbian OS on this sbc, you can't just use dd because of how the OS defaults are set which prevent any interfacing with the pi except via ssh wirelessly (maybe eth0 other models). The openssh scripts are made by Canonical but generated locally (usr/lib/openssh FIRSTUSER) which also means you can't just configure ssh/sshd.conf. But you can copy a self-generated ssh public key to the imager settings (their default is rsa but your own ed25519 will also work).

I recommended configuring your router resolve DNS to cloudflare (with malware filter) or something besides Google8 and also editing the sources list and raspi list to add the S to http.

Then, after you have sshed in, you can update, git clone lbmk, and change the raspi-config to enable UART. After that, you can proceed hardwired with minicom and rfkill all wireless for extra security.

libreboot lbmk acquired successfully!

[–] lightscription 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

318 Adams and Franklin - national hate group plots

Turns out they would have 86ed Adam and made him the wandering EW also for NOT having Eve. Either Witch.

[–] lightscription 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The drive by threw rocks at me and called me the N-word.

They're not individuals: the freemasonic military junta against US citizens.

They're a hate group jacking slaves and violently attacking defenseless US individuals because they think that since they are a militarily equipped group, then they cannot be held accountable as an individual for their war crimes.

paramilitary klansmen drive by stoning

[–] lightscription 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

RPi connects automatically (wpa supplicant) to SSID if you use their imager (not dd) but you need access to the router API to get the pi's IP (or nmap -sP ) and then a script automatically configures the ssh private-public key on first initialization which is default rsa but you can text box in a ssh-keygen ed25591 (521 bit 100+ rounds).

Beagle Bone or some other SBC may be preferable if you want to avoid wireless connections for sensitive firmware operations. Make sure your router is locked down tight because some asshole is supposed to hostile takeover your pi but there is no way for him to do so without an NSA because the ssh crypto curves are strong (no civilian breaks rsa 4096 let alone the newer quantum resistant ed25519).

~~No way to connect to rpi without peripherals because defaults need to be changed via terminal first for UART serial and WiFi ssh.~~ Editing bootfs and rootfs (unless you want to make time-consuming scripts) won't do it. This is probably by design since rpis ship with default Google DNS for telemetry and data mining. ~~Suggest changing resolv.conf~~ * so Google doesn't 8 all your pi before you get some.

*After ssh configuration, rpi uses DNS of router.

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