
joined 1 year ago
[–] justherefornow 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I am a sponge of your gaze
I absorb it completely
And you,
Yes, you wring me out

I am a sponge of your gaze
I absorb it completely
And you,
Yes, you wring me out

You are the dream of my nights, my champagne in the private room
You know I'm helpless when I stand before you
I take everything, whether it's love or anger
No matter what you give, yes, it feels so good to me

The night is captured
But the material so fragile
You don't need words
Because a look says so much

I am a sponge of your gaze
I absorb it completely
And you,
Yes, you wring me out

The lyrics express a deep, almost consuming emotional connection to someone. The speaker describes themselves as a sponge for the other person's looks or gazes, indicating they are deeply affected by the other person's attention and emotions. This attention is fully absorbed, almost to the point of overwhelm, as if the other person wrings the speaker out. There is a sense of vulnerability and helplessness in the speaker's affection or obsession, as they are open to both the love and wrath of the other person. The significance of non-verbal communication is highlighted, suggesting that a mere look from the beloved can convey a wealth of emotions and meaning. The overall tone is one of intense emotional engagement and vulnerability.



Ich bin ein Schwamm deines Blicks
Nehm ihn komplett auf
Und du, uh
Ja, du wringst mich aus

Ich bin ein Schwamm deines Blicks
Nehm ihn komplett auf
Und du, uh
Ja, du wringst mich aus

Du bist der Traum meiner Nächte, mein Sekt im Séparée
Du weißt, ich bin hilflos, wenn ich vor dir steh
Ich nehm alles entgegen, ob Liebe oder Wut
Egal, was du gibst, ja, es tut mir so gut

Die Nacht eingefangen
Doch der Stoff so fragil
Du brauchst keine Worte
Denn ein Blick sagt so viel

Ich bin ein Schwamm deines Blicks
Nehm ihn komplett auf
Und du, uh
Ja, du wringst mich aus