
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 51 points 1 month ago (1 children)

No but you see we at Google aren't locking down sideloading. It's the individual app developers. With the api we gave them for that express purpose. Totally not us locking stuff down though, so EU please ignore us trying to indirectly close doors in our walled garden?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

Agreed on the former. As for the latter, that's hard to tell from the outside. No you can't go back, but if the suffering reliable outweighs the joy, a dignified exit should be supported, and the only one who can really judge that is the one going through it.

If there's maybe enough to hold on for, try holding on. If there's a chance for improvement, please try holding on. If there isn't, then there isn't.

Either way, I hope for improvement in the future, be it personal or medical. No one deserves this kind of suffering.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

On the one hand that's supposedly to do with competitive advantage. It makes sense to try to even the playing field, which should have nothing to do with objection on 'moral'grounds. I'd argue this is mostly a good thing given the iffiness of many groups' morals.

Case in point, your exact examples, which brings me to the other hand. Banning trans athletes on 'fairness' grounds is bullshit. In most sports there's no known competitive advantage. Where there's an imbalance they tend to show disadvantage. The rare cases with an advantage for trans athletes tend to disappear the moment you correct for size/weight, which is not something we'd exclude cis athletes for. None of your examples should have happened. They do not hold water on fairness grounds, and any moralistic reasons behind it are reprehensible.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

The Dutch translation is great. One of the few books I prefer to read in Dutch over English.

Moers wrote many great books in his Zamonia setting, but bluebear is head and shoulders above the rest.

The books have great art too. Done by the author, as he's a cartoonist.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's a variation on the old saw of "how much is the difference between a million and a billion? About a billion". Once numbers become so big, it's hard to grasp the relative sizes. That said, I'm also interested in a more comprehensive breakdown. Seeing who are impacted, how much and where.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

What combination would you recommend to replace most common GitHub functionality?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

Moddb was mentioned. Another good one is thunderstore. It all depends on the game though. Valheim (and several other units based games) is very active on both Nexus and thunderstore, stalker games tend to be moddb, &c. Nexus tends to be the main one for most games though.

I mostly like Nexus (paid member), but I share the concern about it being the only game in town for most games. Nexus is heaps better as a site than both moddb and thunderstore ime, but the lack of real alternatives is putting way too many eggs in the same basket.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago (2 children)

These days ssds might actually have hdds beat on longevity. Still, affordable mass storage and ssds aren't close to hdd levels yet.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

You seem to be a great partner. As someone that's lucky to have one as well I know how much that can matter. Doesn't mean it'll all end up roses, but you seem to be doing everything you can to support her (including, critically, getting support/intel for yourself). No guarantee, but a critical element in it all.

It might not be just the pain making her behave like that, for what it's worth. As someone that's been on a half dozen different opioids (though admittedly never heroin, but from codeine up to fentanyl and many between/beside), I know I got... irritable. Easily and instantly aggravated. Not that I chose to behave like a bastard, but every little thing needled me, rose my hackles in way even the most intense stuff didn't do before I got on opioids every minor annoyance, pain, distraction, interruption hits ten times harder. I tried to contain my response, and often failed. Realizing that was one of the things that pushed me to quit, despite the pain (not a pain survivor, just trying to stay pain surviving). None of that excuses the behaviour. I was not reasonable, I was sharp, and with a deep internal aggression and at times meanness. Nor does your wife's state excuse hers. But it might partially explain her altered behaviour. She's not just dealing with the pain, she's dealing with a soup of junk messing with her brain. They reinforce the other, too. Methadone was one of the ones that brought it out more in me, but ymmv.

Are there friends (hers or yours) that understand and can offer support? Either in helping to guide her to a better path, helping you stay upright, or helping the both of you stay sane together. People with experience with addiction, chronic pain (or, ideally, both) especially, but aside from that anyone close to you (& trusted by your wife) with a good head on their shoulders.

“enough to remove the pain and not be jonesing for another fix” is a trap. They get linked, even if you're careful. If you're desperate for another fix, you'll experience it as pain (physical, or 'just' mental anguish). One way to try to keep stuff level would be to have a set ration per day that's limited enough it takes budgeting but expansive enough she's not in too terrible a state. Depending of the dose/opioid I had set a ration for myself (max X pills per day, max Y pills per week. Any exception I had to get my housemate's ok on, and a no was final.) This will only work if she's willing to cooperate, and only if she can make herself (with help) to actually follow through on it. But it dropped my dose a good 20%, which made a big emotional difference. It came with a secondary boost due to the added sense of control. I chose to give my meds to my housemate, so that I couldn't break my own rules. She gave them only when I could convince her. If you can be that person for her, or if someone else can, it might help. A risk here is hoarding. "I don't need the pills now, but I might in an hour, it's my last dose for the day so i'll take the pills and put them somewhere safe if I need them later". I've fallen into that trap. If your wife isn't fully willing to cooperate, this entire idea is on shakey ground. I chose to let my housemate search my room (in I "I trust you but should/will verify" kind of way). If stuff got caught, all of those were taken away, and i'd have a harder time convincing her to give me any for a while. I hadn't hoarded much, but for your wife that also depends on how well she's able to stay away from that.

It sounds like your wife is struggling. It sounds like she's probably trying her best, but not succeeding. She'll need to accept that before she can change her path. You're there for her though, so she has a shot. If she's willing to work for it. It would also greatly help if she's accepted that she's taking the stuff for the pain, yes, but also the high. And that's understandable; it's important to understand that because if she doesn't, she won't be able to better her behaviour around it. It's fine that she's got the urge to take it to feel not-shit (because post-high you very much do feel shit), but it's not fine to hide from that fact or not act on it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

What tools would you recommend to fund good forks. I've had a Firefox extension or two but they've either creased working or weren't fantastic to begin with. Currently just using the network graph, limitations and all.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Agreed, and in my experience (Asus board) it's functional but a bit buggy, so not an easy recommendation. Still, if you want or need team red it's an option. Price premium sucked, but wasn't actually noticeably more than if I'd gone team blue. Not sure I'd do it again in hindsight though. Fully functional but only 90% reliable (which is worse than it seems, in the same way a delay of "only" a second every time you do something adds up to a big annoyance) is perhaps not worth it for my use case.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

You can get amd with thunderbolt. The motherboards with thunderbolt headers are bloody expensive, and you'll need a 200 bucks add in card (which needs to match the motherboard manufacturer I think), so it's not exactly cheap, but it is possible.

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