
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 hours ago

Honestly? Flat earth? It's not even funny as a joke. That entire movement has been so incredibly detrimental, and dangerous. It has shattered families, and been an instruction manual for other conspiracy theorists. And the worst thing of all is that it makes actual, real facts about how the earth is in, in reality, a hollow shell with a breathable atmosphere in its inferior, come across as just as crazy as flat earth. How are we supposed to spread the truth of hollow earth when flat earthers are out there making us look crazy? Just because hollow earth also points out that the government is lying about the earth doesn't mean we're the same! People need to know about hollow earth! Otherwise, we'll never be able to heal the housing market by building condos inside the earth!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 hours ago

Honestly? Flat earth? It's not even funny as a joke. That entire movement has been so incredibly detrimental, and dangerous. It has shattered families, and been an instruction manual for other conspiracy theorists. And the worst thing of all is that it makes actual, real facts about how the earth is in, in reality, a hollow shell with a breathable atmosphere in its inferior, come across as just as crazy as flat earth. How are we supposed to spread the truth of hollow earth when flat earthers are out there making us look crazy? Just because hollow earth also points out that the government is lying about the earth doesn't mean we're the same! People need to know about hollow earth! Otherwise, we'll never be able to heal the housing market by building condos inside the earth!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

And depending on the situation, those are also laborers. Management has a role to play in any decently sized firm, regardless of it's structure or ideology. The argument here has little to nothing to do with management, it has to do with ownership. Should the employees collectively own their workplace, or should a single entity or group of shareholders own the workplace?

Hell, even the IWW let me sign up as a manager, though they technically have a "no bosses" rule.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 15 hours ago

Cane as in, like, bamboo. Not a walking cane

[–] [email protected] 65 points 1 day ago (4 children)

We have a computer repair shop in my town that does not do computer repair. Ask them if they can fix something, the answer is always "we don't do that." Even simple shit like screen repair on cell phones, which they have signs on their windows saying they do. "We don't do that." My landlord owns the local radio station, he says they've tried to get them to do computer repair for them. "we don't do that." Factory I worked out tried them. "We don't do that" Friend needed keyboard repaired on laptop. "We don't do that" I'm so convinced at this point that whenever I meet a local business owner I ask them who they use for any computer repair, and it's always the same answer as to why they don't use this one place, that's a big store, in the only strip mall in town. They only have one dude in the store, who's constantly got some right wing radio or YouTuber on. There's no other employees, no reasonable way they're affording the outrageous rent for such prime real estate. There aren't many businesses in this town, and almost all of them use someone from the bigger city 35 minutes away

On top of all of that, there used to be a Mexican grocery store in town (in the same parking lot, in fact) that never actually sold any food, and would always say they were closed if you walked in. They got shut down because they were apparently part of a group that was bringing in undocumented workers. The dude who owns the computer repair place is the cousin of the guy who owned the Mexican grocery store.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I mean, if you gave me the choice of a cheese necklace or one of those horrid candy necklace that just made your neck sticky, I'd take a cheese necklace every day. Be great for my drive.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (3 children)

"you skin into the house" is a new one for me

Also, that looks less like a switch and more like a fucking cane. Mr. True went easy on this fella

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

What's wild to me is the sutures. That's a detail I didn't expect on a carving of a skull, and it makes me wonder how many real skulls the artist held in his hand to compare. I'm 99% sure it's all ivory, the area above the teeth looks just a little too smooth for it to be a actual skull, but good GOD is that detailed and amazing

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I never fully appreciated how sexual that song was until hearing it sung by children's characters just now. I'm deeply uncomfortable.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

It's [a song](Bette Davis Eyes https://g.co/kgs/BK7y7F8) that's referencing two silver screen era actresses. Garbo was famous for her standoffishness and an iconic sigh, and Bette had these incredible, large eyes.

If you've never seen a Bette (pronounced Betty) Davis movie, she was absolutely fucking fierce. Seriously, she could be a rapid dog in a ballgown when she wanted to be, but she could also play demure, shrinking violets when she needed to. She had a bit fued with Joan Crawford. She only ever made one movie with her (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane), but my favorite movie of her's is Hush Hush, Sweet Charlotte, and I highly, highly recommend literally every human check that one out.

I'm a bit of a Bette stan

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Labor is entitled to all it creates, but that doesn't necessarily mean each laborer should receive the full value of what that individual laborer creates. It means that the laboring class should receive the full value of what the laboring class creates. Following that logic all the way through, it necessitates that labor be the only class, and thus a classless system. There are... A few different ideas on what that system should look like, with various and myriad different levels of complexity (and authoritarianism), but the basic idea is that ownership of the tools by which we ensure our survival (ie, the means of production, the productive materials) should not be held by an elite few who profit wildly off the labor of the vast majority of us. They should instead be held in common (again, different models ranging from a worker co-op to a fully planned economy with the state standing in as a sort of proxy for the worker), and thus the value created by the laborers who are working those productive machines is more equitably distributed.

Basically, if Tim Apple wasn't around and Apple could be run as a worker co-op, each employee could be making a ridiculous amount of money. Or, more realistically, each employee could make a living wage, and the excess could be funnelled back into the business for innovation, expansion, whatever. If you extend that out and apply the model to an entire national economy, you could use those excess funds for healthcare, infrastructure, UBI, food assistance, bombing brown kids. All the stuff that nation states like to do.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

Used to live at a place with a massive coyote population. We got em here, too, but nothing like that. Nightly they'd yip as they ran around our yard, dozens of them. Every single night. You'd sometimes see them like a whirlwind, literally circling the house and making the craziest loud group noise. It didn't last long, as there got to be more human activity at the house (it had been empty for a while, and then occupied by a lone meth head who never went outside) they found other grounds up in the woods. But for the first several weeks we were there it was terrifying to even consider going outside past dusk. If you left something in the car, you just had to wait til morning for it.


Seriously, I doubt it would even take that long. We get used to shit so quickly, and the news cycles have to keep feeding us new things, the only way we'd keep talking about the aliens if they kept doing new and interesting things. I'd be willing to bet a year later there would be some people who straight up forgot about it. "Oh yeah, aliens! Are they gonna, like, visit at some point or just keep exchanging calls with the Whitehouse?"


Not sure if this goes here, but whenever I get a reply to a comment, it shows up twice? Any body know why?

Screen shot of the phenomenon:



Hey, folks, I'm new to this side of things, and I'm hoping someone can help me out.

I just signed up 5tb of storage through Hetzner's storage share, using nextcloud. I like it so far, but I'm running into an issue. I figured out how to make multiple users, but I don't know how to (or if I can) restrict different users to specific folders. We're broke, so this is going to be shared between me, my mom, my brother, and my sister in law. If it's possible, I'd like to create a folder for each of us, and restrict access to that folder to just that person. I don't want to be able to see what's in my brother's folder, and I don't want my mom seeing what's in mine, et cetera. I've tried to google it and look it up on youtube, but most of what I can find isn't related, and if it is, it's a bunch of technospeak that I don't really understand about self-hosting, which I'm not doing. If it's possible, it would be cool to have a central shared folder as well, but we could just share links with each other when we want to share something if needed.

Any help is really appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Hey, folks, I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

I have a laptop that has been messed up for a while, and I just got it repaired. I was using as basically a desktop, external monitor, mouse, keyboard. I just got it repaired and would like to use it as a laptop again. My problem is that something like 2 years ago, I edited some setting so that I could close the lid of the laptop and it wouldn't suspend, but I can't remember how I did it, and now it won't suspend when I close it, which is less than convenient for use as a laptop.

I googled, but it's not in GNOME tweaks anymore, and I'm not sure how to do any of the stuff I see people posting about terminal commands. I can follow instructions for command line stuff, but I sort of need it spelled out for me from step 1.

Any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Bishop Fish (en.wikipedia.org)

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Test (slrpnk.net)



Hey, folks, I just got a new phone, and reinstalled Eternity on it. But no matter which account I try to log in with, I'm getting an error ("cannot fetch user info") when I try to log in.

Any help is much appreciated. I'm not sure if eternity is on the play store, but I got it through f droid if that matters.


Mary is 2 and a half, and currently lives with us, her sister Maizie, and her adopted brother Monty. Pictures available upon request.

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