
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Last I checked some parks in Montreal allowed for alcohol in some designated times.

There has to be some limits yo drinking in public, but there are multiple ways ut can be done responsibly

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Still a bit vague, but I hope it's more useful when negotiating.

If you say we want XX% raise it focuses the discussion too much on numbers and sometimes doesn't address the true source of the problems

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

I also like this! At first I was a bit bummed out on why I couldn't doom scroll like on reddit.

The fact that the ecosystem was fragmented in multiple little instances made me think that it's possible I wouldn't like it in the end.

But I find myself gravitating more towards my local instances subs then all. (Even though with wafwaf the discoverability factor is severely increased.) The reason is I like the fact that it is a small community.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Ahah good to show the hypocrisy here!

Do you think the same apply in reverse too? That if you support the right for this strike you should support the right for the truckers strike?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

What are their demands (more or less exactly)?

It's always easier to defend those workers when we know their demands are reasonable (which most of the time, they are.)

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What's happening is social media.

You have a bigot, what do you do about it?

Sure you can punch the bigot. Violence begets violence; might fix the problem or make it worse.

So what do you? Confront them. Then if they don't change their ways, you shun them. Generally people don't like being excluded, so slowly but surely the bigots would reform and some would die alone with their hatred.

Now? They have online platforms where they find each other through algorithms that encourages those behaviors because it makes them money.

You want to reduce the hatred on society? Police properly the big social medias.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh no synth is because computers are readily available and anybody can make music. Before you had to be more dedicated.

There still exists good musicians and productions, but they are not backed by big studios...

Which lead to your point. Big studios don't like risks. They don't want to be creative. Fine! No more big budget movies.

But a movie production is still expansive. Even low and good indie movies sometimes have a million dollar budget. That's way more than the budget for a hobby for most people!

So how do we finance it? Governments, non profits? Sure... But still that is possible today and it is done, but it's far from being a source of constant good movies.

And finally sure the diaspora of piracy is wide and large. Some are activists and do really important work such as scihub and libgen, but most people just pirate the latest marvel movie

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I understand the points and while I don't like the rampant corporate greed, you wouldn't have billion dollar movie projects (or series) if piracy was entirely legal and encouraged.

I think it's mostly that the current copyright laws and patents are unfair.

Let's take a big IP such as star wars, wouldn't it be more logical if it were in the public domain? It's almost de facto in the public domain. I can refer to it and almost anybody gets what I'm talking about. It's already a staple of our hegemonic culture. Nobody should own it.

But you know, to get those movies, I wouldn't mind if there was let's say a 1-2 year copyright on the movie. You don't want to wait a year? Pay. Simple as that.

Same for patents. Ad long as we are a capitalistic society, it's desired that research makes profit, so put a patent for a few years and voila!

In the end you are going to stimulate more research. First by sharing knowledge and second by encouraging new research which can be patented. No sitting on a patent for years doing nothing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Damn, it could work.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

We forego all notions of hunting, rations, weight, in the end unless you aim for hyper realistic, common sense is good enough (hunting in a desert might be hard, transporting cargo is heavy.)

We modified a bit the rests mechanics: Short rest is short (like 5-10min) work as usual.

Full rest needs to be done in a safe camp or safe place, it means putting up a big fire and not having 2 persons on guard. Which means more dangers, (doing that near a bad guys place = fight for sure)

So we normally sleep without fires and it does replenish exhaustion, but no spell for the wizard (or all abilities that require full rest)

In the end it forces us to have the more balanced 4-6 encounter between long rest upon which d&d is built.

Works really well!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Tant qu'à être un dictateur éclairé :

Pas d'exemption sur le gain en capital de ta première propriété. C'est niaiseux que tu puisses faire des 100k$ sans être imposé. Par contre tu paierais juste dans le cas de vente/ transfert (sinon tu pourrais être forcé de vendre parce que ta maison a trop pris de valeur!)

Pour aider la crise du logement? Taxe sur les propriétés non-habitée a l'année longue qui augmente chaque année qu'elle est vide, dans le but de forcer les proprios qui ont une maison vide a vendre ou un appart a le louer. Ça rend airbnb moins attrayant (car le loyer est considéré vide, right?)

Pour les autos, taxe sur le poids! d'un véhicule ET sur le co2. Ça va affecter en négatif les VE (pour le poids) mais récompenser pour le co2. Les pickups et suv seront moins intéressant. On peut exclure le commercial si on veut pas faire trop mal a notre tite-économie.

(La taxe de 50% sur la 2ieme propriété c'est quoi?)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Je pense que les problèmes avec les taxes, c'est toujours le : "pis eux?"

Dans le sens que lorsqu'on regarde le pick up ostentatoire, ya aussi les gros bateaux ostentatoires.

Pour chaque famille qui prend l'avion annuellement, t'as un snowbird qui prend l'avion 4 fois dans l'année (yup.)

Donc c'est sûr que la pilule est plus difficile a faire passer.

Perso, une taxe aggressive sur le carburant réglerait beaucoup de problème. On taxe pas le carburant sur les avions ni les bateaux de croisières ni le sbateaux de marchandises. Ton pickup a 30l/100km devient pas mal moins intéressant du coup.

On peut pas dire que ça attaque tout le monde de la même façon ainsi, c'est plus ciblé de même.

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