
joined 1 year ago

In 1970, Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich published a famous book, The Population Bomb, in which he described a disastrous future for humanity: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death.”

Looking at population demographics, it's plain to see we're in trouble now. A society with no babies, has no future. We're all gonna starve to death with food riots tearing apart the fabric of society while the cities all burn.

Better make sure you got your long term food and water storage, seed banks and grid-out cooking skills up to snuff!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

No, not the bees!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

So how have you guys been? I've been dealing with losing two of my dogs in a row. I'll be okay, though.


[SDF] Welcome to SDF Chatter

Welcome to SDF Chatter, a Federated Lemmy instance -!

Over the past 2 weeks we've been doing our best to keep up with the Reddit migration. We just made it past 1000 signups and wanted to provide you with a status update for the instance.

Many of you left very thoughtful and meaningful explanations of why you were joining us and what you hope for. It is truly an amazing time for the internet, especially for a non-commercial organization as old as SDF to be included in this. We just celebrated our 36th cake day on Friday!

If you would like, could you introduce yourself and share your thoughts in regards to the Reddit migration and the Fediverse in the !sdfpubnix ?

Well, Reddit is part of the corporate extranet being presented to the Public as though it is the Internet. But more than ever before, the small handful of data silos lording it over their hordes of private information are taking it for granted that their control and dominion over the Public is untouchable and unquestionable.

Meanwhile, the mass migration of people from the small handful of anti-trust law violating dystopian megacorps is greater than ever before. I'm a bit spicy in other places, but considering the host, I'll keep it worksafe and be on my best behavior. I have places for more spicy stuff, this is mostly for ham radio and vintage computing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Saw that awhile ago, it's very cool! I'd like to see him connect to with that thing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Ooh, that looks amazing!