
joined 1 year ago
[–] coffeedog 1 points 8 months ago

Uskomaton tahti...

[–] coffeedog 3 points 8 months ago

Sanovat nuo hesan panomiehet et Villi Wäinö ja Bier Bier on paikkoja joista vois sahtia saada.

[–] coffeedog 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Harvinaista on ympäri suomee kun tarvii kylmäketjun ja huonosti säilyy kylmässäkin. Helpoin on kun lähdet 2-3 kaverin kanssa sahtiopistolle kurssille. Pitkä viikonloppu tuottaa yhdestä padasta joku 150l parempaa sahtia kuin mitä baarista saisit anywsy.

Sahtia <3 (

Pääs taas panemaan pitkästä aikaa.

[–] coffeedog 3 points 9 months ago



Golfesitys, never forget.

[–] coffeedog 4 points 9 months ago

Dunno how it works there, as I've never used public transport there, but here in Tampere we have ticket readers right next to tram doors and everyone taps their card / mobile on those to activate the ticket. Not easy to forget at all. Same in local trains.

[–] coffeedog 5 points 10 months ago (3 children)
[–] coffeedog 32 points 11 months ago

Assistant to the speaker.

[–] coffeedog 17 points 11 months ago

Trivalwar did something similar 20 years ago (no imagery in the link, just the story).

[–] coffeedog 1 points 1 year ago

Had a good bike. It was in my bike shed pretty much unused for years. Bought my first e-bike some years ago and sold my car some time ago after not using it.

I live in Finland close to city centre with a shopping center nearby, so e-bike covers most of my needs. Occasionally I need to rent a car or loan one from a friend. I ride my e-bike throughout the year. Just need to replace the tires with studded tires for winter and drive a bit more carefully when there is ice/snow. I am pretty sure my e-bike I actually keeps me in better shape than the good regular bike I had, that I kept in the shed.

9km (6miles) to city center to the office, and it takes me 21min to get there on an e-bike (could not be arsed to commute with regular bike as there are quite a few ascends and descends). Bus 31min and car would be around that as well.

Service is not a problem either. Any bike shop fixes them here at least and there are specialized shops for e-bikes as well if you have something more exotic or think you need a specialized one. Most of the bikes here are fitted with Bosch or Shimano systems anyway so there is not much need for specializing.

Granted, I am closer to a senior than a teenager.

To the OP: We have a ton of e-scooters here. Both rental ones (multiple operators) and private ones and I do not mind them on a bike lane. We both are limited to 25kmh (15mph) assist, but I do go a bit faster as I can still pedal where they can not. Infact, it is also the law that they need to use bike lane if one is available. They are not to use sidewalk. They are analoguous to bikes in our road law.

Bigger problem than scooters on the bike lane are the pedestrians on the bike lane in the city centre at least. People walking with their noses on their cell phones not paying attention to the divider and just walking in the middle of the very well marked bike lanes.

[–] coffeedog 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Slicks oli eka peli mistä oikein maksoin omilla rahoilla kokoversiosta. Rahat ja palautuskuori kirjeeseen ja paluupostissa tuli muistaakseni sitten disketillä kokoversio.

[–] coffeedog 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Pratchettin ja Neil Gaimanin yhteistyössä tekemä Hyviä Enteitä on tullut luettua muutamaankin kertaan. 5/5. Jos Linnunradan käsikirja liftareille kutkuttaa nauruhermoja ni samaan kohtaan iskee Hyviä Enteitä. Prime videon sarja parin vuoden takaa on hyvinkin uskollinen kirjalle.

[–] coffeedog 1 points 1 year ago

Dekkareista en tiedä, mutta Aleksi Suomesta oli kova ja mukavan kompakti. Tuomas Kyrön tekemä elämänkerta suomalaisesta palkkasotilaasta.

Nyt on työn alla Kingin lyhyttrilogia Gwendyn lipas, Gwendyn lumottu sulka, Gwendyn viimeinen tehtävä josta eka osa ainakin oli mainio.

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