
joined 1 year ago
[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 1 points 1 month ago

Look, you might not like that Hermann Göring has aided and abetted war crimes and genocide and is planning to continue to do so as Führer, but Reinhardt Heydrich has been more direct and rude about his plans to do the same! We all know that no other candidate will win the election, so if you don't vote for Göring and instead vote for a non-genocidal candidate, you're worse than someone who's voting for Heydrich!

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta -3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Lemmy is one of the most intense echo chambers out there. It's very funny that a self-professed anti-hierarchical, decentralized message board site like this falls in line so neatly behind whatever candidates the corporate media tells them to and then browbeats anyone who dares to consider alternatives. Americans' refusal to vote third party plays a big role in why the two major parties are so completely unresponsive to the public's interests and desires. They won't win, of course, thanks to FPTP, but voting for them pressures the two parties to change their platform to win over their voters.

This is precisely why the corporate media is so invested in vilifying third party voters. Every election from now until the end of recorded history will be "the most important election ever" (or "the last election ever," as they've been painting it recently) and anyone who refuses to vote for the lesser-of-two-evils candidate is a willful apostate who's worse than a Trump voter. And the masses buy into it, and then it's naked tribalism and hysteria from there.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Fuck that dude. Talk about destroying an incredible career by just being an absolute piece of shit.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Fair points. Yeah, I hope it was clear that that last bit wasn't addressed to you, but rather the person reporting me. I appreciate your actually being civil and responding to the points I'm making. I wish that was more the norm.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yes, you're absolutely right that the right wing does this, too, and it's just as foolish. The antiwoke culture war has been a massive failure for the American GOP and very likely cost them seats in the midterms. It absolutely affects elections. Trying to police speech is a bad idea in general, regardless of ideology. Threats, defamation, and harrassment are already illegal. New laws like these do not meaningfully protect anyone from those, but they do erode protections for free speech and also piss off vast swathes of the general population, who will usually manifest some political backlash against the party that implemented them. I'm a leftist and I'd prefer not to have Brazil slide back into Bolsanarismo before actually meaningful reforms can be implemented.

As an aside, Lemmy is becoming even worse than Reddit for people being totally unwilling to entertain alternate analyses of politics. Protip: just because someone isn't parroting the same virtue-signaling talking points over and over again, it doesn't make them a Nazi. My account was apparently reported over this conversation, so to whomever did that, good job trying to run me off rather than engage with my arguments, I guess. Enjoy your circle jerk.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta -3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Yes, clearly believing that hearing certain words and phrases is so injurious to human wellbeing that their use needs to be criminalized is the position of the utmost resilience and bravery. How silly of me. These sorts of wokescold laws contribute effectively nothing to the material wellbeing of any kind of marginalized group, and if you honestly believe that there won't be political blowback from this, I think you're out of touch with the general public. Even if the law itself is toothless and cannot be applied maliciously by the other side, the right wing media is going to make hay out of it, riling up millions of blue collar, conservative voters against the perceived excesses of Lula's administration. It blows a lot of a new and somewhat fragile administration's political capital for effectively no material benefit.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 6 points 1 year ago

The OG swamp cult Wyatts are now one of the great "what-ifs" of modern wrestling. For as much as Bray tried some interesting angles in his last few years, terrible booking and the lack of a stable to back him up made it fall flat. The original trio had a magic to it that none of the three ever quite recaptured on their own: Bray was the mouthpiece and had great ideas, Brodie grounded it, giving it psychological depth and deranged zeal, and Erick was the muscle who always seemed like he had his own motives for following. It felt real in a way that it never did when it was just Bray alone. The Wyatt Family got me back into wrestling, and it's extememely sad that circumstances conspired to separate them before they could reach their full potnential together. RIP Bray and Brodie.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Probably not a popular opinion, but the GTS always looked ridiculous, even when it was executed well by Kenta. It's just an inherently silly move, and nobody above the midcard should be using it. Punk is insanely over the hill for a dude his age (especially compared to the NJPW wrestle dads who've been popping up since Forbidden Door I), and his matches are just generally sad to watch, especially when he tries to hit his finisher. Dude should be on commentary, not in the ring.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 4 points 1 year ago

I thought the Kansas side was cute, but I also only didn't leave my car except to go into my hotel.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 6 points 1 year ago

Düsseldorf is ugly and boring. Lots of big companies are there, so there are good jobs, but it's a cultural and aesthetic wasteland. Sorry, Kraftwerk.

[–] burnedoutfordfiesta 0 points 1 year ago

Shhhh, this is the internet and only tribalistic partisan analyses are allowed. Why don't you shut up and move to a brutally fascist country like checks notepad Norway, Finland, or Sweden, you bigot?


There's a lot of delicious food in *Frasier *(so much so they made a cookbook!). I want to hear what everybody thinks the best and worst dishes to appear on the show are. I'll start.

Best: The Pink Webber. I imagine it tasting like a boozy pink lemonade.

Worst: Bonnie's deviled ham in the shape of a football with macaroni laces. No part of that is ok.

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