
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

I think I'm largely in agreement with you -- yes, I absolutely want people to respect each other, and start from that perspective. Mostly because there are a lot of super lazy jokes about groups of people that aren't funny because they're not clever, they're just bigoted.

But when people say, "too much political correctness", that tends to be what they're talking about. E.g., some jerk makes a joke about their pronouns being attack/helicopter or something, showing that they don't understand pronouns and that they don't understand that humor should involve something unexpected, not something super expected, if one assumes the person has bigoted ideas.

But plenty of people make good humor with various groups because they don't fall into those standard tropes.

And if someone is punching up, absolutely respect should be kept to the bare minimum.

Or, in other words, basic respect is about learning about a topic. "Too much respect" would be never pointing out various oddities in a group that you otherwise have basic respect for.

Because, yeah, people act in funny ways. Especially when acting as a group.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Being creative does oftentimes require taking risks, and oftentimes unintentionally crossing lines, so I'm with you on that.

On the other hand, the only mention of women being how they're required to go commando is... not likely to be an environment women want to be in.

As for political correctness, to quote Neil Gaiman:

I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which included the phrase “In these days of political correctness…” talking about no longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of their skin. And I thought, “That’s not actually anything to do with ‘political correctness’. That’s just treating other people with respect.”

Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase “politically correct” wherever we could with “treating other people with respect”, and it made me smile.

Maybe there are times when that's not what's happening, but most of the times I see it used, it's people complaining that they can't act like jerks without consequence.


Military units spreading themselves evenly into carrying units, and the villager behavior changes both seem like things that most everyone will have to get used to, because they'll be super helpful.

It'll be interesting to see how those play out.


According to the video, it's available for preorder now, but Steam says: Planned Release Date: Mar 14, 2024, and no way for them to take your money.

Maybe that was just me, or maybe it'll be changed shortly.

Personally, I'm glad that they're doing this, as it provides another way to keep the game funded without doing the various tricks that free-to-play games go for.


The post calls it a small update, and I suppose it is. But it's also a pathing update, which will hopefully reduce the frustrations that everyone has been having.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

It automatically restoring all those unsaved notes has made me so lazy.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

The only sensible logic I could come up with is where a new version is broken in some awful way, but an older version is not.

But, obviously, that only works if the people haven't already upgraded.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I like that you're describing an anti-Twitter, where people have to express themselves in over 250 characters, rather than under 140 or 280.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

FidoNet does still exist, but it's commonly called "fight-o-net" for a reason, as there are... some characters there.

If you do resurrect your node, I'd suggest also picking up FSXnet, as it's the second largest network, is better maintained, and has a no-politics-or-religion rule that makes it way more pleasant to be on.

Or, you know, you could call one of the BBSs out there, and make a sysop's day by being a user, as non-sysop users are not super common, at this point. You can try my BBS at or telnet://, if you'd like to see FSXnet and FidoNet in their current lives.

But there are plenty of other BBSs out there, too, and my BBS is really only special because I have an ANSI calendar with a different graphic every day that I made 370-ish graphics for. It celebrates a holiday every day.

And if you're wondering about BBS networks in general, I recently found out about , which has way more info than I was expecting about what the available FTN networks look like.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I think they could've done that one better, though I guess they had a variety of reasons why they didn't have those campaigns. Some things that just didn't work right because of it not being the AoEI engine.

But I don't recall specifics on that one, as I haven't paid a whole lot of attention, given that, despite having the Rome DLC, I haven't actually played the AoEI content, at all.

That said, I thought I recall some rumors about them working on porting over the original campaigns, so I wouldn't be surprised if you get those campaigns eventually.

But, yeah, not yet, and not something they mentioned specifically in this update, in any way. At least as far as I read.


According to the post, the highlights are:

New QoL (Quality of Life) Features:
    Enhanced Unit UI
    Lockable gates during construction
    Enhanced tooltips for unit icons
New Mod Validator
New Challenge Scenario: Mangudai Madness
Bug fixes based on your feedback
Pathfinding and Formations fixes
Balance changes
[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Yay! That said, have you noticed a difference? I know that one may be harder to notice, as it's an absence of annoyances.

For new path-finding issues, I'm wondering about the mule carts. Since having them follow the villagers sometimes winds up with villager collisions that stop villagers from going anywhere. So I tended to micro the carts to be near, but not at, woodlines. And that... is more micro than my current ability can reasonably handle.


Georgians and Armenians are now available (provided you buy the DLC), Persians are rather different, and a variety of other changes. Including path finding, that hopefully people will be happier with.


A variety of bug fixes and balance changes, including Frankish castles getting less of a discount in castle age, but probably the interesting bit is that single-player mode has pathing changes for less-than-20-tile movement.

So a pathing improvement might be on the horizon. Though I'm sure it's a really hard problem.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I followed that link, and the post itself seems to not be that, no one in comments was pointing to anything that was a smoking gun on that, and someone else linked to the CEO directly saying that, no, absolutely not, it'd be bad business to do so.

Which feels weird to defend GoDaddy, because, while I haven't used them in a few years, my experience with them is that they're an awful registrar, but mostly because of how hard they make it to transfer away and how sleazy they get with sales tactics. And their ads haven't been... good, but I'd probably let that slide if they provided reliable, good service.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I thought that was the sensible solution, though -- you have your own domain names, but then use some reputable e-mail provider for the actual server.

E.g., I use mxroute, and wouldn't imagine setting up the e-mail servers myself, even though I still wind up having to muck about in the DNS records when getting things set up.

On the note of corporate addresses, I remember that I had a e-mail address, that was supposed to be "permanent", and work as a forwarding thing, as I switched between various ISPs for my e-mail address.

It was significantly less permanent than having my own domains. And, with Google, we never quite know when they're get bored or run into money issues. But some of my domains? I'll probably have them as long as I'm alive, and that's probably long enough.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

It's been having monthly updates for a while, at this point. The thing is, yeah, it was released in 1999, but it remained popular despite no significant updates in years, other than fan-made enhancements.

But they released the HD edition in 2013, and then the DE in 2019, with a variety of expansions / DLC along the way with both of them. Most recent expansion was to add Romans as a playable civ, and port Age of Empires I into the AoEII engine, so that you wind up playing AoEI in AoEII.

But, yeah, kinda cool that the game continues to receive support, and continues to receive support because it continues to be popular.

And, yeah, my desktop is overkill for the game. Though the requirements have gone up a fair bit since it was released in 1999. But it's not like it's slinging around a full scene of detailed 3D models or anything.


New event released, and a fairly short list of changes, but it'll be interesting to see how much better/different pathing feels after:

·Ranged units will now properly move closer to targets that are both out of range and unable to path to, instead of getting stuck in some situations. ·Units will no longer move far away when trying to make space for allied units.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I'll second that. I've been using them for 4 or 5 years, and have been pleased.

There even was a day where there was an outage for my server, and they made it right by giving everyone credits roughly equal to 3 years of service or something. I thought that was overkill, and I guess they'll take a loss on it, but... the instincts are nice. It seems like a place where it's some dude taking care of servers, rather than a giant corporation who is more focused on extracting money than providing a great service for a reasonable cost.


Boat unloading works again! (And a ton of other updates, including a new event)

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