
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Wow that doesn’t look like Xqc at all, terrible job

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

For real! They’re coming for our kids!! Trying to teach them sexual health, and idk about you but nothing with the word “sex” in it is appropriate for my child! Oh the humanity, why can’t we go back to the good ole days when Catholic priests were given free reign to abuse children

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I agree with you, companies only care as far as their bottom line goes. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that doing pride displays and showing support, even in superficial support, is a bad thing. And there is no such thing as moral consumption under capitalism, and the only solution is to move towards a more worker centric society and eliminate exploitation from these industries. It starts with how you use your vote and your voice, we should advocate for more people to get involved and active.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

I struggle doing the things I want to do bc I feel like my energy is sapped up just trying to survive day to day, it’s at least comforting to know there are other people who feel alien to our normative society

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I’d be interested in stuff like this as well, thanks for your recommendations. I was hoping to find a blog or resource for MachineLearning and related topics, so if anyone knows of any please let me know!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Bro it’s Friday, you good homie?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

This game looks interesting but also just kinda looks like a re-skin of Jedi Fallen order lol. Idk I wasn’t super captured by the combat in that game so I might pass on this unless reviews are hella good

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I really appreciate all your input, its really helped me connect a few dots that needed connecting so I really do appreciate it my man. I'm aware of the OSI model and I was hoping my work with my homelab would help me understand better, but I've still got a ways to go. I really appreciate your explanations on Layer 2 and Layer 3, I understood the definitions but your explanation helps me connect the idea to real world examples. I also understood bridges somewhat but relating it to a switch makes it simple to understand and configure.

Thanks for the links as well, I will be messing around with this config tonight so I will be using your comments as a resource, so really, thank you! Can I ask for permission to PM you if I have any questions related to homelab/networking? You and I seem very similar in our scatterbrain-ness lol, so I figured it might make things easier if that makes sense. I will definitely be doing more reading and research, the first link you provided seems like an absolute blessing of a resource.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I also think the abundance of content is a part of the issue, but with no clear solution. People are bombarded with a thousand stories about a thousand different things going on in their country, the world, their city, etc... But we know that Humans can only reasonably maintain around 150-200 close personal relationships max that you would be able to converse with and empathize with and what not, Dunbars number. I think this is part of the problem why people see everything in black and white imo, there's an abundance of information out there and our society currently is in a state where everyone has to have an opinion on every conceivable subject but that's just not feasible. And when there's so much information to parse through humans tend to group things together as we love our patterns. So if you believe an idea from this group of people, you must believe the 100 other possible interpretations of correlated subjects and what not, or at least that's how people tend to view others expressing certain viewpoints. I struggle with this and people who espouse hateful ideas and disinformation against Trans people, a lot of people may not know any better or believe that there's this widespread push to transition people as young as possible which just isn't the case. It's something I find hard to extend grace on, it feels morally wrong to prevent people from making informed decisions between themselves and their healthcare specialist and besides that it is such a tiny portion of the population to be focusing on when there are much bigger widespread issues that affect us all. But its also something I feel is fueled a bit by this same issue we are discussing, I'm honestly not sure how you would work against this besides smaller and more tight-knit communities but then you have echo chambers, not that it wasn't a problem in some subreddits as well. Very interesting thing to think about! Love hearing everyones thoughts!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Hard agree, definitely feels more personable. People are making an effort to understand one another and people are collectively calling out the shitty things. Very nice change of pace

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Oh boy, I hope this statement pisses off a lot of people and motivates them to extend the blackout. My only criticism of the blackout was that there was an end date, Reddit only has to wait it out temporarily in that case, but idk this statement is kinda ridiculous. I hope people take it as the spit in the face it is, who tf is getting violent over subreddits going private? no one, extend the blackout!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Persona is very much an anime game, but it does it so well and tells a compelling story and the characters are generally fleshed out well and have their own human problems. Don't get me started on the gameplay, its fucking fantastic! Reminds me of pokemon but it does things differently enough and the fact there are extra abilites and Bonds help with that as well. I played 4 on PSP as my first delve into the series and that game is still one of my favorites of all time. Highly recommend persona to any that like JRPGs


Hi All!

New to the Fediverse from the reddit exodus, I've gotten into Self-hosting around January this year and have been loving learning about Networks and how they are structured and communicate and I love the projects that come out of managing a home lab.

As I've built up my home lab, from a single node to 3, I've been trying to think of how to structure my network to segment it in such a way that my homelab is on its own segmented network, whether this be VLAN or separate LAN (though I've heard terrible things about double NAT), and have that whole segment of traffic be pushed through a VPN tunnel. Unless that is not necessary? Part of the reason I want to make this post is so that people who are around the same point in their home lab adventure who might have similar questions can come to this thread to discuss particulars about the manner at hand. I'll probably be structuring future questions in such a manner that allows people to discuss and nail down topics they may be struggling with wrapping their head around.

Back to my question, so let me give a better lay of the land. I am running Proxmox as my hypervisor on all these nodes, I have a generic ISP-provided router (ActionTek T3200 if interested in the model) that handles LAN routing and WiFi. Currently all my nodes are hard-lined to the router and I rely on proxmox default firewall atm, I haven't dug into how to properly configure any of that since I wanted a separate solution, not sure the security implications of just using proxmox's firewall so chime in if you know.

So all my nodes are hooked up to my router, but I have a Layer 2 switch I got for free (supports basic VLANs as well as some other basic features) and I want to configure my 3rd node to run OPNsense for my routing and VLAN tagging. The 3rd node will sit on the edge of the Router and the Switch, meaning Router connects to Ethernet port 1 on node 3 and Ethernet port 2 on node 3 connects to the switch and would be providing the LAN and internet access from my understanding. Node 3 will also be running a VPN tunnel to provide remote access as well as providing protection for my *Arr downloads. So the routing for my homelab should go from this:

Node 1, Node 2, Node 3 ------- ISP Router ------ Internet

to this:

Node 1, Node 2--Switch/Node3---ISP Router --Internet

Now my understanding is that structuring it in such a way means that if, for example, Node 1 which hosts my *Arr network were to pull a compromised download then its damage would only go as far as where the VLAN ends, ie would only affect my homelab network because its segmented in such a way that my devices connected to wifi would be unaffected.

I've just started to tinker around with configuring OPNsense when I got a sense for how to structure my network. I'm trying to virtualize it, which is a bit unconventional but not unheard of. I was able to spin up a VM running the installer and it gets through the install just fine but I am unable to reach the address provided. It's which is off my IP range. This might be where I need a bit of help understanding, but shouldn't it give me an IP address that's in my Routers IP Range? Maybe not, maybe its a sort of DMZ type thing? I'm not all too familiar so give a shout if you know something. I am thinking that the WAN and LAN ports are just getting switched during install and I need to interrupt the install and manually delegate those ports and then I'll be able to connect? I haven't had some solid time to dig deep on this so I figured rambling on a forum with tech savvy individuals might at the very least provide me with some insight and more understanding.

So I suppose my question is what do you think of my thought process? Am I missing anything major in my understanding? How should you think about configuring your firewall and VPN? How do you setup VLANs to allow communication where necessary between VLANs and Wifi network? Apologies that this got so long, I was trying to keep it brief but also give enough info on my environment. Let me know if there's any questions. I'd also be interested in resources if my topics just point to needing a better understanding of networking generally. Thanks for your time

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