
joined 5 months ago
[–] UsernameHere 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

“We” as in consumers don’t use enough to hurt companies by divesting.

By all means do anything you can to reduce your individual carbon footprint. But do so knowing it is just a drop in the ocean. Such a small difference that it might as well be nothing.

But if you convince the public that our individual choices can fix climate change then we end up with paper straws instead of systemic change.

[–] UsernameHere 12 points 2 weeks ago (25 children)

I’m not saying to do nothing as individuals.

Just pointing out that the fossil fuel industry paid a marketing team to push the idea of individual carbon footprints for a reason.

100 companies have been responsible for 71% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That means that the remaining 29% of emissions are shared by all the other companies and consumers. Even if you split that remainder evenly between all other companies and consumers, that’s only 14% all emissions being caused by consumers and it’s probably more likely in the single digits.

This is why the fossil fuel industry pays a marketing team to get the public focused on their individual carbon footprint. So you’re focused on the less than 14% of the total emissions instead of the other 86%

[–] UsernameHere 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (10 children)

Why wouldn’t Chevron be responsible for the emissions for the fuel they provide? The fossil fuel industry has entrenched themselves and made it as difficult as possible to not use their products. Even to go so far as to influence how our cities are built.

I'd love to not use any fossil fuels but I can’t afford solar panels or a heat pump so I have to either burn gas or my family freezes to death. I have to get my electricity from coal because my family can’t survive without electricity.

I don’t have a choice because of the choices made by the fossil fuel industry.

[–] UsernameHere 8 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I’m vegan, I drive an EV and I’m saving money for solar and a heat pump.

Just pointing out that the fossil fuel industry paid a marketing team to push the idea of individual carbon footprints for a reason.

100 companies have been responsible for 71% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That means that the remaining 29% of emissions are shared by all the other companies and consumers. Even if you split that remainder evenly between all other companies and consumers, that’s only 14% all emissions being caused by consumers and it’s probably more likely in the single digits.

This is why the fossil fuel industry pays a marketing team to get the public focused on their individual carbon footprint. So you’re focused on the less than 14% of the total emissions instead of the other 86%

[–] UsernameHere 14 points 2 weeks ago (12 children)

I didn’t say “don’t consume less”.

Just pointing out that the fossil fuel industry paid a marketing team to push the idea of individual carbon footprints for a reason.

100 companies have been responsible for 71% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That means that the remaining 29% of emissions are shared by all the other companies and consumers. Even if you split that remainder evenly between all other companies and consumers, that’s only 14% all emissions being caused by consumers and it’s probably more likely in the single digits.

This is why the fossil fuel industry pays a marketing team to get the public focused on their individual carbon footprint. So you’re focused on the less than 14% of the total emissions instead of the other 86%

[–] UsernameHere 45 points 2 weeks ago (46 children)

In 2005, fossil fuel company BP hired the large advertising campaign Ogilvy to popularize the idea of a carbon footprint for individuals.

BP oil company pushed the idea that our individual carbon footprints matter so that everyone can share the blame of what the fossil fuel industry has done.

Don’t fall for it. Only corporations pollute enough to matter. Only corporations can provide alternatives to fossil fuels. Only corporations can make a meaningful reduction to greenhouse gas emissions.

The most significant difference individuals can make is to create political and legal pressure by voting and protesting.

[–] UsernameHere 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Your plan is to require every individual on the planet to make sacrifices that could kill them and their loved ones? You think that’s actually achievable?

Did you forget we couldn’t even get everyone to wear masks during the pandemic?

Of course that plan would never work. We can prove it by showing that greenhouse gas emissions have still been increasing after the fossil fuel industry started this carbon footprint marketing campaign.

Changes like this don't happen in an empty space. If you have an Eco aware consumer base it help a lot.

No one is saying we don’t want eco aware consumers and the top polluting companies on the planet are not “an empty space”.

This is a systemic problem that requires political and legal action to fix.

Paper straws don’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

[–] UsernameHere 0 points 2 weeks ago

Stop trying to play the victim. You’re literally pushing fossil fuel talking points. If you aren’t a fossil fuel shill, you’re still pushing their talking points.

[–] UsernameHere 2 points 2 weeks ago

By voting and protesting to get a revenue neutral carbon tax passed. Passing legislation to end our dependence on fossil fuels. Creating the political will to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the damage they’ve done. Taking their profits and use it to fund the work needed transition everyone away from fossil fuels not just those that can afford it.

[–] UsernameHere 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Don’t tell me. Tell the fossil fuel industry and their marketing firms.

They are the ones that disagree with you.

[–] UsernameHere 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Sure, do it all.

But know that the fossil fuel industry is paying marketing companies to convince individuals that their carbon footprint matters. Because it benefits them to do so.

[–] UsernameHere 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I’m not saying don’t make personal changes.

I am saying it is impossible to fix the problem with individual change and fossil fuel companies know that.

And we can prove that they have paid marketing companies to convince the public that the impossible solution is the one we should choose.

The only viable solution is for a small fraction of the individuals to force change by creating political and legal pressure for systemic change.

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