
joined 1 year ago
[–] Terces 48 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I think this gave me a brain aneurism.....wth.

[–] Terces 71 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I had no cancer, but know people that did and one thing that came up often is that people tend to distance themselves from them. Not in a mean way, but dealing with special needs is tedious and that is often just a cause to not do certain things. Spending time together (no matter what you end up doing) gives a sense of normalcy and can really push someone to keep fighting. Cancer is a marathon with additional sprints (chemo) on top. Not being alone through all of this is a huge help

[–] Terces 42 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

They have to list their legal contact. Write them an e-mail there and quote the GDPR. Request a confirmation.

[–] Terces 248 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

He's not just being polite but he made the conscious decision that this store is the one he wants to support because they were willing to lose revenue in order to help the customer.

[–] Terces 47 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I think it points to the character on the left that looks a bit like a character from "Among us". And they used the available icons to write a name close enough to that (Abong up)

But that's just a guess....

[–] Terces 51 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

I....don't get it. This is an old way to help a child that has something stuck in their throat. I mean, the heimlich maneuver was first described in 1974, so I guess this WAS in fact the best technique at the time. Keeping someone from suffocating is kind of important, and this seems like something you can do fast and easy (at least with a relatively small person).

[–] Terces 23 points 3 months ago

This tram goes up a steep hill. On the ground you can see a third line of "tracks". Those a for a gear the tram uses to pull itself up the hill. It's the only one in Stuttgart that has that. Because that hill is so steep, they allow bikers to take their bike with them and because many use that offer, they added the extra bike carriage.

[–] Terces 44 points 4 months ago (17 children)

Their concern is not solely based on the gene modification. The impact of introducing a new crop is bigger than that. The golden rice is patented and that often comes with a ton of regulations the local farmers have no control over.

While I wish for there to be a good way to solve the food problem AND find a good use for gene modification, I don't think that this particular instance is it....

[–] Terces 16 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Uh....if she's doing shadow puppets, then why is she not looking at the shadows she's casting but directly into the light instead?

[–] Terces 112 points 4 months ago (2 children)

How do they know that you wrote it yourself and didn't just steal it?

This is a rule to protect themselves. If there is ever a case around this, they can push the blame to the person that committed the code for breaking that rule.

[–] Terces 1 points 5 months ago

E-scooter und Pedelecs haben sich auch durchgesetzt, obwohl am Anfang auch viele gesagt haben, dass das nichts bringt.

Am Ende des Tages wird sich aber einfach zeigen müssen ob die Kosten, der Nutzen und die Nachteile so in Einklang gebracht werden können, dass sich für den Volocopter eine Nische ergibt. Der Volocopter ist das erste (echte) Modell in einem neuen Zweig der Verkehrsmittel. Ich glaube das kann durchaus nochmal spannend werden.

[–] Terces 25 points 5 months ago

I think you already gave yourself the answer in your own case:

Because I give zero crap about what other people think of me.

This applies to people that aren't in your inner circle. You want HER to be in that circle and suddenly it actually does matter what SHE thinks of you. You have little to lose with people you don't really care about, but everything to lose with people you do care about. It's an evil social twist that makes everything so complicated. High self-esteem is just the ability to quickly pull yourself up when you fall and the knowledge that you actually CAN do so. It mitigates the risks of "putting yourself out there".


I want to add a switch to my dashboard. But I don't just want it to be a button. When I add a card and select by entity, I can see a "preview" of exactly what I want it to look like (see below). But I cannot add that as a card. It doesn't matter what card I choose, it always looks different. I noticed the same for all sorts of other entities. I know I was able to have such a button in my dashboard some years ago, when I first played around with it. After a break I'm coming back to homeassistant and this is really frustrating me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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