
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

The cops can remove you from residing in a place that isn't legally residential.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Read Paul Fussell's books on the North American Class system:

the difference between Middle-Class & Working-Class is cultural, not income, and it's rather indellible, too.

I'd now have Upper-Middle-Class, Financial-Class, Middle-Class, as distinct groups/cultures.

Middle-class judge you by your job-position.

Working-class judge you by your money.

The cultural-difference is profound.

Try getting an Upper-Middle-Class person to honestly accept you as valid, when you're a homeless person ( despicable/inherently-nonvalid, human-garbage ) and they're addicted to clawing all the Upper-Middle-Class status they can..

That can be quite educating.

Class-identity is as ancient as hierarchy in our society, so at least as old as agriculture, but I'd say it's as old as village-chief, so .. perhaps 0.5 million years, min.

Books that I find profounder, importanter, include Kegan & Lahey's "Immunity to Change", on our unconscious-mind's automatic-fighting-off of growing-up, protecting entrenched-dysfunction, and how to correct/dismantle that sabotage.

Halvorson's little, and important, "The 8 Motivational Challenges".

Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright's book condensing their research into something readable for us, "Tribal Leadership", on the 5 cultural-process levels ( they wrongly identify them as "stages", but stages, like Kegan-3, Kegan-4, etc, are irreversible ).

Moneyarchy has been crushing more & more & more lives into level-1 & level-2 culture, and there are consequences of that.

Level-1 is where mass-shootings arise from, and in 2023 the US had over 600 of them.

Level-2 is where conspiracism grows.

Not understanding that book should be considered criminal-negligence, for government-authority, nowadays.

Lanier's "Foreign to Familiar", and then Hofstede's "Exploring Culture" show how the climate, the civilization, the culture, that we are born into, fundamentally-alter our "personality" in predictable ways.

John Truby's "The Anatomy of Genres" and "The Anatomy of Story" should be considred required-reading for anybody who unconsciously uses story to form the story of their own meaning ( which is all of us ).

He's got a couple of mistakes, as many profound books do, his concept of Village is insane, being Wild West Village, instead of the dozens-of-millenia old Tribal Mother Village, and his concept of humor is wrong, too, being based on "the drop", which is a US thing, and not the core of humor, at all. The real core of humor, is being surprised by the improbable. Creative-misinterpretation humor shows this.

Hofstadter's "Godel Escher Bach: and Eternal Golden Braid" is the core competence in all of Western Philosophy. All the Western Philosophers who reject, ignore, or don't-understand, the core points in that book, are not competent in philosophy, period.

These books all outclass many of the books he's recommending.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Zillions of other things crowded-it-out from your awareness, is all..

I defy you to count all the things you've had to remember, or think-on, since you created that community, Hoomin..

As one gets older, it happens more: more things-in-the-bin, harder-to-find-a-particular-thing.

Consider, though, that now your community has got other people interested, and it wasn't done through shilling, but through accidental-forgetfulness.

Karma provides lessons, we only have to be honest-enough to earn their essence, you know?

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[–] [email protected] 21 points 7 months ago

If it's changing, you might want to get a brain-scan, immediately.

No, it isn't normal ( not for me, anyhow ), to the guy who said it is normal.

It's not an ear thing, it is an auditory-processing thing, so it's your brain that's doing it.

The question is why it is doing it.

Perhaps it's just fuzzy wiring, as most such cases likely are.

( synaesthesia is a case of weird wiring, and I've got that, but not in the normal way, not senses blurring into each-other, but rather my non-visual cognition being a kind of "blur" to those senses, so they mesh oddly )

But if it begins changing in either intensity or character, get a scan.

( I'm a braindamage survivor, and it takes decades to adapt to braindamage: prevention/avoidance is better than hating one's life for decades, while being bullied by all who reject that it could still validly be a problem, and hold that one ought either force oneself into being an "acceptable" drugged psychiatric-zombie, and not "pretend" to be getting better, or one ought be able to be acceptable-pretence, just like Valid People(TM) are. )

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[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

Spend a half-month considering, deeply, which path you would most-value having taken at the end of your life.

Due to an unconscious psychological-limitation, imagine your funeral at 1.5x your current age ( we apparently have a kind of "horizon" in our ability to understand our meaning beyond that ),

and imagine each significant variant, or compromise, and see how each makes you, in that future-condition/context feel.

Your answer is within you, same as for everyone.

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Youtube deletes fact-checking comments.

Youtube deletes comments that link to Nature papers.

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[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 months ago (1 children)


and not just privilege's gaslighting about it ( via making-certain that the poorest have inferior-nutrition, inferior-air-quality, worse-pollution, inferior-education, inferior-healthcare, etc ),

then yes, I hold it is The Proper Way.

However, it REQUIRES a truly-level playing-field, and not a 2-tiered "level" playing-field.

The Scandinavian system of ONLY public-schooling, so there is only 1 tier of education-quality, is a required component.

Student nutrition needs to be guaranteed.

Healthcare needs to work properly, for all.

Livingwage needs to be for all full-time work, and companies that try to hire only part-time for the real-work, have to have the profit-benefit of such hamstringing-of-many-lives cut from them all, permanently.

Fairness requries careful systematic, & openly-honest enforcement, because the DarkHexad: narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty ALWAYS seeks to enforce abusive-exploitation, and it is underhandedly aggressive, and natural in our human nature.

Not mitigating it == accommodating it.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

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[–] [email protected] 13 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Fish, arthropods, etc, had eggs millions of years before chickens.

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[–] [email protected] -2 points 8 months ago

They are going to ignore all laws that are inconvenient to them:

IF Trump isn't permitted to run, maybe they'll run with a placeholder, then have Trump be shoehorned-in somehow, perhaps by Republican-electorate decree...

Legalists, same today as in Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph's day, pick & choose which pieces of the letter-of-the-law that they acknowledge.

That has always been their fundamental tactic, along with gaslighting.

Notice how the West held-to Natural Law ( morally-based Law ) in prosecuting Nazis, but .. as soon as that was done .. the West decided that Legal Posit-ivism ( legalism ) is the West's right, and nobody has any right to be threatening any privilege through moral-law, as legalism prohibited that sort of behaviour.

Nothing's changed: human-nature is the same, now, as it was back in the Christian bible's times.

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

A couple of decades ago, iirc, ( IF I'm remembering who it was who did it ) put a fresh-install of MS-Windows on a machine, & connected it to the internet.

It took SEVERAL MINUTES for it to be broken-into, & corrupted, botnetted.

The auto-attacks by botnets are continuous: hitting different ports, trying to break-in, automatically.

I've had linux desktops pwned from me.

the internet should be considered something like a mix of toxic & corrosive chemicals: "maybe" your hand will be fine, if you dip it in for a moment & immediately rinse it off ( for 3 hours ), but if you leave you limbs dwelling in the virulent slop, Bad Things(tm) are going to happen, sooner-or-later.

I used to de-infest Windows machines for my neighbours...

haven't done it in years: they'll not pay-for good anti-virus, they'll not resist installing malware: therefore there is no point.

Let 'em rot.

I've got a life to work-on uncrippling, & too-little strength/time left.

"but I don't need antivirus: i never get infected!!"

then how come I needed to de-infest it for you??

"but I don't need an immune-system: pathogens are a hoax!!"

get AIDS, then, & don't use anti-AIDS drugs, & see how "healthy" you are, 2 years in.

Same argument, different context-mapping.

Tarpit was a wonderful-looking invention, for Linux's netfilter/iptables, years ago: don't help botnets scan quickly & efficiently to help them find a way to break-in...

Anyways, just random thoughts from an old geek...

EDIT: "when do I need to wear a seatbelt?"

is essentially the same category of question.

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