joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 13 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 14 hours ago

Europe being based again just like always

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Oof! Yeah, you're right. It would have been better if they included their email or their Reddit user handle instead

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

It should be fixed now. I'm new to Lemmy so let me know if it still has that issue! :p

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

America/Europe is not the whole world. Other countries do exist, each with different economical states.

Where I live, Iran, $5/h is a lot of money. The average job here pays $1/h, and that's if it's decent.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This. This right here. I live in Iran, and crypto currencies have been a life saver for many of us. Our local currency (IRR) is getting more worthless by the second. Many people have started immediately exchanging their earnings in IRR to something, anything else, including of course, cryptocurrencies.

I don't think most people who live in first-world countries like America can see the use in cryptocurrencies as clearly as people who live in third-wirld countries, where you get paid a dollar an hour on average at local jobs, and that's IF you have a decent job to begin with.

I have provided my services to people outside my country, and I prefer to do that, exactly because they are going to pay in dollar and not in IRR. And of course, they can't do that through something like PayPal or UpWork, etc. because those services aren't available to Iranians in the first place. Crypto currencies have saved and continue to save many, many people who live in these kinds of countries, because they provide a way for them to actually improve their lives by working, and not just hardly survive in whatever situation they are in and just stay alive for a bit longer. You can't really change your life working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, for $1 an hour. It's just not feasible.

Again, I think it's something that most people who already have ready access to these kinds of services, and who use these services without ever doing anything that makes those centralized services start questioning whether they should ban their account or not, won't really get to appreciate. Want to use PayPal? Nope! You're an Iranian, so fuck you. You can starve to death for all these kinds of services care. You might be born as the most gifted person on earth inside Iran, and yet, if services like PayPal were THE ONLY way to work non-local jobs, you would lose so so much of your life just trying to survive, instead of doing something that helps people around the world.

Cryptocurrencies, have quite literally, been a life saver for many, many people in my country. And no, they mostly weren't scammers either. Some of them, sure, of course, but let's remember that scamming isn't something that only happens with cryptocurrencies. Scamming has been a thing way, waaay before cryptocurrencies were a thing.

It's kind of like proprietary vs Free software. You won't appreciate the Free, open source alternative until the proprietary one reeeally starts getting on your nerves, and changing in a way that directly affects you. This is the exact reason behind why people who advocate free software usage seem like insane people, because again, it's not something that you appreciate, until what you've been using starts to show you why you should have cared about these kinds of things a long time ago.

You get to appreciate the alternative when the current "go-to" solution starts to show its problems. And regular fiat money, for the most part, works pretty well for most people right now, so there's no reason to care about the alternatives at this point.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Hmm, weird that you couldn't subscribe. Is it on pending? Or did it just refuse to do anything?

It might be a temporary instance problem ( in our case).

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Thank you!

Yes, I hope I can come up with some mitigations for that. I'm a programmer so maybe until we have some more mods, I can create a bot (or use a preexisting bot?) to do some amount of moderation while I'm offline.

The hate is kind of understandable so I'm not mad! xD
If you're not privacy/freedom focused, then you might only see the use of crypto currencies in scam, especially if the news around you confirms that for you 24/7

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I hope not, and I'll do my best to keep scammers away. The good thing about doing it on the clear-net and on Lemmy, is scammers are a lot more likely to leave traces of themselves that can be traced back to them, so if they're smart, they'll leave the sacmming stuff in the TOR network.

Anyways, that aside, I created this community as the post said, because of the restrictions that centralized services like UpWork, Fiverr, PayPal, LinkedIn, etc. impose on their users.

As an example, I have a few online friends who are artists and take commissions. All of them, without exception, have experiences with getting banned or limited because of taking commissions that included heavier/darker themes (suicide, self-harm, drug use, gore [scenes from a war for example], severe depression, etc.). They not only have gotten their accounts banned, but the funnier thing is, their account has been banned with all of their credits/money inside of it, that they had rightfully earned from their customers. Thousands of dollars of rightfully earned money, lost in an instant, just like that...
That is beyond scary and awful to me... It shouldn't be acceptable at this point, and yet it is, because of the inhumane TOS that these services make you agree with before you get the chance to use them.

That is one of the very important reasons behind why I created this community. Freedom from the greasy hands of such corporations. If you know anything about GNU and FSF, to me, it's no different than being dependent on proprietary software with very, very limiting and inhumane TOS. Users should be in control, not multimillion dollar corporations.

The second reason, is the restrictions that these services have for the kind of users that they accept into their platform in the first place.

PayPal and LinkedIn for example, require identification before you can sign up for their services, and in the sign up process, they instantly refuse to let you proceed any further, if they find out that you're from certain countries that they don't provide their services to. For example, if you live in countries that are included in the list of countries that are sanctioned by the US by the US trade laws.

Needless to say, if you somehow manage to sign up for their services, you will always run the risk of them finding out and seizing all of your income that you depend on for your life, and that's IF they decide to stop there and don't follow you further.

Because of these geographical restrictions, so many creative artists, so many smart developers, and so many hard working people that can all benefit the world in a better way, are forced to do something else that they have no passion for, settling for a job that sucks the soul out of them and stifles their creativity, until nothing is left. It's tragic and inhumane to let this happen to so many bright people around the world who can offer their seevices to society and make it better. It's an accepted level of racism apparently by many people, to not let the people who happen to be born in these countries by fate, reach their dreams, and instead to stifle their creativity and turn down their solutions, simply because they are from a different part of the world than what is acceptable.

I know that the crypto currency world doesn't carry a good name, but as it is, it is the only way to solve these problems. As far as I know, it's the only way to trade services in a decentralized way, that doesn't give all of this power to these centralized, multi-million dollar corporations that only have money in mind, and not their users.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

There are services for that available on the web, such as FairTrade on dread that d/Jobs4Crypto mods recommend. I had experience with this one. Looking for similar ones on the web, there's also FairDesk on clear-net, but I didn't have experience with them. The mods on r/Jobs4Bitcoins offer escrow services themselves, which I hope to offer if my users are willing to trust me with their money. I would have more to lose in the long-term by betraying their trust and taking their money for my own, than to just be honest and offer a good escrow service for my users, so that the activity in the community can continue as intended :)

If that's not convincing enough though, any 3rd party escrow service that both of the end-users agree on can be used. As long as the person or organization that offers the escrow service is trustable, it should be able to do the job.


Hello hello!
Hope you're having a good day.

As the title said, Cryptolancing is where you can post about the new position that you have available, ask for a helping hand for your cool new project, or share your awesome skills with the rest of the world, and do all of that without the limitations that popular centralized services like UpWork, Fiverr, or PayPal impose on their users (Geographic restrictions, thematic restrictions related to works or services, profile restrictions, etc.).

If you fall into any of those groups, whether you're looking for a job or looking to hire someone for your project, I'd love to help you reach your goals by having you in our community! :)

Don't be shy, and feel free to give us a visit anytime.


I know of two similar communities to this one (that are alive at least).

The first one is r/Jobs4Bitcoins on Reddit: r/Jobs4Bitcoins
It has similar rules to this community plus some added restrictions for new posters/commenters to ward off bots (accounts should be +30 days old and have an undisclosed amount of karma for example).

The second one is d/Jobs4Crypto on Dread (You need TOR Browser or something similar to open this link): d/Jobs4Crypto

REMEMBER: Always use escrows if at all possible, to make sure that you don't get scammed, both as an employer, and as an employee.
The crypto currency world doesn't have a central figure that you can complain to if anything goes wrong. Ideally and if you're doing things right, you will be the only person that has control over your money.

I have experience with both, so ask away if you have any question regarding either of them.

I personally recommend r/Jobs4Bitcoins for starters, because it'soeasier to find since it's on the clear-net, and you would probably also have more luck getting a response since most people also spend their time on the clear-net.


Hello there!
Hope you're having a good day.
I also hope that this isn't against the community rules, and if it is, I'm really sorry. I thought it might be of interest to the users who are browsing this community.

I have made a new community called [email protected], to create a marketplace for jobs here on Lemmy, that works in a decentralized and user-centric way.

I'd love to see your posts there if there's anything that you can share with the rest of the Lemmy community! :)
Whether it's a post about the new position that you have available, your cool new project that needs a helping hand, or your awesome skills that you want to share with the world!

Thank you for reading, and again, have a good day!


Hello there! I can provide my IT services for you. Either for a full-time job, or time limited/freelance projects.

I have experience with:

  • Setting up, administrating, and maintaining Linux servers running different applications and services.
  • Writing Bots (Telegram and Discord) using Rust
  • Writing bash scripts for different purposes (eg. Initial server setups)
  • Writing multi-platform GUI applications using Dart and the Flutter framework
  • Writing GUI applications using Rust + egui
  • Providing general IT support for Desktops and Servers (running Linux, Windows, BSDs, etc.)

If you have a job for me, let me know by leaving a comment or messaging me! ;)


[The content of this post might change in the future as we figure things out and find better ways to do different things. Make sure to read it once in a while to be notified of any such changes. Thank you for your participation! ;)]

Hello and welcome!
You can let other people in this community know about your epic skills, or that you need someone to take care of a job for you, given that you follow the below rules... ;)


  • Be respectful towards the other members of the community
  • One post per 24h allowed
  • Full time jobs can be posted too
  • Your title should contain [Hiring] or [For Hire] at it's start (depending on whether you're hiring or looking for jobs).
    [Hiring] Linux System Administrator
  • Other posts should have an [OTHER] or [DISCUSSION] tag at the start of their titles
  • For better marketing in the community, please mention other details in the title or body of your post (eg. Whether you're looking to hire somebody (or be hired) full-time or not, how much you want to pay or be paid, etc.)

Escrow services:

Be sure to use an escrow service to make sure that you don't get scammed. Many such services are available (Such as the FairTrade website on the TOR Network which I had experience with).
FairTrade on the TOR network (You need Tor browser or a similar application to access it): FairTrade

Similar services exist on the clear-net (FairDesk comes up with a quick search), but I didn't have any experience with them myself.

I am willing to provide my own escrow services to users if they are willing to trust me with their money.

Needless to say, a level of trust in the person or organization that provides the escrow service is required. Make sure to only use third party services that you trust.


The most important reason is that many of the common services used to find jobs or skills are centralized, with many many limiting rules surrounding them. I personally know of a few artists that got their accounts banned by Fiverr and UpWork, because they took art commissions depicting heavier/darker themes (suicide, self-harm, gore [such as war scenes], drug use, severe depression, etc.). They not only got banned, but they couldn't access the funds that were already in their account, and they had no luck getting through those websites' customer service... I think this is very scary, and beyond unacceptable. They were robbed of their well earned money over TOS, by multimillion dollar companies. This shouldn't happen. Users who provide value and service should be in control, not them.

So, the first reason would be:

1- Because you want to have the freedom to look for an skill or a job, without having to be scared of the availability of the services that you use for your specific use case. TLDR: You want to be in control!

The second reason is that, many of the services used in this scenario, such as PayPal, UpWork, or Fiverr, flat out refuse to give service to some countries and people, and you will risk getting your account banned and your credits seized if you somehow manage to use their services by using the available workarounds if you're one of those people or live in one of those countries.

LinkedIn for example, has stopped letting Iranians sign-up for new accounts. For all we know, available Iranian accounts might be suspended as time goes on. Iranians are not the only people affected either, not at all.
PayPal immediately bans users who provide identification from countries that are sanctioned by the US.
Services like UpWork and Fiverr depend on PayPal for receiving payment, and on LinkedIn when it comes to user advertisement.

All of this in turn, limits the services that they can offer for many, many people around the world. I know of many creative, motivated, smart, and hard working people who live somewhere that these services refuse to provide support for, and who can't provide their services to the world, because of the limitations that these centralized services impose...
These people would be forced to work under conditions that stifles their creativity, working jobs that don't make use of any of their skills. I believe The world would be a better place if we could use the skills of people without discrimination about who possesses those skills or where they are from.

So the second reason would be:

2- You want to reach a wider audience of people, from anywhere around the world, who can do the job for you, or who can employ you so that you can put your skills to work!

Other reasons might be there for anyone else too, such as for example, the privacy and freedom that crypto-currencies provide. These two are however, the reasons behind why I decided to have this community! :)

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave it under this post.


Hey there. As the title said, I'd like to start a community for crypto jobs.

Centralized services make it very, very hard for many, many people to actually find jobs or get paid in a reliable manner.

I know of a few artists that got banned with all of their credit in their accounts on Fiverr, PayPal, and UpWork, because those services didn't approve of their work for their own reasons (eg. Many artists that take gore commissions or like to draw art with heavier/dark themes, get banned after some time on whatever service that they use, and the service will then refuse to work it out with them or even give them ANY kind of answer after that. It's fucked up to have to depend on those services' approval of your job and what you do when you depend on the money that you earn that way for your life necessities).

I know that the crypto landscape doesn't carry a good name, but it's the onlyway for some people to work without fear of losing everything in an instant because of the TOS of centralized banking and finance services.

I don't know if that's convincing enough or not, but if it isn't, some very smart and capable people around the world who live in countries that are sanctioned by the US can't even sign up for an account on services such as PayPal, LinkedIn, Fiverr, or UpWork. From very creative designers to very smart and capable developers. I live in such a country (Iran), and I have taken jobs that paid in crypto currencies before, using communities like r/Jobs4Bitcoins on Reddit, or even d/Jobs4Crypto on Dread (TOR network). All of them have been legal too. I don't intend to create a community for scammers.

If it's needed, let me know, and I'll gladly answer any question that might be left.


Title basically.

I can't work with PayPal and friends because of my country. Crypto currency is the only option here for non-local work.

Is there a community like r/Jobs4Bitcoins on Lemmy? I'm willing to create one if there isn't, but I thought I'd ask first

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