
joined 2 months ago
[–] Korinthenkacker 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Games are a software project, nothing more, nothing less.

Idiots like jared try to deny this and come up with tactics trial and error as normal part of the development process.

If you develop software with trial and error, you are already on a wood way (germans used to say). If you need to summon the "games are special" vibe you dont care about software engineering the slightest and your output will be pure shit on many occasions.

[–] Korinthenkacker 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

They cannot sell the engine - even if they have changed it so much. BUT: They could sell the tools they created. Basically it would work like this:

  • engine is free (kind of open source)
  • you will be using AWS
  • you get all the stuff like meshing et al for free (tied to AWS)
  • the tools that generate stuff or manage stuff will be sold by CIG

So you could use the engine and create game without paying CIG a dime but you do this at a high price (doing everything manually) which limits the size of the game you can create with all manual labour. If you want to construct something like the size of Starfield you either license the CIG tools or you fail.

You also could design the stuff you need for MMO being not part of the engine (would makes the task more complicated as you cannot fit the engine into what you need). Maybe possible but greately increases the complexity (but also will increase the money you could draw off these features).

DONT FORGET: To sell something, it must work. The current bug shit is very difficult to sell. Its not obvisious if the engine works and the devs at CIG are total idiots that create all the bugs on top of the working engine OR if the engine itself is bugged.

[–] Korinthenkacker 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

First you MUST change you point of view: Star Citizen is a non quality environment.

This means, that developers can push any shit untested to LIVE. This results in stuff not working because its untested and it contains many bugs.

If you cannot accept this, I advise you not to play on .0 patches because the shit is unbearable.

Next thing: because they dont care about quality, you should expect, that only the new stuff has a slight chance of working (mainly because they fix their shit when it arrives at .1 - if these lazy bastards have enough time to provide .1 - just look at 3.23.2 ...)

If you follow the development of SC, you might get aware that they have begun to tackle the end game stuff, like meshing and all the other stuff they need to have if they want a MMO. Problem here is, that this stuff is complicated and with their normal effort putting out shit and let players determine if it works, there is only a slow speed possible. Also with constantly putting out untested shit, you might want to work on many things at the same time to get SOMETHING done after the years.

You see: as stuff gets more complicated, they cannot develop stuff for multiple years like they did in the past, they shit it out as soon as it compiles and use the players to find all the stuff that is not working. This does not create much fun in the "playable alpha" I can tell you (recently clowns like jared try to shape the reality into "LIVE" is also a test environment because "its alpha, bro" and their "pay to test" attitude has pissed off many players from PTU. You can foresee that this will get worse in the future).

And there are CIG specialities. For example their MMO designers believe that they are the king of the hills and dont need to look at proven stuff that worked in other MMOs. So these utter idiots brought us stuff like negative reputation, forced solo play because as group you share everything, a mission board that seeks its peer in term of utter shit design and utter shit implementation (negative reputation can lock you out of stuff, they love that players have to wait (because missions are first come, first serve - in an MMO. This already works LIKE SHIT with 100 player shards - I refuse to imagine what these utter designer idiots will do on larger shards). The smell of incompetence hits you quite hard when it comes to MMO design.

So basically you need to have patience. CIG gets stuffed money into their back with no ending in sight. This removes a major constraint that software projects have (time is money - you need to produce something worthwhile with the time (money) you have - in the real world). Because money is no constraint, time is also not. Why produce quality stuff if you have endless money and you can shit out untested stuff to LIVE and then "its alpha, bro" ?

If you compare CIG to real world software projects, you will fail because real software projects dont have endless money. Take for example the quality of CIG backend stuff. Where in the world you can construct backend services that silently fail and failing is on a rate like 50% - 100% ? The quality CIG produces is so low that you cannot compare it with real live stuff, where participants are expecting quality for the money they gave.

If SC would be a "chef" competition, CIG would shit on the plate and describe it as "its alpha, bro".

[–] Korinthenkacker 1 points 1 month ago

Hmm, looking at the current issue (hauling missions auto fail because you dont get any objects to deliver) and the idiot design of negative reputation, I think I will have to wait until hauling missions gets fixed. I thank god that the idiots, that create the backend stuff at CIG have no say in real live and their utter garbage is only within a game.

[–] Korinthenkacker 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

pedantic is my second name.

I tried to run the new LIVE patch. There a quite a few bugs present, since bunkers were not fixed, raids were not fixed I might try hauling missions IF they fix the missing mission objects.

3.24 live (self.starcitizen)

3.24 is LIVE, what is your expierence? Is it worth the download?

[–] Korinthenkacker 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I have a bootable Linux VM but never used it (well it is a gaming rig :D ). What is the process of running SC on linux?

[–] Korinthenkacker 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I have Radeon 6800XT will this run with Linux? Would be more than happy to leave windows behind.

[–] Korinthenkacker 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


ignored this for long time. Well, I cannot care less. Have fun with it :)

[–] Korinthenkacker 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

For this reason, pyro coming is good. It will show how their ideas (especially the lack of) will work out.

They try to survive with their 2 faction system but that will only work on POIs - as soon as you lift off, you just can be shot down without any negative effects - over and over again. I cannot imagine how this scenario will be appealing to players.

[–] Korinthenkacker 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah, that's true.

Hopefully the sheeps will have made it working like the legacy one by finding lots of bugs.

[–] Korinthenkacker 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

They touted a big update and thats all? Engineering - a single topic?

They are really desperate.

[–] Korinthenkacker 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

There was no need. The legacy launcher worked fine. I tried to install the new launcher but it was hidden behind "waves".

But the idiots made it so, that you could download + install - it just refuses to work. Never bothered again after this shit idea.


Looking at the wave 1 streams, the event is pretty underwhelming:


  • bugged as fuck, of course it is not working in the first iteration
  • combat oriented (if you dont want to fight, its not for you)

surprise bugs from the UI Team: (same idiots causes the same idiotic design failures as always)

  • markers unusable and vanish
  • you need tractor beam to know whats in the box. Combines well with "universe is armistice" bug which removes any functionality from tractor


  • servers will crash when running the event (can be seen by unusual high BWIN before crash) - not really unexpected to be honest I guess
  • the balance is shit - mission goal is 15000 SCU and you can pickup like 30 scu per looted ship. You need 500 player pickups for a single event? How should I comment SHIT LIKE THIS?
  • general down state is just ONE SHOT away from total kill (like cutlass)

Quality is just shit or below, the balance is the usual guesswork by someone not playing the game.

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