
joined 1 year ago
[–] JayEchoRay 1 points 16 hours ago

That must have been one heck of a warp eruption if the Eldar were considered like, or even greater than, the Imperium of Man in empire size for their entire civilisation to collapse in on itself from their hedonism

Only way I can try comprehend it is if all the humans of the Imperium where pyskers and were linked in real space and then having that link be chaos corrupted to such a degree that it fried their brains with the emotion made manifest.

I guess there must have been enough Eldar survivors that decided to not repeat that mistake and have it engraved in their ideology in pursuit of "purity" and those that saw the chaos, decided that it was meant to be, refused to change and figured out "loopholes" to not suffer the ill effects.

[–] JayEchoRay 1 points 20 hours ago

I have moved towards playing apocalypse to experience playing the "intended" experience as it stops the temptation to fiddle with settings that might give me an advantage

If I set the parameters, I end up feeling like I am cheating myself of the experience as I do tend to fiddle with settings to make stuff I am not too familiar with easier ( stuff like car maintainence and fuel supply)

Mods that I add is mainly cosmetic stuff like true actions, authentic Z, fillibuster for cars and stuff that expands the variety of loot for variety sake.

I like to live a survivor in the woods style, find a house and secure it and convert it in something that can support all my needs and from which I can plan out raids on the nearby town.

Unfortunately, doing that does limit myself as I end up playing Zomboid Valley and neglect zomboid genocide.

If I would modify, I feel the mod that allows a % of zomboids being runners keeps one on their toes, adjust expanded helicopter events to sometimes to keep the feel of life around, bite transmission with some time to "perform final rites" before succumbing, a 14 days zomboid respawn timer with a small respawn %, smaller bunching sizes so they spread out, a biofuel mod, skill increase speed x3 and 2 hour days.

Hopefully with .42 and beyond, it can open the doors for time-appropriate self sustainability with mods picking up where it might be missing.

[–] JayEchoRay 1 points 1 day ago

I am kind of the subborn idiot that initially struggled with the tutorial, but struggled enough to learn what it was it was trying to teach.

I remember and know it from failing, leaning and trying different things seeing what works.

The three starting default characters all have something they are good at and looking at those - all three are meant to get through the tutorial, although Norg is the most straight forward approach.

As I said before, it is not the best and they could have done a better job, yes.

It can leave one feeling annoyed that their gun character struggles - sure

Can it suck knowing you have to put some token effort into a melee skill if you do not want to sneak around or evade the enemies - indeed

But my point is that, regardless of its poorer presentation, especially when put up against Fallout 1's tutorial, there is more than one way to do it other than pure brute force.

[–] JayEchoRay 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

While I agree the tutorial is rough for something meant to teach, it can be done with different playstyles.

Although having some form of melee combat does make the experience a lot less frustrating and can save a lot on time spent trying to hit the enemies, but I think enemies have like 5 ap or so which one can avoid most of them on an agility build by outspeeding them.

A determined person could probably get through it without fighting as a challenge I guess as an agility and stealth focus.

There is a lock pick and explosive tutorial that are mandatory but aren't too difficult and then there is a trap room which can be a problem if one is low on perception.

The final challenge can have the guy be talked down with enough speech

For ease of getting through it, strength or agility with a melee skill will make it a lot easier though.

[–] JayEchoRay 2 points 1 day ago

Clearly you didn't mutate enough :P

Although the mutant aspect is a rabbit hole and a game unto itself once one draws attention to themselves.

Just embrace pure humanity instead and get yourself one of those fancy shields implants hooked in with decent power generation and you too can punch pyramids.

Its also been awhile, but the character that I was able to finish the story fully embraced augmentation in all its glory and was almost as good as a mutant with the benefit of plug and play setup to mix things up as a reward for all the token hunting.

[–] JayEchoRay 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Pathfinder WoTR is an overall improvement, but Pathfinder Kingmaker also has its charms.

It feels like playing a DnD campaign with the developers acting as the DM.

It does require some metagaming if one wants to experience everything, it does have an ending act that drags on for too long, it can feel oppressive with the disaster timers ticking away while one is still trying to figure out a rhythm and it can end up with things spiraling into danger if one doesn't "rush" and plan around each main act quest.

It is one of those rough games that does have a certain appeal to those that do not mind working through the frustrations for a more grounded adventure - relative to the setting.

Tyranny, from a world building experience was great, felt like it was short an act though as I got to the final act and thought - "wait, what is that it?"

Also it is refreshing to have a game where morality is fluid and open to interpretation and up to the player to rationalise their actions, where the decisions lean more towards following an ideology more than morality

For a Warhammer cRPG, Rogue Trader is something to consider as well as it captures the feel of its setting pretty well

[–] JayEchoRay 4 points 3 days ago

I really like how they made use of the eyes and contrast

Kamiki, losses his "darkness" to only be engulfed by it as he could not let go of his fleeting moment of brief happiness Ai brought, which ultimately became the "weight" that dragged him with the karma of his actions coming full circle.

Also how his life revolved around keeping things in place to chase a memory. It was a selfish gesture to make himself happy

Meanwhile, Aqua has two "white", albeit fading, lights showing how he has finally found full clarity in his actions and can actually find true peace in what he achieved, his "weight" has been lifted as he can finally feel like that pit that has made his life horrible is finally gone as he frames his life away from darkness in revenge, to finding light in living for someone else.

They are both selfish, but the difference is one took life to chase happiness and the other gave their life for someone else's happiness.

(Still feel Aqua has a good chance at living as he was floating to the surface, but who knows how it ends)

[–] JayEchoRay 2 points 3 days ago

I guess I have the roman fantasy of the metallic square scutum(?), when I did a quick read up was was made with quality layered wood and strategically placed metal trimmings and a metal boss at its center that served both in offence and defence

First thing I thought when I saw the centurion's shield was if it was an auxilia's shield, but it makes sense for them to have lighter equipment if they were meant to act as command officers and to inspire confidence in the ranks at crucial times

[–] JayEchoRay 3 points 3 days ago

Interesting read, seems it was different according to prevailing doctrines at the time

I find the discussion around the centurions on the edges - thinking how it could afford better mobility, situational awareness and adaptability without throwing the formation too much out of step if legions were required to lock shields and when charging was required allowed the centurion enough space to lead it if necessary

[–] JayEchoRay 7 points 3 days ago (4 children)

I cannot be the only one that feels uncomfortable seeing the centurion(?), on the front line with a round, looks like wood, shield, right?

My brain thinks that would be horrible for unit cohesion when they have to lock shields.

[–] JayEchoRay 3 points 5 days ago

So it is like they have a "chaos disease" or a "drug addiction" and they do what they do as a means to engage in the high of their excesses while not suffering from all that "chaos corruption" nastiness.

[–] JayEchoRay 2 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Isn't Drukhari's whole thing is that they fully embrace the tenents of Slaanesh - over the more reserved and secretive Eldar cousins after their great empire collapsed with their excess birthing a chaos god?

If I recall, Drukhari survive by extracting the very essence of another creature's most tormented pain, agony or whatever qualifies as excess.

So they would go out of their way to extract it through cruelty, abuse, torture or whatever achieves the desired response they are looking for and push a person to the extremes into a state that you wish you were dead and then push even further keeping you there on the fine edge to get their fill then, then dispose of the husk once it served it purpose or they got bored with their "toy".

I am only have a passing interest in the universe so I am opened to be corrected on any point if I missed something or misinterpreted


So I tried to take steps to try improve myself and I have been able to sort of come up with something where I do daily tasks and over the weekend take it easy.

Basically, light meditation, some positive words to myself, exercise, journalling, consistent self-care and reading

I have made it to 7 days so far with me being able to complete the tasks I have been setting for myself.

However as a concequence of journalling out stuff, I have been confronted with an area of my life that I have not let vent out properly. It's its own monster of sorts that feels like it is consuming my thoughts as I relive and try come to terms with past events that leave me with realising how deep the regret and anger I have kept underwraps.

How that part of my life had some effect in disrupting my academic prospects as I let it thrown me off enough that I ended up dropping out in frustration of falling behind and also how I listened to someone ask that I do not do something I wanted to do, but out of respect to them I ended up regretting not doing it.

It is has the disruptive flow to things as it boils off and simmers as something I am having difficulty trying to come to terms with

Before I get too off track and devolving into that, I'll refocus towards what I wish to ask.

Is there resources or a social group where one can join that can act like an accountability group of sorts as I fear that what I am doing now will eventually hit a wall where I fall off and linger into bad habits again.

I know I have been driven to do the tasks on a day-to-day basis, but I already have days where it is hard to do it and I sort of just get through things out of a stubborness to tick off a box with a clean conscious, but I fear that I can only do so much on my own steam with the concern that I might need someone to help "revive the battery" if it runs low

I cannot rely on anyone that I know and I get people have their own lives but the I have tried reaching out to people that I trust and I only had one help, but they are an unreliable source of help( not in a bad way) as they can only really listen when they have time for it as they live in a different timezone and they keep a busy life schedule so asking for help is not something is readily available.

The other people I have tried have yet to really show in interest in communicating.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the person who was trying to help me and coincidentally also put the framework in place for the idea for the routine has also recently cut me off as well so I cannot look towards them for assistance either.

Mentioning that as I feel alone in this and have concern that I will relapse if I try to work on my "strength" alone

  • So something I have never really used in Zomboid is guns, always collect it and the closest I have used them is unloading and loading during a storm.

I acknowledge guns are powerful, but I rarely see the need to use them when I can peel off stagglers and work my way towards a building without drawing unnecessary attention.

  • I have been bitten enough times to second story and blind corner zomboid campers, but I wish to one day visit a multi-floored building like the hospital

  • Make a cake, the ingredients that are required to make one are usually rotten once I have established myself

  • Deciding to use the starter home as one's home base and secure it

  • Building a home from scratch, which is a long term commitment and requires plenty of resources, but something about it carries a certain charm

  • Actually find a note home as I usually read it and stash it, while forgetting about or being unwilling to commit to a long multi-day journey unless I have made contingencies along the way

Cleocatra Rule (lemmy.world)

Curse you, Bark Anthony! https://lemmy.world/post/20225360

Compelled me to contribute

Image source: https://kr.pinterest.com/pin/464363411556861530/

Image author: https://kr.pinterest.com/kelseybbb/


It can be whatever, but has anyone ever experienced a moment or moments that has happened to them that defies one's expectations so wildly that they cannot reasonably define it beyond stupid dumb luck?

I still play this scenario out in my mind years later as I am still somewhat in disbelief that it actually happened and I walked away without any injuries.

I like to joke, saying my guardian angel tripped me at the perfect time.

Scenario describing my event in question:


I noticed two suspicious individuals and as I past them they started to walk towards me. My response was to shout and make a scene while trying to make distance crossing the road without concern for traffic - road was quiet, early in the morning on a holiday as I was on my way to work.

The suspicious individuals responded by rushing towards me as one produced a knife and prepared it in lunging stance like someone preparing to slam a knife into a board.

I knew I couldn't outrun them, no self-defense training, the best I could come up was extend my left hand out to minimise the target area of my vital organs. I was preparing for the worst and I guess fight or flight was preparing for a last stand fight.

What happened next is that I tripped on the pavement in the middle of the road at the exact same time the guy with the knife lunged.

He went flying over me - in an arc - from the momentum of the lunge with everything of his flying everywhere including his knife, his accomplice rushed into my periphery.

I landed in probably the worst scenario lying on my back, but I tried to keep the attackers in view. I don't know why but the guy - who disarmed himself from the fall - panicked and picked up all his stuff and started running with his accomplice in tow.

Loneliness venting (self.mentalhealth)
submitted 2 weeks ago by JayEchoRay to c/mentalhealth

On one hand I sort of dislike doing this because it's a reminder of my failings, but on the other hand I am not sure what do either

A major pillar of support has decided to cut ties with me and it not something I can hold it against them as they have their own lives and when I recently decided to share my troubles it became too hard to deal with on account that they couldn't help me and fear that they are only making things worse.

My latest round of issues has been identifying with the long standing issue of loneliness. It is something that I have sat on and thought about recently as a root of a lot of my issues. I am isolated with feelings I am sure go back as far as childhood. I don't know how to maintain friendships, I have developed unhealthy habits that suppress who I am and overwhelm people with all the stored up misery when they get close.

It scares people away and because of it I have to force myself to suppress the person I am, which has and continues to lead to a feedback loop which further perpetuates the cycle.

I feel I only have one long standing bond left and even then I am careful to control what I say and do and avoid contact in an attempt to perserve it.

I used to be able to communicate with some people who I shared a common interest with over discord but cannot do it now as the hand me down pc I received after my old pc broke has trouble with real-time communication as the audio is heavily distorted and delayed

I feel alone, isolated, helpless, worthless.... insert self depreciating adjective.... and I stuck in this really bad mindset that has me feeling trapped, literally and figuratively

I cannot afford professional help and when I tried in the past to get help through the local clinic I became disenfrachised by the treatment I received as it felt that I was a "functional" case that drug use was enough to treat (mentioned conditions Anxiety, Depression and ADHD with an an off-hand remark of possible Aspergers, but never received an official prognosis, much less a diagnosis) - with them not really giving me any answers or support - other local lines were just as useless as they are both made me aware of how overworked they are and provide far too general advice to issues which results in me reserving myself and not addressing problems knowing that they aren't really listening.

It feels like because I am not a stark raving lunatic that it not considered that my mental health is at a point of concern.

It is always text book do this or do that and do not take into account the mental barriers I have developed as coping method, which is not so much coping as much as trying to keep up appearances.

An example, which I am not even sure if it even makes sense is : if I do not have a immediate reason to, I do not go outside.... an immediate reason primarily doing something for someone else's sake... which leads to me not going outside much at all, I cannot mentally motivate myself a reason to do something for myself.

Other advice I have been told tell me to be to selflessly kind and to show love and it will be returned, but my experiences trying have only led twisted failures as it brings back memories of opening myself to others and having it being taken advantage of and leaving me more bitter as a result. I believe my younger self attempted to embrace those values too readily and the real world was eager to correct the nail sticking out.

Which I believe has lead to a desparate desire to form bonds, as a form of self-correction from the attempt to avoid connections from the perceived pain it brought and in doing so fall victim to unscrupulous individuals that take advantage of it for their own benefit and even when I found people who not intentionally malicious, something still happens that ends up causing pain.

It is like have developemed a twisted moral code around what I assumed people want from someone to have - honesty, loyalty, integrity - and the values being destroyed as one is confronted with a world running on hypocrisy run by the status quo and then questioning why people are like they way they are as the perceived most sucessful make use of deception and selfishness to make use of people for their own self interest without consideration for another. Throwing others away the moment they get what they want.

It hurts to put trust in others and then being hurt, especially when they take pride in their self-indulgence whether they intentionally do it or not

I think the person who decided to cut ties came to the conclusion that I was, To quote from the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5L1sJ99jklc at around the 6 minute mark, :

"being so desparate to change yourself, but being unable to communicate those feelings. It can make you latch onto people in an unhealthy way, unfairly placing the burden of change on them when they can't help you in the way you want"

was something they probably thought they needed to do. That and mentioned that they feel like they are walking on eggshells and that I was scaring them - not in a physical violence sense but more in they are concerned of me "losing" it and them being caught in the crossfire.

I do feel there is more to write, but I feel I need to try and contain the "Pandora's Box" from opening full tilt everytime I write ... so I guess I am just shouting into the void as I feel emotionally mixed ( ranging between numbness and anger) from losing yet another person from feeling overwhelmed in loneliness and expressing myself to another who has context to what I feel, but ended up relying on them too much

submitted 1 month ago by JayEchoRay to c/videos

A video from 7 years ago by CGP Grey that talks about how democracy and dictatorships run and I find it an interesting look at the general politics and how it effects how a country is run when compared to today's landscape


A story I love sharing from an older version of the game and unfortunately the only one that I kept track of as I was left stunned at the result.

A forgotten beast Cyclops decided to pay my dwarven city a visit, so I sound the call to seal the city as I let the hunters act as a vanguard to get my dwarves inside. Unfortunately, the cyclops makes quick work of them and I only just started getting my military in order after getting my iron production started.

So here I quickly assign one of the early recruits to the role of Captain of the Guard, in the role of delaying the foul beast while I scramble to get a militia going to drive it off.

Little did I expect for this single dwarf to not only stand up to the cyclops in single combat but brutally kill it too.

I know cylcops are fairly low on the danger scale, but still to watch and read the logs as this greenbeard dwarf digs into a forgotten beast like I am reading a God of War fanfic was glorious.

XCOM Franchise Reviews (gamingmentalblog.blogspot.com)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by JayEchoRay to c/[email protected]

Just finished uploading the last of my reviews on Firaxis' take on XCOM. In the link, is the page of the 5 games reviewed.

Hope whoever reads it - enjoys


Good day

I would please like to ask for suggestions for first time installation of linux on an old pc that has recently come into my possession

It is

Pentium 4 3.4 Ghz (2 cpu) 2 Gb Ram 1Tb hardrive Onboard graphics 128 mb

I have been looking at Mint and I am assuming that the Xfce Edition would probably be the smarter choice, but I am curious to know if I could use something like Cinnamon Edition and will it run smoothly hitting at the minimum spec of 2Gb RAM. Is their other alternatives that provide a good exprience for the limited resources as I decide to take the plunge?

Some Zomboid small talk (self.projectzomboid)
submitted 5 months ago by JayEchoRay to c/projectzomboid

Just making some Zomboid discussion about something,

So let me start, what type of weather effects have really taken you a spin?

One of more memorable moments was when I started a run that had unexpected heavy rainstorms, I think it was tropical storms in the first 20 days.

It was horrible having to deal with the monsoon rain and wind with the added danger of a thick fog that lasted most of the day. I made a bee line to north western riverside gas station in the boonies but didn't find much seeds to get myself self suffiecient. Which forced me to take the long travel back to Riverside to resupply. Unfortunately because of the bad weather that started around day 4, added to my paranoia worrying about the helicopter I decided on the was a slow process of moving house to house waiting for the weather to clear a bit before moving on, spending about two days in houses along the way, eating perishable foods, filling water into containers and setting out everything of value out on the floor for future trips.

It was day 7 or 8 when I got to the series of houses that was a few blocks away from the riverside scrap yard and I was doing the the usual prep work wanting to head into town and decided to go to sleep during the day as the weather hadn't let up and thought I would take my chances later hoping for better weather when I wake up. i did this, woke up at night and it still foggy so I decided closed the game for the session.

The next time I started playing, the helicoptor event starts not soon after.... I admit I was not impressed and just saved and quit to get over my frustration until I felt ready to try tough it out - for me it is like waiting for the cautious state to pass from Metal Gear Solid but more intense as I usually don't have much of a plan b. Eventually I go back to play having mentally prepared myself and the helicopter event had finished and to my mixed reaction only had to deal with a few stranglers that were probably drawn by the initial helicopter event starting.

By around day 12 the weather still hasn't improved, and it is still miserable as ever. Unfortunately I didn't screenshot it but I experienced something around, 18:00 game time a series of weather events that was truly horrifying to experience. I just resigned myself to just sitting in a room and when zooming out all I could seeing was just an impenetrable thick fog and heavy rain flying across the screen with my character sitting in a little dark room surrounded by this omnious weather.

That run didn't last too long as it was too much of an uphill battle for me with the weather being so oppressive without me getting settled. It was an especially depressing playthrough that drained my enthusiasm as my paranoia got the better of me fearing getting stranded in riverside in the fog during a thunderstorm

Game Blog Review: Dwarf Fortress (gamingmentalblog.blogspot.com)

Last review for the month. Seeing as Adventure Mode for the KitFox Version is coming out next month, decided to do a write up for it

submitted 6 months ago by JayEchoRay to c/masseffect

Cooked this up after seeing a picture of a certain Yahg and could not resist

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