
joined 1 year ago
[–] Illyspid 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)


Basically idea is magical girl and training others in magic and using clones of myself as extra magical girls. Might even do a grand display of dark magical girl queen, and many local magical girl groups being started up, maybe some mentor selfes and some magical girl familar selves?


[–] Illyspid 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
[–] Illyspid 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Noblebright world, since i will live there. Gain a minor increase in something my opponent was good at for every one of them I defeat. The true heir, keeping a major kingdom stable is useful and fulfills the same as god’s chosen or marked hero or loyalty aura for gathering people to me for a needed crusade on a threat. The Hyperion, heavy armor that has no gaps and is light to wear as well. And it being famed and fought over is okay, with being king. Kodring, flaming daggers taht can be controlled by mind, one is enough at start for extra mobility and blind spots in armor while fighting. And once all tamed a few decades in the future a menace on the battlefield. Solais, nice bad intentions detector so will keep on side almost constantly. Also big symbol of hope so great for rallying people. The Fallen ANgel mentor. Knowing how to cast miracles would fit with sword, and knowing how to kill divine beings would be useful since i am presuming evil gods exists as well. And her death in redemption would fit with death of mentor tropes. Tatrenula, maybe the fallen angel knew of her kind, and having a supporting companion is useful. Also looks like can fly. Also headpats! Benjamin. Having a worldly knight on my side could be useful as an advisor and body guard. Giant crow mount, can fly on it and well with heavy plate armor protected enough that should be able to perform well on foot in combat instead of mounted. Castle

Playing this as appearing in wilderness and fighting for a while just random beasts. Then eventually a cave with the fallen angel sealed inside. I talk with and unseal her from her bonds and she mentors me. Nearby some of Tatrenula’s people were petrified and only she could be unpetrified.

We travel about for a while and do bounties, i defeat challengers for my armor and learn. I come across Benjamin also clearing out a bandit camp, and he decides to join me. We travel and continue on for a while, and i learn the more normal knightly stuff from him.

Eventually one of the highish ranking nobility invite me to a feast after i had cleared out a major bandit gang plaguing his lands, and once i am there without the helmet on as is polite he is shocked to see me and reveals the true heir plot hook. I am shocked and reveals that i remember coming to in some wilderness and has just been traveling since, so playing as is/could be heir but is amnesiac and possibly tried to be disposed of. Duke possibly convinced to back my claim as heir, but at leats many of his retainers saw me and proclaim me.

Civil war is short, because i have churhc on my side via performing miracles like a blessed one, and having the famous holy sword on me. Knights that are honorable can be won over by Benjamin and his tales of my exploits and what i have been doing. Also from claim of looking right and some higher nobles taht had seen me before “recognising” me. Many other knights could submit via sheer display of strength (i have been killing for a long time and drained some strnegth from every kill). And knights that are not can be defeated and open up new land to hand out to loyal followers and new knights, and would likely have been knights i would not have wanted following me anyway. Eventually civil war over and more austere court than is normal.

Once things are stabilised use the first major summer feast to reaffirm loyalties, redistribute land and ride out with a retinue to hunt down and clear out beast and monsters both animal and man, and be a good display of caring for people.

[–] Illyspid 1 points 1 year ago

Becoming female Becoming interested in men Am a native outsider so I must focus on increasing between three and ten attributes at once. Resurrection because resurrection. Ignis Fatuus Fate, bad karma erodes and lessens quickly. Defensive Power, makes me basically Bofuri and ultimate tank. Lady icon, can set out will and as it is followed support it, but can also become peoples purpose and unify them in goals. Fluid form, helps me adapt to seeing myself as my body. Wandering lusts, engages puberty and shifts lusts quickly to become interested in men instead of over months or years. Increasing sympathy for pain of others above normal low distant pain, desire to try new stuff, desire to explore see stuff, desire to leave behind a mark and legacy, encourage ambition instead of settling for lesser one, desire a home a place that is mine, desire to improve the world and advance it, desire to know more and learn, desire for community, desire for true love, desire for children. Libido of teenage boy, pleasure optimisation for sex life, eased pregnancies, fertility control, impossible fey beauty, mood balance, spinx senses, can regen greatly and reduced bodily needs eventually none, solid body and can shrug of mundane blows, further improved senses and reflexes, massive burst speed and basically as if had aspect for physical battle. Combat skills in using body, spear and bow. Healing, scrying and conjuring magic basics. Telepathy and precognition. Bardic arts, painting. Athletics and body care, sexual arts. Familiars are a low ranked succubus spy and a lesser fae handmaiden. Pocket plane has brownies that assist, a closet that improves clothes put into it and a library organizing the knowledge I come across and make. Caufg-roth and Antancidia, trying to help and redeem the Telchine people. Gungans.



Greetings. Nice to see that this is resurrected/ported. Will edit in rest i have later. I have quite a lot of CYOA's of various types downloaded so can reupload here over time. Trying to make a list then can upload what people request.

List: 50 50 CYOA - Lastet ned - 30.06.2021

Alien Parasite CYOA by Bliss v 1.1 - Lastet ned - 07.07.2022

Alternate Devices CYOA - Lastet ned - 01.07.2021

Anime High School CYOA - Lastet ned - 23.01.2023

Celestial Forge CYOA - 27.05.2021 x v.1, v.2 and v.3

Corrupted Story CYOA - Lastet ned - 26.05.2021

Dawn of a Planeswalker - Lastet ned - 30.06.2021

Dark Entity v1.03 cyoa by Tai_Saito - Lastet ned - 21.11.2021

Dimensional Traveller CYOA - Lastet ned - 07.06.2021 x v.2.3

Divine Trials - Lastet ned - 10.11.2021

Essence Meta - Lastet ned - 30.06.2021 x v.2.2

Five’s Time CYOA - Lastet ned - 10.06.2021

Fixing God’s Fuckups - Lastet ned - 19.05.2023 x v.1.0

Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare [Jumpchain] - Lastet ned - 20.07.2022

Halo - The Covenant [Jumpchain] - Lastet ned - 20.07.2022

JRPG Traitor CYOA v 1.0 - Lastet ned - 05.07.2022

Life on the Rim CYOA - Lastet ned - 01.07.2021

Multi-Dimensional Harem Adventures v.1.0 (formerly Isekai Generator) - Lastet ned - 18.11.2021

Nightmare Waifu - Lastet ned - 14.06.2021

Serene Serendipity - 23.02.2023 - Lastet ned

Elder Gods - 23.02.2023 - Lastet ned

Superpowers CYOA - 23.02.2023 - Lastet ned

For Want Of A Paperclip- 23.02.2023 - Lastet ned

Dream Prince CYOA - Lastet ned - 20.05.2023

Elder Gods - 23.02.2023 - Lastet ned

Fixing God's Fuckups - 20.02.2022 - Lastet ned x v.0.5

Fun Stickers CYOA - Lastet ned - 20.05.2023

Potions Choose 3

Rainbow Six Siege [Jumpchain] - Lastet ned - 17.07.2022

Traveller CYOA v.1.11 - Lastet ned - 07.06.2021

Time Stop Chillzone - v 1.3- Lastet ned - 30.12.2022

Ultimate Era of Wizards CYOA - Lastet ned - 10.06.2021

Witch CYOA: Redux - Alt - Lastet ned - 27.07.2021