
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] DomeGuy 1 points 31 minutes ago

You say that like there's a world where the cop is not less-bad than the serial rapist.

Honestly, at this point you're either a pro-trump troll or a trump-like useful idiot. There is little i can say that might change your mind, especially if you're in the latter group and honestly think the ghosts of gaza will thank you for your performative morality when Trump gives the ok for Israel to go mask-off.

[–] DomeGuy 22 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Is it too much to ask for a meme template that doesn't DIRECTLY contradict your message?

Or did you mean to imply that single-issue anti-gaza-slaughter voters are the equivalent of star wars criticts being properly annoyed by folk who like melodramatic space opera?

[–] DomeGuy 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

In order to blame the bad actions of the United States for the "polycrisis", you really need to excuse all of the bad actions of everyone else.

To pick a timely issue : blaming the USA for the actions of Israel in their* Gaza territory we would need to excuse Israel for the actions of Israel.

If a general strike would have any effect id support it, but the target should be the specific actions of our country rather than the actions of other sovereign nations.

(*: If the govt of israel does not recognize a distinct Palestinian state, and the pseudo-governments of Palestine cannot exert sovereign control to keep Israel out, then Palestine is [unjustly] and [occupied] territory of Israel.)

[–] DomeGuy 0 points 4 days ago

Bail is not money you get back. It's money that a bail bondsman doesn't have to fork over if you dont show.

Either you are so rich that the opportunity cost of tieing up the whole amount is more than the fee (so you just pay the bond fee) or you don't have enough and need to ask someone to lend it to yoy (that is, you pay the bond.)

New York tried to largely ban cash bail (becaue its essentially just a way to lock up the poor), but because of Republicans and police unions (i repeat myself) who whined about offenses while out on bail, the state poked a bunch of holes in it instead of making pre-trial detention easier.

Cash bail is ALWAYS indefensible. If someone is so dangerous to civic order they need to be detained pre-trial, then no amount of money should get them out of it.

[–] DomeGuy 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Did you just intend to endorse organ harvesting and grave robbing?

And, if you want tax reform capital gains aren't your target, but instead "unrealized gains". A billionare pledging stock to back a loan should pay tax on their whole net worth's increass in value first.

[–] DomeGuy 6 points 1 week ago

In an American-style single-ballot-plurality wins election, anything but a vote for ons of two leading candidates is effectively an endorsement of either.

It sucks, but if you're not voting and advocating for Harris, you're not voting or advocatong against Trump.

[–] DomeGuy 40 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Has it also led chidren to believe that if you cut down a tree with an axe it will just hang in the sky instead of falling down?

[–] DomeGuy 50 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (11 children)

So, you're asking if there is a shoplifter whose small-dollar.spree was stopped by target, who was then arrested by the police, who then refused an initial plea offer from the DA, who was then charged by a grand jury, refused a pre-trial plea offer, went to trial, refused the pre-verdict plea offer, and was then found guilty?

Well, what about someone who hit 60k over 120 visits?

(edit: shortened url.)

[–] DomeGuy 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Is there a particilar part of a lecture about chimpanzee mating habits that you think especially buttress sexism? If not, just referring to a whole video as a reference is just a gish galllp through citation.

[–] DomeGuy 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Except that it ISNT self-evident. There are plenty of mammals with no apparent bias as to which sex is more prone to violence, more if you exclude the minority of mammals where only one sex has a natural weapon.

You might have a slightly better case if we were just talking primates. But not by a lot.

[–] DomeGuy 2 points 1 week ago

As a seperate top-level answer: no, would not pursue a romantic relationship with a woman who repeats sexist assertions about men. Because i am both a man and a feminist, and my several decades of happy married life have taught me that compatability of strongly held beliefs is a key to romantic happiness.

I would also not encourage the young men and women i know to either espouse sexist positoons or pursue potential partners who hold such beliefs. And i would probably also ramble for a bit about how all labels are imperfect and you should not necessarily dismiss someone just becsuse of a label.

If you want to date someone who describes themselves as a "radical feminist", a date might be a good way to discern if they are an "all men are evil" feminist or a "men are awesome and also victims of the patriarchy" feminist.

[–] DomeGuy 1 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Feminists dont say things like "all men are potential rapists", save for those who also say "all women are potential rapists.".

An actual (traditional) feminist would say something like "society encourages rapy behavior from men", which is functionally the same but rhetorically a far different animal. Women and men who say that men are categoryly dangerous are also implicitly telling boys that they are bad just because they are boys.

Sexist statements about how women are good and men are bad isnt feminism, it's just sexism in disguise.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by DomeGuy to c/pathfinder2e

First house rule from my P2e remaster game, offered for your review.

Spell Slot Heresy

Since Pathfinder is balanced at a per encounter level, per-day limits on daily abilities are largely only kept around due to tradition. And tradition is just peer pressure from strangers, I don't see a good reason to follow it.

Any spellcaster can recover spent spell-slots with a one-hour activity, as noted below, while characters with focus points can recover them during combat.

Recover Magic

Traits: concentrate, exploration, manipulate
Requirements: You have expended a spell slot or used some other once-per-day activity

You spend one hour to recover your expended magical power.

During such time you may not work on any other activities or actions or be treated for wounds. At the end of the hour you regain spell slots or once-per-day abilities as per your daily preparations. If you have cast spells from a wand or staff, the item also regains any expended uses or charges.

If you are a prepared spellcaster such as a cleric or wizard, you may not replace what spells you have prepared for the day.

Refocus (1A)

Traits: concentrate, flourish, manipulate
Requirements: You are missing at least one focus point.

You take a moment to perform some deed to restore your magical connection, such as touching a talisman, speaking a phrase, or simply taking a breath. Doing so restores 1 Focus Point at the end of your turn.

EDIT: For the record, please presume the above is all released under the ORC license as a derivative of Player Core 1.

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