
joined 1 year ago
[–] A_Random_Idiot 3 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

only if it comes with the original flak guns and a good supply of ammo.

Need something to keep those damn kids off my grass.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 3 points 3 hours ago

At least don't fucking rebuild it the same way, with the same materials, as the last half dozen times.

Sink some footings down deep, cast the walls out of concrete (you can still put fancy shit up on the concrete to make it look nice, but the concrete will be a fuckton stronger against wind/water/etc)

[–] A_Random_Idiot 4 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Then you would be a fool.

Cause shes just as malicious as the rest of them, If she wasnt she wouldnt be spouting that fucking racist nonsense.

You are just fooled by a cute face and little charade personality she puts on until she let her mask slip.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 5 points 8 hours ago

People were able to watch funny videos long before tiktok. Tiktok is cancer.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 7 points 12 hours ago

I also vote for Skynet and the inevitable nuclear Armageddon.

May the atomic spark be struck, and spears of purifying nuclear flame rain from above.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 20 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

We dont need more tiktok like sites.

We need to kill the ones that already exist.

They are social cancer.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 16 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (4 children)

its not a fuckin disease.

You can catch a disease through no fault of your own.

These MAGA fucktards willfully disregard common sense, and truth, and decency, and their own christian moral values, because service to the party and the orange lord is paramount.

everything about MAGA is willful and intentional.

These are not poor innocent victims, These are rampant, fascist pieces of shit, that finally felt comfortable enough to let their swastikas fly when they thought they had their chance at seizing glory and crushing the opposition that would are make them face repercussions for their abhorrence.

People trying to desperately shift blame away from them, and turn them into victims, is bullshit, and nothing but evidence of how well all these right wing pieces of shit managed to stay under the radar and mask themselves until they thought the time was right.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 11 points 19 hours ago

Why would they resort to violence after the brutal and crippling wrist slaps the J6ers got?

Surely that was enough to deter anyone from going into extreme fits of political violence!


[–] A_Random_Idiot 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

There were plenty of free forum hosts back in the day. (edit: just did a search and there are still free forum hosts)

But then social media came out, and everyone got addicted to the gamified dopamine mechanics like upvotes and shit. So now everything has to have upvotes, or likes, or whatever other stupid bullshit shit that has absolutely ruined human interaction and discourse and is single handedly to blame for the extremity in modern discourse, because the need to drive clicks and upvotes leads to extreme polarization where no common sense, honest discussion can be held.

because you either 100% agree with me (upvote) or you are a baby killing bastard who disagrees with me (downvote), and there can be no middle ground! /s

[–] A_Random_Idiot 7 points 1 day ago

Most people are stupid, myopic imbeciles that arent bothered by anything until it personally affects them.

Then they'll howl like wolves at the moon about the great injustice of it all, and how could anyone allow this to happen.

[–] A_Random_Idiot 3 points 1 day ago

Dude. Seriously. Genuinely.

Are you on drugs?

Or are you the victim of a mental derangement?

Because we need an explanation for this complete divorce from reality you seem to be suffering from.


I wonder if this one is gonna be met, or if the whole thing isnt all vaporware.


But it'll probably be better known as the Mako Mk.2 by anyone who played Mass Effect 1, because holy shit its the Mako.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18456924

I spent 3 days trying to get FOLON to work following both the official website guide and every post I could find on the internet, and I finally said fuck it and played around with it myself and figured out how to get it running.

I'm posting here in case anyone else has had the same problems I did and don't have a solution. The first half is pretty much identical to their instructions

This does not use the FOLON Downgrader, Because I dont like the idea of signing into my steam account through someone elses program.

Also don't be in a steam beta. Use release steam

  • Run steam in console mode as per instructions here. On Linux just close steam and run "steam -console" in terminal
  • Download all the depot packs like they instruct.
  • Create a folder elsewhere and go to where the files downloaded and empty each folder into the created folder so you have a full build of the last version of Fallout 4 (Do not alter this directory further, unless you want to have to go through all that pita downloading again, so only copy files from here, do not move them from here)
  • Go find appmanifest_377160.acf in /steam/steamapps and make it read only
  • Go to your /steam/steamapps/common/Fallout4 folder and delete everything it, and copy the Fallout 4 you just downloaded into the folder.
  • Launch fallout once, i dont know how far you have to go, i typically go to character creation, to make sure the game creates all the necessary files
  • Go to GOG and download the Fallout London files. should be 10 files, one being an .exe and the rest being bin files
  • This is where we diverge. Run protontricks, If you don't have it installed, then read install instructions here, and select Fallout 4
  • Ignore any missing file arch 65 errors, keep clicking okay until the "What do you want to do" window pops up
  • Click install application, Ok
  • In this next window, click cancel
  • In this window, select Run an Arbitrary Executable (.exe/.msi/.msu) and click okay.
  • In the file explorer that pops up, navigate to your FOLON installer (at the time of this posts edit it is ~~setup_fallout_london_2.31_revision2_(64bit)(75054)~~ setup_fallout_london_v1.01_iv2.31r3(64bit)_(75422).exe) and run it
  • Select your desktop as the destination (Don't select your Fallout 4 folder, It'll just install FOLON into a Fallen London subfolder)
  • one the install is done and over, select every file in that folder and copy (don't move, copy, You want to save this folder as well in case something screws up so you don't have to through the install steps again) the Data and src folders (this is just f4se source code folder, but it'd go in /Fallout if you installed f4se manually anyway) and all loose files beneath it to your fallout 4 folder, and tell your file manager to merge folders and overwrite files.
  • Move the files in _Appdata to ~Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Fallout4/, overwriting what is there
  • Move files in _Config to ~/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/, overwriting whats there.

You should be able to launch Fallout 4 now, and have it load directly into Fallout london, and thanks to making appmanifest read only, steam will never update the game and bork your mod.

Now there are still lots of bugs in FOLON, like the train crash outside the starter area, which most people fix by installing the Buffout mod, but thats beyond the scope of this post

If any of you out there had woes getting FOLON to work like I did I really hope this helps

Edit- About 30 minutes ago, as of this edit, a patch was released to address many problems with FOLON. None of the techniques I've listed here for installing the main mod works with the patch. I am continuing to experiment and if I can figure it out I will edit this post again or make a replied post.


I spent 3 days trying to get FOLON to work following both the official website guide and every post I could find on the internet, and I finally said fuck it and played around with it myself and figured out how to get it running.

I'm posting here in case anyone else has had the same problems I did and don't have a solution. The first half is pretty much identical to their instructions

This does not use the FOLON Downgrader, Because I dont like the idea of signing into my steam account through someone elses program.

Also don't be in a steam beta. Use release steam

  • Run steam in console mode as per instructions here. On Linux just close steam and run "steam -console" in terminal
  • Download all the depot packs like they instruct.
  • Create a folder elsewhere and go to where the files downloaded and empty each folder into the created folder so you have a full build of the last version of Fallout 4 (Do not alter this directory further, unless you want to have to go through all that pita downloading again, so only copy files from here, do not move them from here)
  • Go find appmanifest_377160.acf in /steam/steamapps and make it read only
  • Go to your /steam/steamapps/common/Fallout4 folder and delete everything it, and copy the Fallout 4 you just downloaded into the folder.
  • Launch fallout once, i dont know how far you have to go, i typically go to character creation, to make sure the game creates all the necessary files
  • Go to GOG and download the Fallout London files. should be 10 files, one being an .exe and the rest being bin files
  • This is where we diverge. Run protontricks, If you don't have it installed, then read install instructions here and select Fallout 4
  • Ignore any missing file arch 65 errors, keep clicking okay until the "What do you want to do" window pops up
  • Click install application, Ok
  • In this next window, click cancel
  • In this window, select Run an Arbitrary Executable (.exe/.msi/.msu) and click okay.
  • In the file explorer that pops up, navigate to your FOLON installer (at the time of this posts edit it is ~~setup_fallout_london_2.31_revision2_(64bit)(75054)~~ setup_fallout_london_v1.01_iv2.31r3(64bit)_(75422).exe) and run it
  • Select your desktop as the destination (Don't select your Fallout 4 folder, It'll just install FOLON into a Fallen London subfolder)
  • one the install is done and over, select every file in that folder and copy (don't move, copy, You want to save this folder as well in case something screws up so you don't have to through the install steps again) the Data and src folders (this is just f4se source code folder, but it'd go in /Fallout if you installed f4se manually anyway) and all loose files beneath it to your fallout 4 folder, and tell your file manager to merge folders and overwrite files.
  • Move the files in _Appdata to ~Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Fallout4/, overwriting what is there
  • Move/Fallout4/ files in _Config to ~/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/377160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games, overwriting whats there.

You should be able to launch Fallout 4 now, and have it load directly into Fallout london, and thanks to making appmanifest read only, steam will never update the game and bork your mod.

Now there are still lots of bugs in FOLON, like the train crash outside the starter area, which most people fix by installing the Buffout mod, but thats beyond the scope of this post

If any of you out there had woes getting FOLON to work like I did I really hope this helps

Edit- About 30 minutes ago, as of this edit, a patch was released to address many problems with FOLON. None of the techniques I've listed here for installing the main mod works with the patch. I am continuing to experiment and if I can figure it out I will edit this post again or make a replied post.

Edit 2-

Okay, I could not find a way to get the patcher to work to patch the game

But the base install files are also updated to the same version as the patch, so just redownload the executable and the bin files from gog and follow the steps in the original guide


""We were finally at a state in the project where we could play through the whole [game]. And it became very clear that we were missing the large final location that was going to tie the story together and have a satisfying action-filled payoff," Shen said. "I was both implementing the main quest and leading the quest design team, so I had absolutely no time. The entire quest design team was already overbooked.""

The quest design team being overbooked and not having time certainly explains a lot.


I am immeasurably bummed to hear this, and worse still that he passed with so little fanfare that I am only finding out now over 2 weeks later.


Essential as in pretty much everyone agrees are good and worth having, I know no mod is essential in the literal sense, and opinions will change whats essential to each individual.

Looking for a bit of a list/collection cause otherwise I'll go down the rabbit hole and end up modding my game to much to be playable.. Which I wish was a joke, but that happened last time I got my itch on for city building, lol.


As far as I know, the big damage from Nuclear Weapons planetside is the massive blastwave that can pretty much scour the earth, with radiation and thermal damage bringing up the rear.

But in space there is no atmosphere to create a huge concussive and scouring blast wave, which means a nuclear weapon would have to rely on its all-directional thermal and radiation to do damage.. but is that enough to actually be usful as a weapon in space, considering ships in space would be designed to handle radiation and extreme thermals due to the lack of any insulative atmosphere?

I know a lot of this might be supposition based on imaginary future tech and assumptions made about materials science and starship creation, but surely at least some rough guess could be made with regards to a thernonuclear detonation without the focusing effects of an atmosphere?


I set up Steam Link on my raspberry pi to try and do some couch gaming over the holiday.. but its no bueno. I am on a 5600x/6700xt with wayland on linux, and steam is up to date.

I get a black screen with a mouse cursor.

I try launching steam with the -pipewire command as i've read elsewhere, and I can see big picture mode, but its horribly slow.. But the weird thing is, its only steam/games thats slow. The mouse runs in real time without lag, and any sounds run in real time without lag or hiccup. But the video is like 1 frame per minute, so I can push left on the d-pad and have to sit and wait forever for the selection on the TV to move (even though its moved over immediately on the desktop).

Games are the same issue. Game runs fine on the desktop, audio runs fine on the streamed TV, but the video is just like..slide show.

I've tried running it at the lowest possible image quality settings. at low bandwidth, at high bandwidth, at the max the network test suggested, tried turning all the settings like hardware video encoding and stuff off and on. Nothing makes a difference.

Is steam link just completely screwed or am I being an idiot and doing something wrong?


And it does such a magnificent, beautiful job of evoking and condensing the emotional roller coaster of the story down into just about 2 and a half minutes of music.

Starts out low, drawn out, tense. Quickly becomes heavy, evoking a sense of dread and conflict before dumping you off the edge into the uncertanty and panic of conflict and war, building up to a great horror before mellowing out to give you a moments rest..before a massive tonal shift that becomes hopeful, uplifting, an anthem of brighter days ahead. Then it gets more complex, more deep, adding new instruments that represent the new recruits and the growing of the liberation army, before finishing off in a beautiful and powerful crescendo as a triumph over the dark trials earlier in the music.


A lot of people who have had hands on experience with the game thus far (certain modders, City Planner Plays, Biffa, etc) have made note of its terrible performance, even top of the line rigs with 1500 dollar video cards.

Like, 15-20fps levels of performance on top tier cards.

Granted, that's on high settings.. but its a freaking city building game, not a AAA hyper realism ray traced first person VR experience. It shouldn't require a nuclear power plant to play a city builder!

And you shouldn't have to run the game on low settings just to get a playable framerate with a decent rig, modern rig.

That, and the lack of workshop support? I mean, I get them wanting to host it themselves, but that just means it'll be alive only for as long as they want to host it, vs steam which the workshop will be there until valve goes out of business.. and I'd wager CO goes under long before steam does.

I was excited for CS2.

But these two bits have really pushed the game off the shelf for me into that "Well, Maybe I'll buy it in a year or 2 when its on sale for 5-10 bucks" territory.

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