this post was submitted on 30 Jun 2023
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A supportive, loving community run by and for LGBTQ+ people and their allies.

Feel free to discuss anything related to LGBTQ+ issues, and remember that despite everything, we all very literally are in this together.


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This should go without saying, but any homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, racism/sexism/any kind of -ism is not allowed. "It's just a joke" is not an excuse. Any sort of needling to try to convince the mods or anyone else to accept such behavior is not acceptable either.

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No Nazis, fascists, anti-LGBTQ+ folks, or any member of any groups predisposed to discriminate against or cause trouble for LGBTQ+ people or the community. This includes members of the U.S. right wing. We care about the safety and well-being of our community and that means we won't allow anyone who will threaten or endanger LGBTQ+ people in the sub, and sadly, the U.S. political situation has become volatile enough where a ban of this caliber has become necessary.

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founded 1 year ago

Okay so, this sub is new, but we're all here because we either are or share kinship with someone in our lives who is part of the LGBTQ+ community, so as a community, we should make friends and get to know each other.

I'll start -- hihi, I'm darthfabulous42069, and I am genderfluid. I like to paint, mainly with watercolor, although I admit I haven't painted anything in a hot minute. I have many favorite colors and many favorite foods. I keep up with politics for obvious reasons, especially climate collapse and the rapid destabilization of the U.S., including the laws that have been passed that hurt all of us. I hope you'll have me as your moderator, and I hope to do a good job.

(Obviously don't share any personally identifying information or doxx yourselves in any way, but that's a given)

top 18 comments
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[–] Bearbie 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Hello! I’m Bearbie, I’m a melancholic soul and identify as they/them. Am in my 30s. Buffy, hiking, and cats are my passion.

[–] FinalBoy1975 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hi, Bearbie! I love your name and I am also a Buffy fan.

[–] Bearbie 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yes for Buffy. Do you have a favorite season?

[–] FinalBoy1975 3 points 1 year ago

OMG I love ALL THE SEASONS EQUALLY and I love how the show ended. The show ended when it was still good, as Sarah Michelle Geller said in an interview. It ended with slayers, not just a single slayer. And the story did not end there. I have the comics. It's amaze balls. Buffy is my hero. I also love shopping and if you're a demon, you're dead, as far as I'm concerned. Buffy is a lifestyle. Your house gets destroyed, but the people you love wrecked it (plus some demons) and it's funny because I love you people that wrecked my house with the demons. Hero of all heroes is buffy. No better hero. She's a hero to end all heroes. She is my role model. As a boy. And she's a girl. Go figure. I actually am quite the Buffy in my daily life. I mean, I don't go around slaying vampires, but I do go around doing my job and find a way to go shopping and indulge myself as the sexy boy I am. I can be a sexy boy and do superficial things like shopping and be a hardass professional boy at my job where everyone respects me. When anyone disrespects me at my job, they will learn because stuff pans out in my favor, because I do it the Buffy way. I plug on and keep working hard. She's such a strong hero for all of us. Buffy is the most amazing super hero of all time because she just could be me or you. And then the final season is just "you are me or you" oh my fuck. Which season?

[–] darthfabulous42069 3 points 1 year ago

Ooh, what are your kitties' names? We ought to have a cat thread. Or just a pet thread in general

[–] solivine 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hi darthfabulous42069. What are your top 3 colours? Do you have any watercolour art to share?

I'm Solivine and I'm a demigirl but still questioning. I like to rock climb. 🙂

[–] darthfabulous42069 3 points 1 year ago

Top 3? 🤔 I find it hard to pick... green, yellow and blue, I suppose. Green for life, yellow for sunlight which feeds life, and blue for the water that sustains it.

I don't have any of my works scanned in yet; I'll have to take a picture of one at some point. They're... not all that great though. I love painting, but I'm still a beginner at it, and thus a little bit embarrassed at putting my stuff out there. Maybe when an art thread pops up I'll put one in.

[–] FinalBoy1975 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hi, darth! I like horror novels and movies, hence my user id. I also enjoy art and I'm slowly learning how to paint watercolors. I identify myself as a gay man. I keep up with news related to LGBTQ+ rights around the world.

[–] solivine 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Do you have a favourite horror novel or movie?

[–] FinalBoy1975 4 points 1 year ago

That's difficult. I have favorite types of movies. You can probably tell I like slasher films because of my user id. As far as favorite horror novel? That's tough. I have several that I adore equally. In the slasher genre, I'm a big fan of Terrifier and Halloween.

[–] Shotgun_Alice 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hi hi and hello! I'm Trans and Pan, she/her. I have a wonderful husband, he is the light of my life. I enjoy gaming in my free time. I enjoy puzzlers and RPGs, so much Tetris 99. I enjoy new and classic movies. Sidenote, I've watched every movie with Nic Cage, had fun doing it, it was a fun challenge. Still need to watch Butcher's Crossing though.

[–] darthfabulous42069 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wassup wassup, welcome welcome

Which Nic Cage movie is your favorite?

[–] Shotgun_Alice 2 points 1 year ago

Honestly, Joe (2013). It's one of the best performances from Nic Cage I have ever seen.

[–] joeymaynard 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm Joey, queer, she/her. My hobbies are having pets, playing music, reading, writing, running. I like to talk culture, politics, existential crises, trivia, jokes. I sometimes make memes. Nice to meet you.

[–] darthfabulous42069 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] joeymaynard 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Two big goofy dogs and one small mischievous parrot who terrorizes the dogs with air superiority. Stealing food and toys and all that. All of them were strays who accidentally became family, which fits in perfectly around here :)

[–] darthfabulous42069 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

At some point I'm gonna have to make a pet thread. What are their names?

[–] joeymaynard 3 points 1 year ago

Somehow pets get a million names. My oldest dog is 15 and called Luna AKA Moonbeam AKA Toons. In combination with the other dog she is sometimes The Simple Farmers.