this post was submitted on 06 Oct 2024
-11 points (7.7% liked)

Socialist Workers Party

18 readers
34 users here now

Our starting point is how to strengthen the fighting vanguard of the working class of which we are a part, so it is better armed to understand the world we live in, to learn from the history of the modern working-class movement, to become more conscious of our strength and historic responsibilities, and to chart a line of march toward overthrowing capitalism and taking political power.

The SWP fights for independent working-class political action in opposition to the parties of the bosses — the Democrats and Republicans.

Official home of the party:

In the spirit of socialism and international solidarity, posts will be shared in both English and Esperanto.

Esperanto represents the ideal of a universal language, breaking down barriers between people of different nations, just as socialism seeks to unite the working class across borders.

founded 1 month ago
top 2 comments
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[–] UniversalMonk -5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The capitalist class and their political lackeys want us to believe that change is impossible, that we have no choice but to accept their crumbs while they feast on the fruits of our labor!

It’s time to reject the Democrats and Republicans, those twin pillars of corporate greed, and build a party of labor that fights for us! Real power comes when workers take control, turning our struggles into a force that can shake the foundations of this rotten system!

La kapitalista klaso kaj iliaj politikaj servantoj volas, ke ni kredu, ke ŝanĝo estas neebla, ke ni havas neniun elekton krom akcepti iliajn panerojn dum ili festenas je la fruktoj de nia laboro!

Estas tempo rifuzi la Demokratojn kaj Respublikanojn, tiujn ĝemelajn kolonojn de korporacia avideco, kaj konstrui laboristan partion, kiu batalas por ni! Vera potenco venas kiam laboristoj ekprenas la kontrolon, transformante niajn luktojn en forton, kiu povas skui la fundamentojn de ĉi tiu putra sistemo!

[–] SatansMaggotyCumFart 2 points 1 week ago

Change is quite literally impossible thirty days before the election, my dude.