this post was submitted on 28 Sep 2024
-4 points (25.0% liked)

Socialist Workers Party

18 readers
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Our starting point is how to strengthen the fighting vanguard of the working class of which we are a part, so it is better armed to understand the world we live in, to learn from the history of the modern working-class movement, to become more conscious of our strength and historic responsibilities, and to chart a line of march toward overthrowing capitalism and taking political power.

The SWP fights for independent working-class political action in opposition to the parties of the bosses — the Democrats and Republicans.

Official home of the party:

In the spirit of socialism and international solidarity, posts will be shared in both English and Esperanto.

Esperanto represents the ideal of a universal language, breaking down barriers between people of different nations, just as socialism seeks to unite the working class across borders.

founded 1 month ago
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[–] UniversalMonk -1 points 2 weeks ago

Brothers and sisters, this is what corporate greed looks like! Marathon Petroleum raked in $10 billion in profit, and they have the audacity to offer scraps to the workers who risk their lives every day to make that happen.

Their so-called “commitment” to safety is a joke when they bring in inexperienced scabs just to break the union's back.

It’s time to stand firm, demand what’s rightfully yours, and show these capitalist leeches that the working class won’t be intimidated!

Fratoj kaj fratinoj, jen kiel aspektas korporacia avideco! Marathon Petroleum enspezis 10 miliardojn da dolaroj, kaj ili havas la arogantecon oferti nurerojn al la laboristoj, kiuj riskas siajn vivojn ĉiutage por fari tion ebla.

Ilia tiel nomata “sindediĉo” al sekureco estas ŝerco, kiam ili enportas nespertajn strikrompantojn nur por rompi la dorson de la sindikato.

Estas tempo stari firme, postuli tion, kio estas via rajto, kaj montri al ĉi tiuj kapitalismaj vampiroj, ke la laborista klaso ne estos timigita!