this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2024
35 points (97.3% liked)

Scam Numbers

158 readers
1 users here now

The place to dump all kinds of scam numbers to prank call them and also to spread awareness against such scammers. Find active scam numbers daily! NOTE: POSTING ANY KIND OF PERSONAL NUMBER (INCLUDING SPOOFS) IS STRICTLY AGAINST THE RULES.

If you see a personal number, REPORT the post and/or DM a moderator.

Matrix Space


1. Do not post personal phone numbers. You are NOT allowed to post personal phone numbers of any kind, including the scammer’s personal phone number.

2. No harassment. This community strictly forbids harassing other people, for example by posting other’s personal phone numbers to prank call them. If prank calling scammers, please to not overly harass them. There is a line between a small joke prank call and completely harassing someone.

3. No "Any numbers?" posts No "Anyone have any numbers?"-type posts are allowed. That's what the whole point of the community is. Sort the community by "New" to see (possibly) active numbers. Other questions are fine though.

4. No scambait videos/pictures without contact info Videos and pictures of scambaits must include the scammer's (non-personal) contact information somewhere that is easily visible (title, thumbnail, top bar of texting apps, etc).

founded 8 months ago

Have fun with this one!

top 3 comments
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[–] TootSweet 7 points 8 months ago

I haven't darkened the door of a Best Buy or heard anything about "Geek Squad" in so long I kind of assumed Geek Squad wasn't a thing any more.

[–] ProfessorProteus 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

...has been successfully renewed

then about to renew...

And that next sentence is a doozy.

Sometimes I'm glad English is the confusing and nuanced mess that it is. Makes the low-effort scams stick out like a sore thumb.

[–] valen 3 points 8 months ago

I've gotten so many of these.