this post was submitted on 07 Jul 2023
221 points (98.3% liked)

Data is Beautiful

4739 readers
1 users here now

A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc.

DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit.

A place to share and discuss visual representations of data: Graphs, charts, maps, etc.

  A post must be (or contain) a qualifying data visualization.

  Directly link to the original source article of the visualization
    Original source article doesn't mean the original source image. Link to the full page of the source article as a link-type submission.
    If you made the visualization yourself, tag it as [OC]

  [OC] posts must state the data source(s) and tool(s) used in the first top-level comment on their submission.

  DO NOT claim "[OC]" for diagrams that are not yours.

  All diagrams must have at least one computer generated element.

  No reposts of popular posts within 1 month.

  Post titles must describe the data plainly without using sensationalized headlines. Clickbait posts will be removed.

  Posts involving American Politics, or contentious topics in American media, are permissible only on Thursdays (ET).

  Posts involving Personal Data are permissible only on Mondays (ET).

Please read through our FAQ if you are new to posting on DataIsBeautiful. Commenting Rules

Don't be intentionally rude, ever.

Comments should be constructive and related to the visual presented. Special attention is given to root-level comments.

Short comments and low effort replies are automatically removed.

Hate Speech and dogwhistling are not tolerated and will result in an immediate ban.

Personal attacks and rabble-rousing will be removed.

Moderators reserve discretion when issuing bans for inappropriate comments. Bans are also subject to you forfeiting all of your comments in this community.

Originally r/DataisBeautiful

founded 1 year ago

cross-posted from:

SimilarWeb has just released traffic estimates for June. According to these estimates, Reddit's traffic has seen a 3.36% month-over-month decrease.

For comparison, here's how traffic has changed for other popular social networking websites:

  • +0.51%
  • -1.65%
  • -1.35%
  • -3.18%
  • +0.77%
  • -2.27%
  • -2.02%


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[–] Ir0nfire 54 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Next months numbers will be the real show. Personally I haven't been on Reddit besides landing on it while googling since bacon reader got shut down. I'm sure theirs a fair bit of others in the same boat.

[–] qooqie 18 points 1 year ago

Oh absolutely man, everything Reddit was/is lemmy is currently (imo) doing better. I might end up back on Reddit from googling some niche questions, but I’m actually engaging on lemmy whereas on Reddit I lurked since there was no purpose to even try and contribute

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

I was user of the official Reddit app. Started using Apollo at the start of June after it was announced to be shutting down. I guess I wanted to see if I had been missing anything.

Totally fell in love with it and am kicking myself for not switching sooner. And now that it is gone, I can’t ignore all the flaws of the official app. Not to mention the entire vibe is off now.

I’m still using Reddit, but wayyy less since I had to switch back to the Reddit App. So I found my way to KBin.

I’m really loving the vibe of the fediverse. It’s a little harder to find communities, and the niche ones aren’t as populated. But it is just so optimistic and free feeling. I want to hang here and see it grow, and I really hope it takes off in a big way.

Btw I can firmly be described as a casual Reddit user. I mostly lurked, posted a comment every now and then… I feel like my experience is not unique.

Really interested to see the traffic numbers after the API rollout, cause if my experience isn’t unique (and again, I am a normie) then I think it is going very bad for Reddit right now.