this post was submitted on 24 Sep 2023
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1.) No bigotry of any kind, and don't be a jerk either

Bigotry includes but is not limited to: ableism, casteism, homophobia, lookism, queerphobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, and xenophobia. Bigotry towards non-binary people is transphobia. Truscum rhetoric is also bigotry. You getting punished for your hateful opinion, however, is not bigotry.

2.) No Spam

This includes both advertising and breaking your or my Lemmy instance's rules, such as vote manipulation or brigading.

3.) Posts must have something to do with being trans, or about trans experiences

Try to stay away from negative political events too. You can joke about it, but bringing attention to something bad happening in the world might take someone out of their comfort zone— this is an escape from the constant news cycle for some.

4.) No Selfies or Character Creations

Selfies are not memes! This is not a community for selfies. Picrews and other character creations such as Sims and Mii's are considered bandwagoning, and perhaps can be a part of a different community.

5.) SFW-only

This is an all ages community, so we prefer it if you take the NSFW stuff to one of the more adult oriented communities. Note: nudity is not allowed, we want everybody to be comfortable here.

6.) Submissions must be a meme or they will be removed
7.) Swearing is fine, but slurs are not

We want everybody to feel safe and comfortable here, so even if you want to reclaim a pejorative word that applies to you— we ask that you don't, as this is a light-hearted community and others stumbling across your post might feel unsafe.

8.) Embedded submissions should only link to trusted image sharing sites, no IP grabbers or link shorteners
9.) Use but don't misuse the report button

If something breaks these rules, or this Lemmy instance's rules, please report it.

10.) Please do not link to any terf, racist, or any other hate communities or forums

Bigots like those do not deserve any attention. Any post or comment linking to a hate community or forum will be removed

11.) Don't be a jerk nor a troll

Be nice, and don't create social chaos. That's it. Pretty simple, huh?

Some notes:

1.) We highly encourage you to use alt text in your posts, so everybody can enjoy this community
2.) It would be really nice if you flaired your posts accordingly in the title

For example, a meme about the non-binary experience could have a title like this: "[NB] Story of my life!" This will make searching for content much easier.

3.) Don't break the law

This includes the country you live in as well as the country your instance is hosted in

Sibling forums:


Trans memes specifically about being closeted, unaware or in denial


Ordinary memes, but the community is very trans-accepting— and it only has one rule: when you encounter the page you must post a meme from your camera roll

founded 2 years ago
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[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I mean assuming this us real, i get that you feel like that was "justice" in the moment and all but realistically nothing was won here. If you can only make someone behave how you want with threat of physical violence, then you dont win anything. The next time this asshole finds himself in that kinda situation, without some guy to save the day, he will probably immediatly get violent, because why wouldnt he, if thats the answer to everything... Ofcourse in the big picture you sometimes have to resort to violence, but it should be directed at the people with the ability to greatly change things, that refuse to change them. Like politicians, corporations, etc

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

There's a few situations where people are incorrigible and need to just be cowed into inaction before they hurt people, and then that can be the first step towards changing their mind. Neonazis are the default example for that being that they are primarily power-obsessed.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

that can be the first step towards changing their mind

If you actually believe that this situation would do anything but strengthen the assholes trans phobic tendencies, you ought to interact with real people more or something. sure in an actually dangerous situation it might be necessary, but nobody will actually get violent if there are already a bunch of people opposing them, even non violently. You cant force your thinking on people, they are just humans, it does not work. At some point you have to decide for yourself if you want to solve or simply postpone the problem.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It makes them less likely to act in that immediate situation but it also makes them less likely to try it again, and that's the important part. If they got away with it in public, they would instead grow bolder and more convinced that they can get away with it and that they have tacit support.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

i guess some peoples minds do work like that and would just associate them being an asshole to getting punished for it. However i also know enough people who would have the opposite reaction and simply have a growing pent up hatred and lash out even harder to get back at others for making them look bad or weak or whatever.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago

Okay, but what if they’d been able to bully a trans woman unopposed? They’re still going to do it as well.

So if most people won’t try again after getting cowed, but a small number will do it no matter what, we should try and make them afraid to try again