this post was submitted on 26 Jul 2023
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So like the title says I am interested in photography but know next to nothing about it. My question is what's a good camera for someone like me preferably under $800? Thanks in advance for the help.

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[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

The other comments covered this, but I'll pile on anyway: start cheap (like your phone). Work on subject and composition rather than worrying about technological features. Find photographs you like, think about what makes those photographs stand out, and see if you can mimic the result. Carry your camera often and be ready when an opportunity arises, or put yourself in a position to get a shot rather than waiting for it to come to you. Old photographers used to joke, "What are the best camera settings? f/8 and be there."

FWIW I started learning on refurbished manual SLRs from the 70's and 80's. No auto focus, no auto exposure, and no zoom. Moving up to modern DSLRs was a mixed blessing: all the automation can be helpful, but can also be very distracting. I still miss my old Olympus OM-G with it's 50mm prime lens.

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh wow another great advice, I might just have to at least look into some old school cameras myself, didn't even think about it until I read your comment. Thanks.