this post was submitted on 17 Sep 2024
1 points (57.1% liked)

Socialist Workers Party

18 readers
42 users here now

Our starting point is how to strengthen the fighting vanguard of the working class of which we are a part, so it is better armed to understand the world we live in, to learn from the history of the modern working-class movement, to become more conscious of our strength and historic responsibilities, and to chart a line of march toward overthrowing capitalism and taking political power.

The SWP fights for independent working-class political action in opposition to the parties of the bosses — the Democrats and Republicans.

Official home of the party:

In the spirit of socialism and international solidarity, posts will be shared in both English and Esperanto.

Esperanto represents the ideal of a universal language, breaking down barriers between people of different nations, just as socialism seeks to unite the working class across borders.

founded 1 month ago
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[–] UniversalMonk 0 points 1 month ago

Tesco’s loss is a victory for workers everywhere! Their attempt to “fire and rehire” on lower pay was nothing more than a blatant move to crush the dignity of the working class.

This decision shows that when we stand together, we can force these corporate giants to answer for their greed. Let this be a warning to all employers: workers will not sit idly while you trample over our rights for your profits!

La perdo de Tesco estas venko por laboristoj ĉie! Ilia provo "maldungi kaj re-dungi" kun malpli alta salajro estis nenio alia ol klara provo dispremi la dignon de la laborista klaso.

Ĉi tiu decido montras, ke kiam ni staras kune, ni povas devigi ĉi tiujn korporaciajn gigantojn respondi pri sia avideco. Estu tio averto al ĉiuj dungantoj: laboristoj ne sidetos senmove dum vi piedpremas niajn rajtojn por viaj profitoj!