this post was submitted on 02 Jul 2024
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Housing Bubble 2: Return of the Ugly

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A community for discussing and documenting the second great housing bubble.

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[–] Jiggle_Physics 0 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Landlording is detrimental to an affordable housing market, this has historically played a major role in many periods of poverty and wealth disparity issues. This, in turn, plays a party in the increase of crime.

So if committing a felony is bad, thus I should use that as a filter for consideration of a person then I should also do the same to someone who's choices play a major role in the decrease of QoL for people that has, historically, played a significant role in the increase in crime. I mean, the felon could be wrongly charged, they could have got caught up in something that really didn't hurt anyone and it has been a long time since, and they are not that person anymore. However, by your logic, it is best to just assume they could be a dangerous felon and just not take that chance. Thus, you could be a small time landlord, who offers a bunch of useful services to those who rent from them, and works hard at keeping their QoL up, or a landlord that rents to own, making little, to no, profit off the tenets. However you could be a slum lord, a landlord participating using price fixing algorithm software services, working as a property investor for some company like black rock, one who regularly increases their rent to be at, or above, the local rent, inflating housing costs, etc. So it's just not worth my time to risk figuring that out, I should just avoid you because your chosen business is, in the large picture, detrimental to QoL, and most rental properties are owned by shady people, and corporations, that actively make life worse for society beyond the passive stress the business puts on people.

By your own logic I should just assume you are a leech upon society, and avoid interacting you, because most landlording is terrible to society at large.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yes please leave us alone thanks.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)
[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Judging by the fact you keep replying in this thread, no you don't.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You could always just stop interacting.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Unlike you, I never claimed to not interact with other people.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You are the one that keeps initiating these interactions. I didn't go to your post and start commenting on it, you have come to mine. I didn't initially say anything to the other landlord who doesn't like people saying landlording is bad, I said something to someone else, that person came to me.

If you guys had not decided to send me posts, you would have had no interactions with me. So stop.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That's a lot of written words for someone who doesn't want to interact with me

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You are like the guy on the bus, who keeps talking to people that don't want them too, and takes their expressions of not wanting further contact as an indication to continue talking to them.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

"I don't want to interact with you!"

Keeps interacting with me.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

U: goes out of way to interact with someone

U: "I want you to leave me alone"

M: "I don't want to anyway"

U: "but you telling me, the person who came to pester you, that you don't want to interact with me, means you want to interact with me"

M: "No, you can stop"

U: continues to go out of their way to interact with someone they originally went out of their way to tell them they don't want them interacting with

M: "You actually are the initiant, if you don't want to interact, just stop"

U: "Nah fam, gonna start using internet memetic composition to drag this out"

M: "I can do this for a lot of hours. It's not like you are physically with me, and after what accumulates to a few minutes of typing, you will be gone, maybe forever. So let us dance, I guess. That is unless you wanna get sum fuk on instead"

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It would take you 0 effort for you to stop interacting with the people you said you didn't want to interact with :3

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Let us burn some more energy. Bend over so we can fuck this obsession with me out of you. Though that may just make it worse. Guess we will have to find out.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Bro is still talking even though he keeps claiming he doesn't want to.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago

Oh lover, are you never going to being the creep the on the bus?

[–] AeonFelis 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What good will it do for you to avoid contact with landlords? If you need to rent, you have to rent from a landlord. If you can afford to own your own house, you'd prefer to do that to begin with.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

In my life, when I have found out people make money off renting housing, I scrutinize it enough to see if they fall into one of the categories I previously mentioned, If not, I stopped associating with them. I used to underwrite private loans, including mortgages, and worked in that world. They are designed to push people, at large, into renting, as most financial institutions are heavily invested where renting benefits them. This makes landlords even worse. When I have been forced to rent, I treated them like I was being forced to do business with a crook. Treating them with this assumption has proven to behoove me in numerous occasions. I have never had to rent from someone who didn't do something shady, if not outright felonious.

Landlording is bad for the working people, drags society at large, and benefits a coercive state of affairs that only benefits huge, shady, investment firms/banks. So, when the poster replied, and said they were a landlord, It just exposed one crook calling out another. Sure, they could be an ethical landlord, but that is unlikely. So it is best to just assume they will fuck you over, just like they look at felons.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Being able to rent a place was very good for me when I was looking for a good job. I wouldn't be where I am today if I had to fucking buy a place to live every time I job hopped in my youth.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

If we didn't treat housing as a source of profit, and invest vehicles, these types of concerns wouldn't be the issue they are now. There are plenty of academic papers out there explaining this. wouldn't take but a few hours of something like google scholar, with search terms like "alternatives to housing as investment and profit vectors" or "housing as a right realized" should bring up more than you could ever read on the subject.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Oh yeah I'm sure there's been a lot of social studies made about how not giving free housing to everyone is literally racism or something equally dumb.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Oh, an ad hominem attack. This time the accusation of a logical fallacy being used is correct. Instead of bothering to read the research on the subject, and making your argument against the research, you instead make an irrelevant attack on the source based purely on your own biases, and emotional reaction. You have no argument, just the desire for what you do to not actually be bad, partially because you are ignorant to the problems it creates, partially because you don't like the idea that you are doing something that is bad. This is where a lot of the rage against the science behind climate change comes from. People don't like being told that what they do, their way of life, is bad.

Come back when you have something other than a blatant logically fallacy to support yourself.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Lmao I hit a nerve for sure.

Come back when you have an actual argument instead of hatred.

Ps: Weren't you the guy who said they didn't want to interact with landlords or something?

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Ah sweetie, it is clear that it is not my nerves that have been hit.

Now, we gonna fuck and get this over with, or are you gonna stop bothering me after initiating all contact?

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

We're going to start over that other thread here? I am not the one who said they were done talking lmao.

Look, it's ok, when this conversation ends and this submission goes forgotten by everyone, I'll still be renting the properties I worked hard to own, enjoying life and a bright future when I retire. You'll still be mad angry and pathetic.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Look, it's ok, you came to me, like a lost puppy, and started biting at my ankles. When this is over I will be happy running my business, that actually adds value to the world, and you will still be a leech upon society. My service will continue to be considered respectable, and yours will continue to decline, in that manner, as housing becomes less, and less, affordable.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Thankfully, I have reached a point where I don't feel the need to acquire more property, as managing what I have takes enough work on top of my job.

Feel free to hate me and keep replying to me, it gives me serotonin.

PS: if you were actually running a successful business, you wouldn't be complaining about housing prices ;)

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Tell yourself whatever you need to believe about the person who faults you for your choice of business, which is provably bad for society.

I get dopamine from this, so...

PS: I have actual empathy, and though I can afford housing with ease, at this point in my life, I know how much pain, stress, anxiety, and fear it causes for those who are not as privileged as I am. I do not accept the "fuck you, I got mine" philosophy you, apparently, adhere to. You just keep justifying the negative response you got.

[–] redisdead 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm not justifying anything lmao you're the one crying.

I don't actually care, this conversation started because I said I make the conscious decision to not rent to convicted felons. If you think your endless complaints about how bad of a person that makes me somehow get to me in a meaningful way, you're wrong. I'm actually laughing at you.

You've said multiple times you didn't want to interact with me and yet here you are, endlessly replying to my comments.

It would take you 0 effort to stop.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I know I wont change your mind, that isn't the point. I am having fun here. You said you didn't want me to interact with you, yet you were the first one to interact with me, and you continue to do so. Everything you accuse me of, you are guilty of too. So woo. Let's keep going love.

[–] redisdead 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I think you genuinely have a few missing screws

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago

We agree on something

[–] Maalus -1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yeah I'm not reading that vomit of words you typed up. You wouldn't trust a felon with your life savings. If you would, you are a moron.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

If you trust landlords, you are a moron.

[–] Maalus 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Trust them with what? To rent you a flat for a certain amount of money? Yaknow, goods and services? All the landlords I had were awesome people. Some of them lived in the same house as I rented a room from. I don't get what you expect out of landlords to hate them so much.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You would have to read a lot of "word vomit" to understand why landlording is bad. Doesn't have to be from me, you can find it from many different institutions. It is almost like there is a lot of room to screw people over, when you are a landlord, and most do. Especially at an industry/structural level.

Your one mention of conditions, you rented under, would fall under the small exceptions I mentioned. I expect (well expect isn't a good word, as I fully expect my expectations to go unfulfilled) people to realize landlording is bad, and, in fact, the commoditization of housing is. Then move on to something that doesn't seek profit from housing.

[–] Maalus 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Ah yes the "no true scotsman" fallacy in all of its glory.

[–] Jiggle_Physics 0 points 3 months ago

Excluding target examples that exhibit behaviors I don't like from a group they/it is identify with?

Where did I exclude the landlords exhibiting negative behaviors from the grouping "landlord" as a rhetorical means of defending the target group? I am saying landlording is bad, period.

Are you saying my inference of a very few select actions can get a pass, to an extent, because they are also working around this structure they are forced to live in, however passively they are contributing to a larger problem. IE someone renting out a room in their house because the "housing as a commodity" market makes is painful to have a house? Is a no true Scotsman fallacy?