EcoMaoism: Animal Liberationist, Environmental Mao Zedong Thought

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EcoMaoism is the synthesis of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought with radical environmentalist and animal liberation ideologies. We uphold that animals are exploited and deserve the same liberations that the workers would have under communism. We are also against sources of pollution, deforestation, and climate change. We are not western liberals, We are green tankies!

founded 2 years ago

As a member of the LGBT community, I feel very frustrated that LGBT activism and the ideologies of our people are appropriated by liberalism and pro-America sections of the community to legitimize or justify imperialism by the western world or its puppet regimes in Israel, Japan, or other parts of the world. Especially during this revolutionary time for the Palestinian people, so many ridiculous statements come from distorted LGBT ideas such as “Leftists shouldn’t support Palestine because they don’t have gay marriage” or takes such as those which shift blame of genocide to the victim because they are not socially liberal enough to have the same kinds of social environments that are friendly to our community. The LGBT people of the third world were so much better off before western imperialism and evangelism which I must note. Many modern countries that exist today traditionally had acceptance or no historical reason for hating the LGBT members of society before their human progress was basically reset by evangelism. Ironically, the eurocentric and chauvinistic ideology that these liberals are engaging in is the type of behavior that caused the issues. It is a poorly disguised form of imperialism that obviously comes from the CIA so they can get their people to support Israel. When LGBT people are given propaganda to look down upon people who are suffering under genocide, it’s even a form of rightism ironically enough.

Pinkwashing of Israel is also a very real phenomenon. A zionist, fascist regime that regularly engages in the murder and imprisonment of innocent civilians and children is not a model for pride. The fact that I even need to articulate something like that, just shows how divorced liberalism(By that I mean Western ideology, not social liberalism) has become from actual reality. Mainstream media and the propaganda machine of the United States has damaged the minds of so many people beyond repair, to the point that even the LGBT community is under the ideological entrapment of the white house. People who are clinging to religious or cultural ideas of homonormativity will not have their minds changed by sending drones to blow up their homes and schools. We cannot allow the military industrial complex to distort the struggle for LGBT rights into a militant ideology that seeks to bomb and imperialize any country that does not have a gay president.

The community also needs to stop pinkwashing people in foreign governments or attributing good qualities onto them only because they are members of the LGBT community. Some of the worst collaborators of the United States manipulate the public with their identity simply to create a movement for themselves and to hide the actual nature of their ideology. Even some rightists in America are technically members of the LGBT community despite working with dangerous extremist organizations and parties that seek to take away the rights of our people. If you support people becoming leaders in America simply because they are members of the community you will have rainbow fascism, because the political systems of this country exist specifically so the people cannot have control of their own economy or threaten the interests of the major corporations.


The Unabomber said some very interesting things in his manifesto, even if some are difficult for me to agree with. However, one thing that I’ve noticed before that is articulated well in his writing is the phenomenon of oversocialization. In attempting to research oversocialization and an excessive amount of moral codes and social rules are harmful to people, all I could find was alt-right propaganda that quickly devolved into eugenics and rightist talking points about western liberal leftism and bourgeois feminism that cannot even apply to different ideologies or groups of people. I think it is a major mistake to project oversocialization as being a problem exclusive to certain political groups, because this seems universal or to even happen in different religions, cultures, moral attitudes, philosophies, etc… Oversocialization is basically an over-commitment towards social expectations, rules, laws, regulations, or even religious beliefs.

When people think of oppressive societies, they think of a dystopian future based on that stupid 1984 book, but they don’t think of the socialization side of oppression. In South Korea you are a social outcast if you do not conform to so many societal ideas about how you should behave. Their suicide rate is extremely high and many people from that society cite extreme conformism as a contributing factor of this. Sharia law or any theocratic legal system is another extreme example of socialization of humans being taken to an extreme. Most people will scream at the top of their lungs that they are mentally free but then still feel guilty for having attractions to certain people or thinking things that contradict the dominant belief systems of their society. People are mentally conditioned so much that they do not even notice it anymore.

Another point that must be made about oversocialization is that it usually comes from some form of idealism. As opposed to socialization which are basic things we should learn like not murdering people or not committing rape to function in society, oversocialization takes socialization to the extreme of what some group in society believes humanity should be like. It also tends to create societies with feudal mindsets where people accept everything their authorities say uncritically or are even afraid to be struck by lightning if they do. Oversocialization is not a friend to anyone who suffers from it, and only an enemy would try and put you in such a mental position.


Class Struggle is the driving force behind all of history. It is the struggle that has been taking place ever since the beginning force of all time and is inherent to our reality. Class Struggle is the basis of socialism, because the two classes that are important for establishing the ideology are the wealthy bourgeoisie and anyone else forced to work for them. However, we can consider many other classes and groups of people to exist in society. Ethnic, religious, political, and even social or cultural groups can be considered classes in society. Even monarchies or other political systems should be seen as having a class of supporters, because no person is a ruler just on their own. All of these systems exist in our minds and through organization by other humans, so no social construct can stop existing if we desire it to go away. There is a class of people somewhere in existence that benefits from anything that exists, even if the benefit is only perceived as feeling superior or forcing their religion on the masses.

Looking at history from this way, we cannot look at the current state of the world and see things as “Just happening because” as many people do. Humans are the masters of our destiny in the modern world, so when a forest is cut down or people are left homeless in the street, it is because a class of people somewhere decided for it to happen. The same can be said for environmental degradation or other economic decisions made in society that harm the masses. Until our social class is unchallenged in terms of power, authority, and ideology, there can be no resistance to the bourgeois regime that oppresses us, brainwashes us with propaganda, or even kills us if we try to change the system.

People continue to believe that we are all free wherever we are, but if we were truly in a free society it would not be so difficult to get basic necessities like food, shelter, work, or education. We also would not be living under rigged elections and fed processed foods with toxic chemicals and copious amounts of sugar. The world we live in is a hell for our people and a playground for the bourgeois landlords and parasites who exploit our labor and deprive us of basic necessities that we need to survive. What they do to us is cruel and deliberate violence. The world is able to feed and house its entire populations many times over but scarcity is deliberately created to control the world’s people. Many class enemies are even shameless enough to admit that scarcity is needed to increase their profits. People continue believing that their reality is all a series of coincidences, rather than a complicated web of consequences determined by struggles between social classes.

For the person who refuses the existence of class struggle and continues to choose idealism, can they ever truly be free mentally, politically, or economically? For the person who knows the truth, can they fight back against the ruling class on their own, with a society that is unwilling or unable to see what is truly going on? For your entire existence you have been bombarded with advertising and propaganda to get you to buy products, buy services, and to love the government, military, and police force that exists to keep you in a cage. You can choose to read the materials discouraged by your government and society to discover the truth, or you can continue on in life with the misguided belief that you are free, living in the open air prison you were born into.


For Marxists, the future of the planet and the climate crisis depends highly on which class owns the means of production. Technology and automation, including artificial intelligence (AI), can be helpful to advance material conditions of the working class, but only if the devices, gadgets and programs are owned and operated by the working class. Under capitalism, technology and automation, especially AI, are a disaster for working people and have a reputation of being job killers.

In contrast to capitalist countries, technology in socialist countries, such as China and Cuba, is used to benefit people. While capitalist countries use technology to help the wealthy few, Cuba sends doctors around the world. China is expanding green technology at home while assisting with the building of infrastructure in many African countries, with the use of technology.

No one truly knows with 100% certainty what future summers will be like. As Sam Marcy, founder of Workers World Party, would often say, “Marxists don’t have a crystal ball,” meaning we cannot predict the future.

At the same time, as dialectical materialists, we do look at scientific evidence to reach conclusions. Studies show that climate change is due to the burning of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gas emissions and trap the sun’s heat and provoke temperatures to rise. (Greenly Institute, Aug. 8)

Climate change started with the large extraction and burning of natural resources, such as oil, gas and coal, in the late 1800s. Resource extraction and consumer use led to an increase of carbon dioxide in the air. The plundering of Indigenous lands was conducted for the sake of profits, and irreparable damage was done in the process of stealing minerals for capital gains.

Unusual and abnormal weather conditions are a painful reminder of the harm inflicted upon the Earth. While a lot of the destruction may be irreversible, any revolt or struggle against corporations responsible for environmental devastation is a step forward. Unity among environmental and labor activists is important because our class enemy is the same.

Due to the severity of the climate crisis, an anti-capitalist and pro-working class response is most needed. The only way to truly ensure a sustainable ecosystem and put a halt to the ongoing crisis is to put a stop to the very same profit-driven system responsible for the crisis.


I pledge allegiance to my Black People. I pledge to develop my mind and body to the greatest extent possible. I will learn all that I can in order to give my best to my People in their struggle for liberation. I will keep myself physically fit, building a strong body free from drugs and other substances which weaken me and make me less capable of protecting myself, my family and my Black brothers and sisters. I will unselfishly share my knowledge and understanding with them in order to bring about change more quickly. I will discipline myself to direct my energies thoughtfully and constructively rather than wasting them in idle hatred. I will train myself never to hurt or allow others to harm my Black brothers and sisters for I recognize that we need every Black Man, Woman, and Child to be physically, mentally and psychologically strong. These principles I pledge to practice daily and to teach them to others in order to unite my People.

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