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This is a community dedicated to Canada and Canadians!




Il s'agit d'une communauté dédiée au Canada et aux Canadiens !


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The community icon is the logo of the Communist Party of Canada, but this community is not affiliated with them. / L'icône de la communauté est le logo du Parti communiste du Canada, mais cette communauté n'est pas affiliée à ce parti.

founded 5 years ago

It just doesn't stop, does it?

"Mr. Savaryn was a leading Progressive Conservative in Alberta and prominent member of Edmonton’s Ukrainian community who championed multiculturalism and played a key role in establishing schools with Ukrainian-language instruction. He also set up the Edmonton branch of the Ukrainian scout group Plast, whose participants included Chrystia Freeland, now Deputy Prime Minister.

In a 2013 interview with the newspaper Ukrainian Weekly, Ms. Freeland recalled attending the youth group there. “Plast was a very important part of my life growing up,” she said. “I grew up in a Ukrainian community and was active in Plast.”"

One more damning connection of Freeland to her family's Nazi past.


Who could’ve seen this coming?


Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Na’Moks described the 2021 raids as, “a form of war, physical and psychological.” (, Aug. 17)

Police, abetted by private security guards, regularly harass land defenders, following them, conducting traffic stops, and searching their cabins — often in the middle of the night. One land defender reported receiving a rape threat via a CB radio from a Coastal GasLink employee, which police did nothing to investigate.

Such violence goes hand-in-hand with pipeline projects such as Coastal GasLink, which directly contribute to the ongoing epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). “Man camps” that house pipeline employees have become centers of human trafficking, sexual violence, and murder, where thousands of Indigenous women have disappeared or been killed. In Canada, the homicide rate for Indigenous women is at least six times higher than for non-Indigenous women. (


The wildfires continue to devastate First Nations and Métis communities, whose on-reserve citizens remain at disproportionately high risk from wildfires compared to other Canadian residents. Over the past month, thousands of Indigenous people have evacuated; many of them continue to go without electricity, clean water and adequate shelter.



Okay so please let me know if this is or isn’t allowed here. I know it’s a Canada community but if province specific posts aren’t allowed I will happily remove it.

Well, my province is officially fucked. I mean, we have been for a very long time, plagued by conservatives and only really catching a break when the NDP won back in, I think, 2015. Rachel Notely has never been a good leader, out of all the NDP leaders she’s the most right wing of her counter parts. I think that’s why she lost this election too. I only had three parties to vote for: UCP, NDP, and the Alberta Party (the dreaded centrists). The NDP in alberta lead by Rachel Notely has been alienating their real audience and I believe that’s why we still got stuck with Danielle “I love Ron DeSantis” Smith. There are some cool people in her party, Janis Irwin would’ve been a better pick for leader in my opinion. Now that Smith has solidified herself as premier of the province I’m truly worried for what’s to come: private healthcare, energy costs skyrocketing, bailouts for the oil sector, etc. it’s insane how the parts of Alberta that would benefit the most from a Marxist government (not the NDP by a long shot) are those that salivate whenever a conservative leader breathes in their direction.

I’m truly worried for myself and my Vavó and tia. They are on pensions while I am on AISH. Both pension and AISH are well below minimum wage and therefore not enough to survive on. No amount of seniors discounts is going to making life any easier. We need a significant boost in benefits. Let’s not forget the virulent hatred Smith and her base has for LGBTQ+ folks, which also puts me in danger as I am queer and just starting the process of getting gender affirming healthcare. With her admiration and love for DeSantis I fear our education system will fall just as hard as Florida's, serious book bans, attacks on minorities (which was already happening but it’s going to get even worse), and many more horrors to come.

I remember a phone call campaign of hers explicitly stating their hatred for communists. Smith herself believes universities are a cancer that are spreading communism so I can only imagine how my education is going to be affected when I go back in September. Little does she know, universities don’t talk about communism at best and at worst demonize communism to hell and back. She’s a fucking idiot but her base doesn’t seem to understand that. Her and her conspiracy theories are going to be emboldened and I’m terrified at what’s to come.

If anyone has advice on what I can do please let me know…


Sparked by worsening climate-change conditions, such as drought and extreme heat, wildfires have proliferated around the globe, threatening Indigenous nations, which preserve over 80% of the planet’s biodiversity. A 2021 Canada Journal of Forest Research study found that on-reserve First Nation citizens are at disproportionate risk of wildfires compared to Canada’s settler population. (

Despite this, the settler-colonial regimes of Canada and the U.S. — as well as those of Australia, Israel and New Zealand — are worsening the climate crisis by imposing pipelines, fracking and strip-mining projects that devastate Indigenous lands and poison water supplies.


Horrible date to announce this. Also very stoked I won’t have to pay interest but school should be free.


At a certain point, three individuals had the questionable idea that they would plant themselves in the middle of the defensive contingent and unfurl a banner that read “sales pédos hors du Québec” (filthy pedos out of Québec). While ultimately it is entirely noble to denounce and combat pedophilia, in this instance one can safely presume that these dubious characters were not there with good intentions, and as a result their banner was immediately confiscated, which led to some pushing and shoving when one of them tried to reclaim it.

He got knocked around a bit, so the police intervened to end the altercation and escort the three intruders off to the side at some distance, but another altercation occurred, which led to the arrest of one of these irritating individuals. When examining the photos of the people in question, comrades identified the leader of the local White Lives Matter network, which was the topic of a Montréal Antifasciste article in March 2022.


This article is from 2017 but I just caught wind of it today. This sentiment has been going on for quite a long time. Nowadays they try to play off expanding MAiD as empathy when it’s always been a cash grab.


AKA Canada is not a sovereign nation. This is not to say the Canadian State does not have free will at all, in most cases it does especially with domestic issues. But I swear to god every time NATO, and more specifically the US, we always follow suite and do whatever they want.

I don’t recall any other nation having beef with Canada, at least not to the extent of needing warships. The Trudeau government is just starting shit with other countries, for what? I have no fucking clue. Not that any other mainstream party in parliament would do better, the cons would definitely do the same. Are they embarrassed that Canada isn’t as noticeable as the US? Do they want to make themselves look big and strong and not to be trifled with?

I’m not advocating for Canada to start conflicts by itself, hell no. I just wish our politicians had the balls to sit out of NATO conflicts and say no. Stop being lap dogs, it’s pathetic.


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The restaurant’s Facebook response:

They also have a gift shop where you can buy the Nazi flag and one with Bandera’s face on it!

So many NAFO fucks are flossing the replies, plus Ukraine flags in general.


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And Canadian chuds call the CBC left wing…


We’re so fucked.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I know the hearing for the ‘Freedom Convoy’ has been going on for some time now. I’ve seen bits and pieces of it, some clips and quotes shared via Twitter and TikTok, but I’ve been too busy studying to tune into the whole thing, let alone read transcripts of it.
I did see on twitter that the CSIS had told the feds that the convoy was not a national security threat, contrary to what Trudeau’s national security advisor stated, and therefore the use of the EA was not needed.
But now I’ve seen this TikTok of the hearing which sort of contradicts what the CSIS claims, to me at least. If anyone who has been following this hearing closely could chime in and maybe shed some light on this I would be eternally grateful 💛


My tiktok fyp never misses. Even after all this, I still believe Canadians will not rise up.


Using this global news article because it’s the most “neutral” news site talking about this. I saw that “Bill C-11” was trending on Twitter and I noticed that the people losing their minds over it all seem to be conservatives/far-right folks. I don’t know much about this bill, only that it was similar to how our radio and tv programs are regulated.

The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission does all that which essentially pushes Canadian content to the front or else it’d definitely get lost in the sauce. Now with this new bill they’d take on the responsibility of the internet too. I never thought much about it since we can still watch and listen to foreign media (guess it depends on your cable), it’s just never been an outright issue to me. Maybe because people are moving away from cable TV and use internet streaming more?

I don’t have a real opinion on this since I’ve mainly been focusing on Bill C-22. Google chimed in on this conversation saying Bill C-11 was a bad idea. I don’t tend to trust their judgement as they censor my searches enough as it is. So Google plus hyper cons opposing this Bill just left me with questions. I’m not tech savvy at all, so hopefully that tells you how uninformed I am. I’m genuinely unsure how this Bill is going to effect us, so I’d really appreciate someone who knows a lot more about this to explain this to me.

I’m asking here because I don’t trust twitter fascists and most of our news publishers have heavy biases:

This only goes up to 2015 but even now when looking for articles on Bill C-11 there were a lot that used unnecessary inflammatory language…


Toronto Star a bit late to the game. I thought shit was back over here in Alberta but it’s seems Canada is decaying everywhere…


Courtesy of the Globe and Mail. Yes, 2022 is exactly the same as 1939-1945… Honestly, if you’re going to make parallels to WWII at least try not to rewrite history.

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