Dungeons & Dragons

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A community for discussion of the various iterations of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop roleplaying game. **Related Communities:**

founded 1 year ago

Got a question for how to run Storm King's Thunder, if anyone's DMed it before!

How frequent should encounters be, roughly, in chapter 3? There's guidance in the text in what the encounters could be (a random encounter table), but I don't have a sense of how often they should happen. Every travel day seems excessive (that's like 5 encounters to get from anywhere to anywhere!) but there isn't really any suggestion otherwise.



Myconid playable race:

  • Ability score increases:
    Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your strength increases by 1.

  • Age:
    A Myconid reaches maturity at the age of 6 and generally lives about 24 years.

  • Alignment:
    The majority of myconids have a strong sense of loyalty to their colony, making them typically lawful in nature.

  • Size:
    Myconids range from 4 to 6 feet tall and weigh from 70 to 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.

  • Speed:
    Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

  • Darkvision:
    You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of gray.

  • Poison touch:
    Your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d4 poison damage.

  • Natural armour:
    When not wearing armour, your AC is 12 plus your dexterity plus any other modifiers. A shield can still add to your AC.

  • Languages:
    You can speak Common and Undercommon

Feel free to adapt these features to fit your campaigns! I will continue to post homebrew as often as possible (hopefully weekly) to try and help keep this community active! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


Looking for some good, system-agnostic TTRPG resources to help you run your game? Here are some I use all the time:


DnDify: https://dndify.gutrund.com

Tabletop Audio: https://tabletopaudio.com

Campaign tracking:

The Goblin's Notebook: https://www.the-goblin.net/notebook

Obsidian MD: https://obsidian.md


Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator

Dungeonfog: https://www.dungeonfog.com

General tools/generators:

donjon: https://donjon.bin.sh

Kasoon: https://www.kassoon.com

Feel free to list your favorites!


I've tried out NADDPOD, TAZ and am currently listening to one in the Stars Without Number universe called Astronomica which is pretty funny.

Wondering what else is good out there


I for one, am shocked.


Tabletop players were able to explore the video games' setting in 2019 D&D 5E book Descent into Avernus.


Hi all this is my first attempt at building a world so please be gentle.

Page 1
Craven Scar
• Starting location
• On the Eastern main continent of the western county of Idensor, neighboured by Dwarven county of Severiel to north
-The country of Idensor was once home to many magical beings such as fey, elves& monsters alike.
Forests are well known in this country& where Humans have set up town's& cities it is often a safe place to stay... or is it.
History Of Craven Scar
Idensor wasn't home to Human's 500 years ago, no at best it was home to the elves to the western coast and the fey to the southern forests.
On the advent of chaotic magic surge some 500 year's ago monster's & many magic users were overcome with incredible power's beyond their control.
Much of the civilizations were drastically effected, such as the Dwarven country of Seveviel, while the dwarves dug in & tried counter the surge, so did many creatures dig into what the dwarves forged.

Page 2
Driven by instinct to get away from the worlds laylines monster's also kept encroaching on dwarven cities & towns. The Fey scattered some going to other planes, other's seeking shelter of other settlements to the east and some other's embraced the surge, this group holds the surge forest.
Said forest is a magical forest that brings constant work for adventures. The elves of the west coast left this land & went to their ancestral home of The Thriwyr( purple western) where their strongest, smartest, most knowledgeable preside and is best defended. Human's 100 year's after the surge have been expanding & as such Idensor was a annexed by the kingdom of Boandra. While displeased by the human's taking over their territory in Idensor, the elves also took no claim to it either as their only true home is their ancestral home Thriwyr.
The Human's shortly forged a powerful alliance with the dwarven country Several, Both race's sharing a bond of helping those in need, it didn't take both countries long to stabilise their Countries.

Page 3
Starting the adventure:
Many adventures have been answer in the call raised by Burlong Timbering Inc for having guards as well as capable adventures to perform tasks and missions alike
Burlong Timbering has recently focused on lumber from the outskirts of the Surge forest. This being that the tree's regrow in a week & being of higher quality compared to similar tree's away from the surge forest.
The downside of this is the increased "activity" as Burlong employees call it, but to everyone else these are monster attacks.
20 miles short of Burlong Timberings Inc's latest encampment(# 28) traveller's, adventures, traders and alike rest at the crossroad taven, a popular resting spot before journeying on, this taven has grown with its own mini adventure's market & Cleric many of Burlong Timbering Inc's local employee's rest here when off shift.

You are resting at the haven, it's been a long week of travel,
the smell of cut timber wafts through the air as many of BTI's employee's are enjoying the taverns facilities given the latest
start of site# 28 timbering operations

Page 4

  • Perception check
  1. Success you sense the vibrations aren't in sync with the people of the crossroads-Go to wisdom check
    • failure, you look around, feeling tired you feel unsettled
    but long travel has that effect.-Go to defend the tavern
    1 Wisdom check
    • Success, your not called an adventurer for no good reason, you stand up& raise the alarm by yelling for everyone to arm's-Go to defend the taven+ defense's up
    • failure, you speak to the barman, he states he will investigate
    -Go to defend the taven-defense armed not active

Page 5
Defend the haven:
There is no mistaking in that's not human noise, in fact you hear someone say its Goblin.
• If Defences up; the barman flips a switch and inserts a key, suddenly your table flips and creates a corridor forcing the goblins to only come in 2 at a time
You notice foot holes to leap over the table into the corridor if you wanted, also their are gaps between the table's to cast/attack from.
• Defence's armed; you hear a switch activated as the barman runs out the door pocketing his keys
! What do the player's do,
• After 1 round ODM roll 2 D20's
First D20: Barman DC6( does barman survive)
Second D20 Does Barman kill a Goblin DC15
? Is the defences up?
? Are the player's inside or out

  • Motive; attack all BTIs employee's & anyone defending them aka wont instantly attack PC's

Page 6
•Cross Roads inside
Page 7
Crossroads Outside

Sorry for the bad formating in advance I started on kindle scribe and exported my hand writing to text and had quickly edit.


I get that this community is still new and nobody has probably thought of this yet, but if we are going to try and abandon Reddit (I know I am), then this is something we should probably try to figure out.


Have you ever had one of your D&D characters die? Was it because of roleplay choices or just bad dice luck? Did you enjoy making and playing a new character or did you find it difficult to be 'new to the party' or to separate player knowledge and character knowledge?

Just looking to get some conversation started around here.


D&D designers say the tabletop RPG's new books will keep 5th Edition alive and kicking for at least another decade.