AI Art

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This is a commumity for generating AI Art. To generate a picture mention the bot in the comments and give it your prompt.

The image model currently being used is AI Forever's Kandinsky 2.


All users can create new posts again. The art bot now only generates art in the comments of the pinned art thread.

founded 2 years ago

Greetings comrades. I'm glad to see that people like the art bot. However, I'm covering the cost of the use of the API gratis, and after just a day I'm already up to $15 used. I may be an overpaid labor aristocracker, but not so much that an extra $15 a day is a cost I can throw away without a thought.

Fortunately, I've thought of a solution that should both create an engaging community experience and also not make the bot too much of a wealth vampire.

Art Jams

On a regular schedule (maybe fortnightly or monthly, still trying to nail that down) I'll make a post for comrades to comment their prompts: the bot will only be able to respond to those posts. The post will lock after either a certain amount of time has elapsed or the post has reached a certain number of images generated. Each comrade will be limited to a certain number of prompts per jam (including myself): the number will depend on the image model being used. More on image models later in the post. To keep things interesting...

Art Jam themes

Before the first art jam and after each subsequent art jam, there will be a post for voting on the next art jam's theme. I'll make it so the bot will automatically tally upvotes and lock the post after a certain amount of time, and I'll also devise a way for comments that are theme ideas to be distinguished from normal comments. Once a theme is voted on, that will be the theme for the next jam. You can make images in jams that don't fit the theme, but are encouraged to follow the theme because what's the point otherwise. Another thing that will be voted on...

Image Models

The image generation API can use a variety of models, and it's not too hard to swap them out. That's how the bot went from using stable diffusion to kardinsky 2 in the blink of an eye. There are a decent number of them here. I'm thinking of switching up the model every 3 months or so. I'll make a post to vote on models just like the themes. Keep in mind less frequently used models take longer to generate for based on how the AI API works.

Art jam winners semifinal vote

Once the art jam post is locked, a post will be created for people to comment with and vote on their favorite images that got generated in the jam. The post will be unlocked for about a day or 2, then the bot will tally the votes and announce the winners. The top 3 voted on pictures will go on to the final round of voting.

Art jam winners

Unlike the last vote, this isn't for the best image. Rather, comrades will vote on which image gets used as the community banner, community pfp, and art bot pfp. I'll comment the different configurations on the post, people vote on those, and the most liked configuration will be set.


I hope people like my idea for what to do with the community. None of this is set in stone, and I encourage anyone who wants to to give feedback.

Finally, I'll allow the bot to still create images for another day or so so that people can get the novelty out of their system.


I noticed that posts from this community are flooding local. Another user brought up the same concern in another thread.. To be fair at least 60% of those spammy posts came from me. Mea culpa.

I made a change to the bot so that it only responds to mentions now. This should get rid of the incentive to make spammy posts while still giving everyone a quick and easy way to use an image model from the comfort of Lemmygrad.

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