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submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They're currently facing technical issues, once that's sorted out, it should be up.


Dear Travelers,

Thanks to your support, Genshin Impact was nominated for the "Best Ongoing" category at The Game Awards 2023. Thank you for coming alongside us through this journey!

As a token of our gratitude, we will be giving away a total of Primogems ×800 from December 9 – 12.

​*How to Claim Rewards:

Primogems ×200 shall be given out to Travelers via in-game mail at 00:00 (Server Time) each day from December 9 – 12.

These Primogems can be claimed at any time before the end of Version 4.3. All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 7 or above can claim a total of Primogems ×800 via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What's up guys! It's your friendly Genshin overthinker Inotia King. Wow it's been a busy couple of weeks. These quests are getting longer and eating up more days. Anyway as always before we begin I just want to make sure new readers have checked out my first topic which is the basis for all my theories. So if you haven't checked that out yet please click here.
Also tl;dr warning. There's a bunch of stuff to explain and it gets long lol. Summary at the bottom.

We already know a few things about Albedo. He's a homunculus created by Rhinedottir who is also known as Gold the person who started the Cataclysm 500 years ago by using monsters to attack across Teyvat. He was abandoned by her when she discovered the Heart of Naberius. This placed him in the care of Mondstadt's Knights of Favonius where he became a surrogate nephew of Rhinedottir's friend Alice and an older brother for her daughter Klee. Albedo was trained in alchemy by Rhinedottir but for the purposes of uncovering the secrets of Khaenri'ah's mysterious Khemia art. Since then he's become the Chief Alchemist of the knights overseeing fellow alchemists like his assistant Sucrose and the novice Timaeus. (who should probably just stick to being a philosopher back in his hometown of Locri)
Anyway we actually know more and I think a few theories already have glanced at it but maybe we could delve even deeper.
So that theory is derived from Albedo's own name. I'm pretty sure this is well known enough so I'll just briefly go over what the theories cover. Albedo is the second step in the alchemical process to make the Philosopher's Stone a holy grail of alchemy that can change "base" metals like lead into precious metals like gold and silver. The other steps usually mentioned are Negredo and Rubedo which is the final step and why Philosopher's Stones in fiction are depicted red.

So the idea at the end of these theories is that Albedo will figure out rubedo. Or Rhinedottir will figure out rubedo. Or that Rhinedottir already figured out rubedo and holy smokes it's the Sustainer! -ahem- Anyway this is all intended to be used as a weapon against Celestia. Or as a misguided attempt at immortality or something.
Let's backtrack a second. The steps to make the stone: negredo, albedo, rubedo. What all this actually comes from is something called the Magnum Opus and wouldn't you know it when Rhinedottir ditched Albedo she left him a letter for Alice and also a book titled "Opus Magnum." Really localization team?
Anyway we all know how the story of Genshin is based on Gnosticism right? Why not add that into this alchemy thing?
Negredo is just fire. According to alchemy all physical matter in the world is impure. To make that Philosopher's Stone you need the Prima Materia the first material. So you'll need to take all this impure stuff and burn it away to leave only the pure pulp behind. That pulp is albedo. Albedo means white because the material is essentially spiritual light. (also called Lucifer lol) Now after you've gotten the prince of darkness out from under all that impure stuff you need to further refine it and that'll get you to rubedo.
So how does this relate to Gnosticism? Well Gnostics also believe that the physical world is impure. So to free our own selves from it we also need to find that spirituality and then refine it to reach gnosis. Humans are sometimes categorized between these steps for their potential to reach gnosis. At the bottom you have the purely physical hylics who are incapable of spiritual enlightenment. Notice the similarity here with hilichurls the cursed people who can never return to the Ley Lines. A step up from that are the normal humans or the psychics which doesn't actual mean psychic like we know it. It just means they have a mind so they are better than hylics. Finally you have the ones with real potential the pnematics. We'd probably define this word with relation to gas. Well one of the properties of gas compared to solids and liquids is that it is free flowing. It's not bound to a specific volume. In terms of Gnosticism that'd be like being free from your physical body.
Ultimately that's what I think Rhinedottir is really after but what exactly does that mean? Gnosis as it exists in Gnosticism isn't the same as in Genshin. So what is the Gnostic gnosis in Genshin? (this is where video one in my topic linked at the top comes in) Genshin isn't actually just based on Gnosticism. It's easiest to see when we get to regions known for it but there's a palpable inclusion of Buddhism and Taoism mixed into the game too. Real Gnostic gnosis is the same as nirvana in Buddhism and was likely inspired by it. (but also by other religions focused on a journey of spiritual discovery like our recent Sumeru and its Zoroastrianism)
Ok that's all well and good but what exactly does this mean? We actually already have hints about it. Sometimes it's part of those other theories but not in the way I'm thinking. So again if Buddhism is what we're going off of there's maybe an object to represent the Buddhist nirvana that equates to gnosis: The Chintamani or 如意宝珠 which is a jewel said to hold the wisdom of the Buddha.

And doesn't this jewel iconography work out nicely to be where miHoYo got their idea for the Genesis Pearl? And now we can bring that right back to alchemy as the Philosopher's Stone. (Furthermore I think in this way it may also be the Loom of Fate we heard about all the way back in We Will Be Reunited.)
There are plenty of theories on that last one too mostly suggesting that we'll be able to roll back Teyvat's timeline and fix what happened 500 years ago. I think it'll be much grander than that but I also base that off of the same thing they do: Mona tells us that fate cannot be changed, it can only be but accepted. And from the really early event Unreconciled Stars we know that the stars we're actually seeing aren't real. They are part of Celestia's false sky so exactly what can't be changed here?

So all of that is the same thing in the end at least to me. But it still doesn't explain the point does it? Ok we know the specific purpose for both the Genesis Pearl and a good guess on what the Loom of Fate will do. The loom is based on the real world loom in Greek mythology that weaves the fates of mortals and we're told by Dainsleif that we will one day reweave fate. The Genesis Pearl is what some princess from somewhere was supposed to get but failed so Venti now passed this task to us. While genesis could give us an idea about its purpose I think the Chinese makes it even easier. In Chinese the pearl is called 创世的珍珠 or the Pearl of World Creation based on the story of genesis in the Bible. Similar to reweaving fate for all individuals on Teyvat the Genesis Pearl seems to be pointing to our recreating the world.
Side Note: I am so sorry I seem to keep circling around the point but I hope you guys will see how knowing this information is key to understanding the why of it.
Ok so Rhinedottir's purpose. We know that while Khaenri'ah was still standing they weren't the biggest fans of gods. And then Rhinedottir and her forces attack all the god-fearing lands of Teyvat. The destruction itself is what I believe was negredo burning away the "impurities" of these gods from Teyvat. And that was the first step towards gaining the Loom of Fate or Genesis Pearl. Rhinedottir wants to reshape Teyvat so the power of the gods she's envious of can be hers. (and then she and her followers kinda tell the rest of Khaenri'ah that it's actually about how the gods have power they don't deserve)
But we can see she hasn't achieved that yet and if my theory is correct she never will. I'm pretty sure the people who read up on the Magnum Opus Albedo theory have been gritting their teeth at me because I've passed over a step: citrinitas. And now I can explain why.

We've known for some time that the actions of both the Tsaritsa and the Abyss are justified to an extent. We also know that they are both still wrong and that's why we oppose them in-game. (but there are players that have sided with them) And I think citrinitas can explain this very well.
Citrinitas is the step in between albedo and rubedo and it's sometimes ignored because of the abstract way this step (but also rubedo) is described. It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that nobody ever actually made a Philosopher's Stone. And that's what I think is going to happen in Genshin. Rhinedottir doesn't actually know how to get from Albedo to rubedo and her Genesis Pearl. And neither does Albedo but he's correctly predicted that he'll end up getting it wrong and losing control.
So what'll happen if my theory is correct is that Albedo will lose control once he's figured out how to get from his current albedo form into citrinitas. As it's described albedo is just the raw spiritual light. You need to further refine it (understand it) to create the gnosis-like understanding of rubedo. Citrinitas is an intermediate step where you turn the "lesser feminine" light of albedo into "stronger masculine" light and therefore can better grasp what you'd need to to get to rubedo.
And it'll be this vague concept that'll cause Albedo to jump the gun and transform into the monstrous "stronger masculine Lucifer" of citrinitas. And I think that'll be miHoYo's foray into the classic angelic boss in RPGs.

Now what does this mean for the game's story? This is to show how special our MC is. Rubedo, the gnosis, the Philosopher's Stone, Chintamani, the Genesis Pearl, the Loom of Fate isn't something just anybody can accomplish. Rhinedottir and Albedo will find that out when Albedo loses control. The Tsaritsa will also find this out with her method that we'll eventually see too.
And that'll set it up for our MC to actually figure out the secret to getting that rubedo step and obtaining the Genesis Pearl and the Loom of Fate. And then the way we'll "reweave fate" and "recreate the world" will be totally different from what's been said so far.
Short version:

  • Rhinedottir wants rubedo from the Magnum Opus because it can change the fate of Teyvat to one she prefers.
  • It's next to impossible to get rubedo just like how nobody was able to do it in real life.
  • So things will go wrong and we'll see that with Albedo who already predicted he'd lose control and he appointed us to stop him when it happens.
  • Ultimately we'll be the ones to get to rubedo which is the Genesis Pearl/Loom of Fate/gnosis in Gnosticism.
    So what do you guys think? Sound legit? Or totally bonkers?

〓Archon Quest "Requiem of the Echoing Depths" Unlinked From World Quest〓

The Archon Quest "Requiem of the Echoing Depths" requires Travelers to head to The Chasm: Underground Mines, but this location will be locked until Travelers have completed the corresponding World Quest that allows them to enter and continue pursuing the Archon Quest.

To ensure that Travelers have a smoother experience with the Archon Quest, from Version 4.3 onwards, "The Chasm Delvers" quest series will no longer be prerequisites for this Archon Quest. When you reach the objective "Enter The Chasm: Underground Mines" in the Archon Quest "In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion," a Teleport Waypoint will be automatically unlocked in The Chasm: Underground Mines so you can continue with the Archon Quest.

〓One-Click Features〓

▌Dispatching Characters on Expeditions

One-Click Expeditions will become available in Version 4.3. This will allow Travelers to claim Expedition Rewards with a single click, as well as repeat expeditions with a single click.

▌Ingredient Processing and Forging Screens

Aside from expeditions, you will also be able to claim processed ingredients and forged items that have been completed with a single click in Version 4.3.

▌Mystic Offering

When performing Mystic Offerings at Crafting Benches, you'll now be able to add multiple Artifacts in batches with a single click.

In future versions, you'll also be able to claim created Furnishings from the Creation Screen in the Serenitea Pot with a single click.

〓Optimized Artifact Management〓

As the journey goes on, the number of Artifact Sets you can collect will continue to increase. To help Travelers quickly find and manage Artifacts, a significant optimization has been made to the Artifacts filter function.

Automatic Locking and Quick Unlock functions have been added to the Inventory > Artifacts screen. Travelers can use these to automatically lock and unlock Artifacts according to the requirements they set.

Additionally, as a reference to help Travelers when choosing Artifacts, recommended Artifact set information based on recently active players will now be shown on characters' Artifacts screens.

For more details about Artifact management optimizations, please stay tuned for future official descriptions.

〓Optimized Enhancement Screens〓

In the current version of the game, when Travelers level up characters or enhance Weapons and Artifacts, a pop-up appears showing how the corresponding values changed before and after enhancement. In Version 4.3, enhancement information will be integrated into the original screen instead. This will make the enhancement experience smoother for Travelers by getting rid of the frequent pop-ups.

Apart from integrating enhancement information, there will also be some small targeted optimizations on these screens:

▌Character Level-Up Screen

The speed of interface special effects related to leveling up characters has been increased, and you can now use Auto Add to add sufficient Character EXP Materials to get the character up to the highest level they can reach before Ascension with a single click.

▌Artifact Enhancement Screen

Other optimizations:

  • You can now consume up to 15 items per time when enhancing Artifacts.
  • Added the "Enhance to Next Tier" function. Once activated, when there are still open slots to add Enhancement Materials but this action will already cause the Artifact to reach Level 4/8/12/16, no more additional - Enhancement Materials will be automatically added.
  • In Settings > Other, you can choose whether or not 5-Star Artifacts can be auto-added as Enhancement Materials.

Combined with the Automatic Locking function mentioned above, we hope that these changes will make managing 5-star Artifacts more convenient for Travelers.

▌Weapon Enhancement Screen

You can now consume up to 40 items per time when enhancing Weapons on, and select multiple materials when refining Weapons.

We hope that these optimizations make the enhancement experience smoother for Travelers.

〓Character Reload Spot When Challenging Domains Repeatedly〓

In Version 4.3, after entering the Domain or if you continue to challenge the Domain after claiming rewards, characters will reload nearer to the Domain challenge location. This means you won't have to run over from the Domain entrance to this location again.

〓Other Optimizations〓

To improve your gaming experience, some other optimizations will be implemented in Version 4.3. These include:

  • The way enemy avatars display in Adventurer Handbook: Enemies will be adjusted to help you find them. Also, you can now select "Cancel Navigation" on this screen to stop navigating towards the corresponding enemy on the map.

  • On the various creation screens (Crafting/Cooking/Forging/Create Furnishing), if there are no selected character records on the Traveler's device, the first character that can provide a bonus when creating the selected item will be chosen by default.

  • On the map screen, you'll now be able to check bosses' current remaining respawn times by clicking their avatars.


Awarded to a game for outstanding development of ongoing content that evolves the player experience over time.

  • Genshin Impact
  • Apex Legends
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Final Fantasy 14
  • Fortnite

A tranquil village and a bustling inn... a corner of Liyue brought to life in golden straw. If you get close enough, you might even catch a whiff of the countryside...


"She could feel joy, sorrow, and everything in between. She could be as vain and conceited, or as meek and vulnerable as she wished... As far as I'm concerned, her very imperfections are what make her perfect."
— A sinner's confession, full of love and regret.

◆ Name: Furina
◆ Title: Endless Solo of Solitude
◆ Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws
◆ ???: Hydro
◆ Constellation: Animula Choragi
Perpetual muse of chansons and rondeaux

As the voices of doubt have bubbled up like a torrent, she has been forced to adopt a higher-spirited and more unyielding demeanor in her defense.

But she must also continue to fulfill her duties at hand, and can't possibly let her weakness be exposed through the rise and fall of her emotions.

The advent of an impending disaster — long foretold by ancient prophecy — draws near. Faced with such times, what is a god to do? More than anyone else, she wishes she knew.

From an onlooker's perspective, she seems distracted and weary — but she waves this off as a simple lack of sleep. As the Regina, loved and respected by her people, how could she let such buzzing naysayers get to her?

No — no matter how chaotic and urgent things get, she can't allow herself to drop the ball now, nor can she let all those years of hard work come to nothing.

Beloved by all, the one and only star of this grand opera...

Whether lonely, helpless, in pain, or in sorrow, and even if it means taking all the misery of this world onto her shoulders...

Her will to protect the people of Fontaine — every last one of them — has never yet faltered.


A new Genshin Impact web event has some great loot, but you're going to have to look at some terrifying AI animation.


Happy 3rd Anniversary, Travelers!

The Genshin Impact Anniversary Party (CN) is set to premiere tomorrow, September 29th 21:00 (UTC+8) on Bilibili!

So please look forward to it!


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